# Roadmap This file keeps track of which parts of the Docker Engine API v1.41 are currently supported. Note that in-development support is not listed here, so as long as the full functionality isn't supported, it won't be noted. This list was taking from the [API reference](https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/v1.41/). * Containers - [x] List containers - [ ] Create a container - [ ] Inspect a container - [ ] List processes running inside a container - [ ] Get container logs - [ ] Get changes on a container’s filesystem - [ ] Export a container - [ ] Get container stats based on resource usage - [ ] Resize a container TTY - [ ] Start a container - [ ] Stop a container - [ ] Restart a container - [ ] Kill a container - [ ] Update a container - [ ] Rename a container - [ ] Pause a container - [ ] Unpause a container - [ ] Attach to a container - [ ] Attach to a container via a websocket - [ ] Wait for a container - [ ] Remove a container - [ ] Get information about files in a container - [ ] Get an archive of a filesystem resource in a container - [ ] Extract an archive of files or folders to a directory in a container - [ ] Delete stopped containers * Images - [ ] List images - [ ] Build an image - [ ] Delete builder cache - [ ] Create an image - [ ] Inspect an image - [ ] Get the history of an image - [ ] Push an image - [x] Tag an image - [ ] Remove an image - [ ] Search images - [ ] Delete unused images - [ ] Create a new image from a container - [ ] Export an image - [ ] Export several images - [ ] Import images * Networks - [ ] List networks - [ ] Inspect a network - [ ] Remove a network - [ ] Create a network - [ ] Connect a container to a network - [ ] Disconnect a container from a network - [ ] Delete unused networks * Volumes - [x] List volumes - [ ] Create a volume - [ ] Inspect a volume - [ ] Remove a volume - [ ] Delete unused volumes * Exec - [ ] Create an exec instance - [ ] Start an exec instance - [ ] Resize an exec instance - [ ] Inspect an exec instance * Swarm - [ ] Inspect swarm - [ ] Initialize a new swarm - [ ] Join an existing swarm - [ ] Leave a swarm - [ ] Update a swarm - [ ] Get the unlock key - [ ] Unlock a locked manager * Nodes - [ ] List nodes - [ ] Inspect a node - [ ] Delete a node - [ ] Update a node * Services - [ ] List services - [ ] Create a service - [ ] Inspect a service - [ ] Delete a service - [ ] Update a service - [ ] Get service logs * Tasks - [ ] List tasks - [ ] Inspect a task - [ ] Get task logs * Secrets - [ ] List secrets - [ ] Create a secret - [ ] Inspect a secret - [ ] Delete a secret - [ ] Update a secret * Configs - [ ] List configs - [ ] Create a config - [ ] Inspect a config - [ ] Delete a config - [ ] Update a config * Plugins - [ ] List plugins - [ ] Get plugin privileges - [ ] Install a plugin - [ ] Inspect a plugin - [ ] Remove a plugin - [ ] Enable a plugin - [ ] Disable a plugin - [ ] Upgrade a plugin - [ ] Create a plugin - [ ] Push a plugin - [ ] Configure a plugin * System - [ ] Check auth configuration - [ ] Get system information - [ ] Get version - [ ] Ping - [ ] Monitor events - [ ] Get data usage information * Distribution - [ ] Get image information from the registry * Session - [ ] Initialize interactive session