Renovate Bot created branch renovate/hyper-1.x in Chewing_Bever/site-backend
Renovate Bot pushed to renovate/hyper-1.x at Chewing_Bever/site-backend
- 3bcaac46ad chore(deps): update rust crate hyper to v1
Renovate Bot pushed to renovate/metrics-0.x at Chewing_Bever/site-backend
- 784357d833 chore(deps): update rust crate metrics to 0.22.0
Renovate Bot pushed to renovate/axum-0.x at Chewing_Bever/site-backend
- cb755f9b14 chore(deps): update rust crate axum to 0.7.0
Renovate Bot pushed to renovate/serde_json-1.x at Chewing_Bever/site-backend
- 6efcf55a4d chore(deps): update rust crate serde_json to 1.0.116
Renovate Bot pushed to renovate/tokio-1.x at Chewing_Bever/site-backend
- 248ffb4396 chore(deps): update rust crate tokio to 1.37.0
Renovate Bot pushed to renovate/serde_json-1.x at Chewing_Bever/site-backend
- 975d41540f chore(deps): update rust crate serde_json to 1.0.115
Renovate Bot pushed to renovate/axum-0.x at Chewing_Bever/site-backend
- 88e8a2b2d2 chore(deps): update rust crate axum to 0.7.5
Renovate Bot pushed to renovate/uuid-1.x at Chewing_Bever/site-backend
- 4665c3e718 chore(deps): update rust crate uuid to 1.8.0
Renovate Bot pushed to renovate/metrics-exporter-prometheus-0.x at Chewing_Bever/site-backend
- a694cbfc21 chore(deps): update rust crate metrics-exporter-prometheus to 0.14.0
Renovate Bot pushed to renovate/metrics-0.x at Chewing_Bever/site-backend
- 7ddbf33d7e chore(deps): update rust crate metrics to 0.22.3
Renovate Bot pushed to renovate/tower-http-0.x at Chewing_Bever/site-backend
- c10d9cd1aa chore(deps): update rust crate tower-http to 0.5.2
Renovate Bot pushed to renovate/serde_json-1.x at Chewing_Bever/site-backend
- fe198b5ab1 chore(deps): update rust crate serde_json to 1.0.114
Renovate Bot pushed to renovate/metrics-0.x at Chewing_Bever/site-backend
- 7812b32bca chore(deps): update rust crate metrics to 0.22.1
Renovate Bot pushed to renovate/metrics-exporter-prometheus-0.x at Chewing_Bever/site-backend
- 1c14804e39 chore(deps): update rust crate metrics-exporter-prometheus to 0.13.1
Renovate Bot pushed to renovate/tokio-1.x at Chewing_Bever/site-backend
- e491334a29 chore(deps): update rust crate tokio to 1.36.0
Renovate Bot pushed to renovate/serde_json-1.x at Chewing_Bever/site-backend
- 70bcd555c3 chore(deps): update rust crate serde_json to 1.0.113
Renovate Bot pushed to renovate/serde_json-1.x at Chewing_Bever/site-backend
- 88acf6ba44 chore(deps): update rust crate serde_json to 1.0.112
Renovate Bot commented on pull request vieter-v/vieter#352
chore(deps): update dependency middleman-syntax to v3.4.0 - autoclosed### ⚠ Artifact update problem Renovate failed to update an artifact related to this branch. You probably do not want to merge this PR as-is. ♻ Renovate will retry this branch, including…
Renovate Bot pushed to renovate/uuid-1.x at Chewing_Bever/site-backend
- f8fae6026f chore(deps): update rust crate uuid to 1.7.0