matrix: PLATFORM: - linux/amd64 - linux/arm64 - linux/arm/v7 # These checks already get performed on the feature branches branches: exclude: [ main, dev ] platform: ${PLATFORM} pipeline: # The default build isn't needed, as alpine switches to gcc for the compiler anyways debug: image: 'chewingbever/vlang:latest' group: 'build' commands: - make debug prod: image: 'chewingbever/vlang:latest' environment: - LDFLAGS=-lz -lbz2 -llzma -lexpat -lzstd -llz4 -static group: 'build' commands: - make prod # Make sure the binary is actually static - readelf -d pvieter - du -h pvieter - '[ "$(readelf -d pvieter | grep NEEDED | wc -l)" = 0 ]' # This removes so much, it's amazing - strip -s pvieter - du -h pvieter upload: image: 'alpine:latest' secrets: [ s3_username, s3_password ] commands: # We should just add this to the builder image instead - apk add curl openssl # - export - export OBJ_PATH="/vieter/commits/$CI_COMMIT_SHA/vieter-$(echo '${PLATFORM}' | sed 's:/:-:')" - export DATE=`date -R --utc` - export CONTENT_TYPE='application/zstd' - export SIG_STRING="PUT\n\n${CONTENT_TYPE}\n${DATE}\n${OBJ_PATH}" - export SIGNATURE=`echo -en ${SIG_STRING} | openssl sha1 -hmac ${S3_PASSWORD} -binary | base64` - > curl \ --silent \ -XPUT \ -T pvieter \ -H "Host: $URL" \ -H "Date: ${DATE}" \ -H "Content-Type: ${CONTENT_TYPE}" \ -H "Authorization: AWS ${S3_USERNAME}:${SIGNATURE}" \ https://$URL${OBJ_PATH}