refactor: compile using V 0.3.2
@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ mut:
// new_conn creates a new connection to the Docker daemon.
pub fn new_conn() ?&DockerConn {
s := unix.connect_stream(docker.socket)?
pub fn new_conn() !&DockerConn {
s := unix.connect_stream(docker.socket)!
d := &DockerConn{
socket: s
@ -36,27 +36,27 @@ pub fn new_conn() ?&DockerConn {
// close closes the underlying socket connection.
pub fn (mut d DockerConn) close() ? {
pub fn (mut d DockerConn) close() ! {
// send_request sends an HTTP request without body.
fn (mut d DockerConn) send_request(method http.Method, url_str string) ? {
url := urllib.parse('/$docker.api_version$url_str')?
fn (mut d DockerConn) send_request(method http.Method, url_str string) ! {
url := urllib.parse('/$docker.api_version$url_str')!
req := '$method $url.request_uri() HTTP/1.1\nHost: localhost\n\n'
// When starting a new request, the reader needs to be reset.
d.reader = io.new_buffered_reader(reader: d.socket)
// send_request_with_body sends an HTTP request with the given body.
fn (mut d DockerConn) send_request_with_body(method http.Method, url_str string, content_type string, body string) ? {
url := urllib.parse('/$docker.api_version$url_str')?
fn (mut d DockerConn) send_request_with_body(method http.Method, url_str string, content_type string, body string) ! {
url := urllib.parse('/$docker.api_version$url_str')!
req := '$method $url.request_uri() HTTP/1.1\nHost: localhost\nContent-Type: $content_type\nContent-Length: $body.len\n\n$body\n\n'
// When starting a new request, the reader needs to be reset.
d.reader = io.new_buffered_reader(reader: d.socket)
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ fn (mut d DockerConn) send_request_with_body(method http.Method, url_str string,
// send_request_with_json<T> is a convenience wrapper around
// send_request_with_body that encodes the input as JSON.
fn (mut d DockerConn) send_request_with_json<T>(method http.Method, url_str string, data &T) ? {
fn (mut d DockerConn) send_request_with_json<T>(method http.Method, url_str string, data &T) ! {
body := json.encode(data)
return d.send_request_with_body(method, url_str, 'application/json', body)
@ -74,17 +74,17 @@ fn (mut d DockerConn) send_request_with_json<T>(method http.Method, url_str stri
// '\r\n\r\n', after which it parses the response as an HTTP response.
// Importantly, this function never consumes the reader past the HTTP
// separator, so the body can be read fully later on.
fn (mut d DockerConn) read_response_head() ?http.Response {
fn (mut d DockerConn) read_response_head() !http.Response {
mut res := []u8{}
util.read_until_separator(mut d.reader, mut res, docker.http_separator)?
util.read_until_separator(mut d.reader, mut res, docker.http_separator)!
return http.parse_response(res.bytestr())
// read_response_body reads `length` bytes from the stream. It can be used when
// the response encoding isn't chunked to fully read it.
fn (mut d DockerConn) read_response_body(length int) ?string {
fn (mut d DockerConn) read_response_body(length int) !string {
if length == 0 {
return ''
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ fn (mut d DockerConn) read_response_body(length int) ?string {
for builder.len < length {
c = buf) or { break }
return builder.str()
@ -105,34 +105,34 @@ fn (mut d DockerConn) read_response_body(length int) ?string {
// read_response is a convenience function which always consumes the entire
// response & returns it. It should only be used when we're certain that the
// result isn't too large.
fn (mut d DockerConn) read_response() ?(http.Response, string) {
head := d.read_response_head()?
fn (mut d DockerConn) read_response() !(http.Response, string) {
head := d.read_response_head()!
if head.header.get(http.CommonHeader.transfer_encoding) or { '' } == 'chunked' {
mut builder := strings.new_builder(1024)
mut body := d.get_chunked_response_reader()
util.reader_to_writer(mut body, mut builder)?
util.reader_to_writer(mut body, mut builder)!
return head, builder.str()
content_length := head.header.get(http.CommonHeader.content_length)?.int()
res := d.read_response_body(content_length)?
content_length := head.header.get(http.CommonHeader.content_length)!.int()
res := d.read_response_body(content_length)!
return head, res
fn (mut d DockerConn) read_json_response<T>() ?T {
head, body := d.read_response()?
fn (mut d DockerConn) read_json_response<T>() !T {
head, body := d.read_response()!
if head.status_code < 200 || head.status_code > 300 {
data := json.decode(DockerError, body)?
data := json.decode(DockerError, body)!
return docker_error(head.status_code, data.message)
mut data := json.decode(T, body)?
mut data := json.decode(T, body)!
