
129 lines
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module conf
import os
import toml
import datatypes { Set }
// get_env_var tries to read the contents of the given environment variable. It
// looks for either `${env.prefix}${field_name.to_upper()}` or
// `${env.prefix}${field_name.to_upper()}${env.file_suffix}`, returning the
// contents of the file instead if the latter. If both or neither exist, the
// function returns an error.
fn get_env_var(prefix string, field_name string, file_suffix string) !string {
env_var_name := '$prefix$field_name.to_upper()'
env_file_name := '$prefix$field_name.to_upper()$file_suffix'
env_var := os.getenv(env_var_name)
env_file := os.getenv(env_file_name)
// If both are missing, we return an empty string
if env_var == '' && env_file == '' {
return ''
// If they're both set, we report a conflict
if env_var != '' && env_file != '' {
return error('Only one of $env_var_name or $env_file_name can be defined.')
// If it's the env var itself, we return it.
// I'm pretty sure this also prevents variable ending in _FILE (e.g.
// VIETER_LOG_FILE) from being mistakingely read as an _FILE suffixed env
// var.
if env_var != '' {
return env_var
// Otherwise, we process the file
return os.read_file(env_file) or {
error('Failed to read file defined in $env_file_name: ${err.msg()}.')
pub struct LoadConfig {
prefix string
file_suffix string = '_FILE'
default_path string
// load<T> attempts to create an object of type T from the given path to a toml
// file & environment variables. For each field, it will select either a value
// given from an environment variable, a value defined in the config file or a
// configured default if present, in that order.
pub fn load<T>(conf LoadConfig) !T {
mut res := T{}
// This array allows us to determine later whether the variable is actually
// zero or just a null'ed struct field
mut has_value := Set<string>{}
// Later, this could be read from an env var as well.
path := conf.default_path
if os.exists(path) {
// We don't use reflect here because reflect also sets any fields not
// in the toml back to their zero value, which we don't want
doc := toml.parse_file(path)!
$for field in T.fields {
s := doc.value(
if s !is toml.Null {
$if field.typ is string {
res.$( = s.string()
} $else $if field.typ is int {
res.$( =
// This seems to not work in V 0.3.2
//} $else {
// $compile_error('Unsupported config struct field type detected.')
$for field in T.fields {
env_value := get_env_var(conf.prefix,, conf.file_suffix)!
// The value of an env var will always take precedence over the toml
// file.
if env_value != '' {
$if field.typ is string {
res.$( = env_value
} $else $if field.typ is int {
res.$( =
// This seems to not work in V 0.3.2
//} $else {
// $compile_error('Unsupported config struct field type detected.')
// Finally, if there's no env var present either, we check whether the
// variable has a default value
if !has_value.exists( {
mut has_default := false
$if field.typ is string {
has_default = res.$( != ''
} $else $if field.typ is int {
has_default = res.$( != 0
if has_default {
// If there's no value provided in any way, we notify the user with an
// error.
if !has_value.exists( {
return error("Missing config variable '$' with no provided default. Either add it to the config file or provide it using an environment variable.")
return res