use chrono::Utc; use diesel::PgConnection; use hmac::{Hmac, NewMac}; use jwt::SignWithKey; use rand::{thread_rng, Rng}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use sha2::Sha256; use crate::{ db, errors::{RbError, RbResult}, RbJwtConf, }; #[derive(Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct JWTResponse { token: String, refresh_token: String, } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct Claims { pub id: uuid::Uuid, pub username: String, pub admin: bool, pub exp: i64, } pub fn generate_jwt_token( conn: &PgConnection, jwt: &RbJwtConf, user: &db::User, ) -> RbResult { let key: Hmac = Hmac::new_from_slice(jwt.key.as_bytes()) .map_err(|_| RbError::Custom("Couldn't create Hmac key."))?; let current_time = Utc::now(); // Create the claims let claims = Claims { id:, username: user.username.clone(), admin: user.admin, exp: current_time.timestamp() + jwt.refresh_token_expire, }; // Sign the claims into a new token let token = claims .sign_with_key(&key) .map_err(|_| RbError::Custom("Couldn't sign JWT."))?; // Generate a random refresh token let mut refresh_token = vec![0u8; jwt.refresh_token_size]; thread_rng().fill(&mut refresh_token[..]); let refresh_expire = (current_time + chrono::Duration::seconds(jwt.refresh_token_expire)).naive_utc(); // Store refresh token in database db::tokens::create( conn, &db::NewRefreshToken { token: refresh_token.to_vec(), user_id:, expires_at: refresh_expire, }, )?; Ok(JWTResponse { token, refresh_token: base64::encode(refresh_token), }) } pub fn refresh_token( conn: &PgConnection, jwt: &RbJwtConf, refresh_token: &str, ) -> RbResult { let token_bytes = base64::decode(refresh_token).map_err(|_| RbError::AuthInvalidRefreshToken)?; // First, we request the token from the database to see if it's really a valid token let (token_entry, user) = db::tokens::find_with_user(conn, &token_bytes).ok_or(RbError::AuthInvalidRefreshToken)?; // If we see that the token has already been used before, we block the user. if token_entry.last_used_at.is_some() { // If we fail to block the user, the end user must know if let Err(err) = db::users::block(conn, token_entry.user_id) { return Err(err); } return Err(RbError::AuthDuplicateRefreshToken); } // Then we check if the user is blocked if user.blocked { return Err(RbError::AuthBlockedUser); } // Now we check if the token has already expired let cur_time = Utc::now().naive_utc(); if token_entry.expires_at < cur_time { return Err(RbError::AuthTokenExpired); } // We update the last_used_at value for the refresh token db::tokens::update_last_used_at(conn, &token_entry.token, cur_time)?; generate_jwt_token(conn, jwt, &user) }