//$for field in T.fields {
//$if field.typ is time.Time {
@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ pub fn new_chunked_response_reader(reader io.BufferedReader) &ChunkedResponseRea
// read satisfies the io.Reader interface.
pub fn (mut r ChunkedResponseReader) read(mut buf []u8) ?int {
pub fn (mut r ChunkedResponseReader) read(mut buf []u8) !int {
if r.bytes_left_in_chunk == 0 {
// An io.BufferedReader always returns none if its stream has
// ended.
r.bytes_left_in_chunk = r.read_chunk_size()?
r.bytes_left_in_chunk = r.read_chunk_size()!
mut c := 0
@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ pub fn (mut r ChunkedResponseReader) read(mut buf []u8) ?int {
// Make sure we don't read more than we can safely read. This is to avoid
// the underlying reader from becoming out of sync with our parsing:
if buf.len > r.bytes_left_in_chunk {
c = buf[..r.bytes_left_in_chunk])?
c = buf[..r.bytes_left_in_chunk])!
} else {
c = buf)?
c = buf)!
r.bytes_left_in_chunk -= u64(c)
@ -50,21 +50,21 @@ pub fn (mut r ChunkedResponseReader) read(mut buf []u8) ?int {
// read_chunk_size advances the reader & reads the size of the next HTTP chunk.
// This function should only be called if the previous chunk has been
// completely consumed.
fn (mut r ChunkedResponseReader) read_chunk_size() ?u64 {
fn (mut r ChunkedResponseReader) read_chunk_size() !u64 {
if r.started {
mut buf := []u8{len: 2}
// Each chunk ends with a `\r\n` which we want to skip first
|||| buf)?
|||| buf)!
r.started = true
mut res := []u8{}
util.read_until_separator(mut r.reader, mut res, http_chunk_separator)?
util.read_until_separator(mut r.reader, mut res, http_chunk_separator)!
// The length of the next chunk is provided as a hexadecimal
mut num_data := hex.decode(res#[..-2].bytestr())?
mut num_data := hex.decode(res#[..-2].bytestr())!
for num_data.len < 8 {
num_data.insert(0, 0)
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ fn (mut r ChunkedResponseReader) read_chunk_size() ?u64 {
// This only occurs for the very last chunk, which always reports a size of
// 0.
if num == 0 {
return none
return error('end of stream')
return num
@ -100,17 +100,17 @@ pub fn new_stream_format_reader(reader ChunkedResponseReader) &StreamFormatReade
// read satisfies the io.Reader interface.
pub fn (mut r StreamFormatReader) read(mut buf []u8) ?int {
pub fn (mut r StreamFormatReader) read(mut buf []u8) !int {
if r.bytes_left_in_chunk == 0 {
r.bytes_left_in_chunk = r.read_chunk_size()?
r.bytes_left_in_chunk = r.read_chunk_size()!
mut c := 0
if buf.len > r.bytes_left_in_chunk {
c = buf[..r.bytes_left_in_chunk])?
c = buf[..r.bytes_left_in_chunk])!
} else {
c = buf)?
c = buf)!
r.bytes_left_in_chunk -= u32(c)
@ -120,15 +120,15 @@ pub fn (mut r StreamFormatReader) read(mut buf []u8) ?int {
// read_chunk_size advances the reader & reads the header bytes for the length
// of the next chunk.
fn (mut r StreamFormatReader) read_chunk_size() ?u32 {
fn (mut r StreamFormatReader) read_chunk_size() !u32 {
mut buf := []u8{len: 8}
|||| buf)?
|||| buf)!
num := binary.big_endian_u32(buf[4..])
if num == 0 {
return none
return error('end of stream')
return num
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module util
import io
// reader_to_writer tries to consume the entire reader & write it to the writer.
pub fn reader_to_writer(mut reader io.Reader, mut writer io.Writer) ? {
pub fn reader_to_writer(mut reader io.Reader, mut writer io.Writer) ! {
mut buf := []u8{len: 10 * 1024}
for {
@ -39,11 +39,11 @@ pub fn match_array_in_array<T>(a1 []T, a2 []T) int {
// read_until_separator consumes an io.Reader until it encounters some
// separator array. The data read is stored inside the provided res array.
pub fn read_until_separator(mut reader io.Reader, mut res []u8, sep []u8) ? {
pub fn read_until_separator(mut reader io.Reader, mut res []u8, sep []u8) ! {
mut buf := []u8{len: sep.len}
for {
c := buf)?
c := buf)!
res << buf[..c]
match_len := match_array_in_array(buf[..c], sep)
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ pub fn read_until_separator(mut reader io.Reader, mut res []u8, sep []u8) ? {
if match_len > 0 {
match_left := sep.len - match_len
c2 := buf[..match_left])?
c2 := buf[..match_left])!
res << buf[..c2]
if buf[..c2] == sep[match_len..] {
Reference in New Issue