version: '3.4' services: app: image: '' build: context: paper args: - 'MC_VERSION=1.19.4' - 'PAPERMC_VERSION=550' # These are necessary to make the console work stdin_open: true tty: true deploy: mode: 'replicated' replicas: 1 placement: constraints: - 'node.labels.class.papermc==true' resources: limits: cpus: '4.0' environment: - 'ALEX_XMS=4096' - 'ALEX_XMX=8192' # Backups every 30 minutes stored for a day for quick rollback in case of crash # Daily full backups for 7 days for broader rollback if needed - 'ALEX_LAYERS=30min,30,1,48;daily,1440,7,1' ports: - '25565:25565' volumes: - 'config:/app/config' - 'worlds:/app/worlds' - 'backups:/app/backups' volumes: config: worlds: backups: