matrix: PLATFORM: - linux/amd64 - linux/arm64 platform: ${PLATFORM} branches: [dev] pipeline: build: image: 'menci/archlinuxarm:base-devel' commands: # Add the vieter repository so we can use the compiler - echo -e '[vieter]\nServer =$repo/$arch\nSigLevel = Optional' >> /etc/pacman.conf # Update packages - pacman -Syu --noconfirm # Create non-root user to perform build & switch to their home - groupadd -g 1000 builder - useradd -mg builder builder - chown -R builder:builder "$PWD" - "echo 'builder ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' >> /etc/sudoers" - su builder # Build the package - makepkg -s --noconfirm --needed publish: image: 'curlimages/curl' commands: # Publish the package - 'for pkg in $(ls -1 *.pkg*); do curl -XPOST -T "$pkg" -H "X-API-KEY: $VIETER_API_KEY"; done' secrets: - vieter_api_key