use crate::errors::AuthError; use crate::models::User; use crate::schema::users::dsl as users; use argon2::verify_encoded; use diesel::prelude::*; use diesel::PgConnection; use hmac::{Hmac, NewMac}; use jwt::SignWithKey; use sha2::Sha256; use std::collections::HashMap; use chrono::Utc; /// Expire time for the JWT tokens in seconds. const JWT_EXP_SECONDS: i64 = 900; /// Amount of bytes the refresh tokens should consist of const REFRESH_TOKEN_N_BYTES: u32 = 64; pub fn verify_user(conn: &PgConnection, username: &str, password: &str) -> Result { // TODO handle non-"NotFound" Diesel errors accordingely let user = match users::users .filter(users::username.eq(username)) .first::(conn) { Err(_) => return Err(AuthError::UnknownUser), Ok(user) => user, }; match verify_encoded(user.password.as_str(), password.as_bytes()) { Ok(true) => Ok(user), _ => Err(AuthError::InvalidPassword), } } struct JWTResponse { token: String, refresh_token: String } pub fn generate_jwt_token(conn: &PgConnection, user: &User) -> JWTResponse { // TODO actually use proper secret here // TODO don't just unwrap here let key: Hmac = Hmac::new_from_slice(b"some-secret").unwrap(); // Create the claims let mut claims = HashMap::new(); claims.insert("id",; claims.insert("username", user.username); claims.insert("exp", (Utc::now().timestamp() + JWT_EXP_SECONDS).to_string()); // Sign the claims into a new token // TODO don't just unwrap here let token = claims.sign_with_key(&key).unwrap(); }