module docker import net.http import net.urllib import io import json fn (mut d DockerConn) request(method http.Method, url string) { d.method = method d.url = url d.content_type = '' d.body = '' d.params.clear() } fn (mut d DockerConn) body(content_type string, body string) { d.content_type = content_type d.body = body } fn (mut d DockerConn) body_json[T](data T) { d.content_type = 'application/json' d.body = json.encode(data) } fn (mut d DockerConn) params[T](o T) { $if T is map[string]string { for key, value in o { d.params[key] = urllib.query_escape(value.replace("'", '"')) } } $else { $for field in T.fields { v := o.$( if !isnil(v) { d.params[] = urllib.query_escape(v.str().replace("'", '"')) } } } } fn (mut d DockerConn) send() ! { mut full_url := d.url if d.params.len > 0 { params_str := d.params.keys().map('${it}=${d.params[it]}').join('&') full_url += '?${params_str}' } // This is to make sure we actually created a valid URL parsed_url := urllib.parse(full_url)! final_url := parsed_url.request_uri() req := if d.body == '' { '${d.method} ${final_url} HTTP/1.1\nHost: localhost\n\n' } else { '${d.method} ${final_url} HTTP/1.1\nHost: localhost\nContent-Type: ${d.content_type}\nContent-Length: ${d.body.len}\n\n${d.body}\n\n' } d.socket.write_string(req)! // When starting a new request, the reader needs to be reset. d.reader = io.new_buffered_reader(reader: d.socket) }