2019-08-30 17:19:06 +00:00
/* 1 */ struct A { mut: v int }
/* 2 */ struct B { a A }
/* 3 */ struct C { mut: b B }
/* 4 */ struct D { mut: c C }
/* 5 */ struct E { mut: v []int }
/* 6 */ struct F { e []E }
/* 7 */ mut s := 'hello world'
/*( 8)*/ s.len = 0 // Error (field len immutable)
/* 8 */ mut b := B{}
/*( 9)*/ b.a.v = 1 // Error (field a immutable)
/*( 9)*/ b.a = A{} // Error (field a immutable)
/* 9 */ b = B{A{2}} // Correct
/* 10 */ mut c := C{}
/* 11 */ c.b = B{} // Correct
/*(12)*/ c.b.a = A{} // Error (field a immutable)
/*(12)*/ c.b.a.v = 1 // Error (field a immutable)
/* 12 */ c2 := C{}
/*(13)*/ c2.b = B{} // Error (c2 immutable)
/* 13 */ mut d := D{}
/* 14 */ d.c.b = B{} // Correct
/* 15 */ mut f := F{}
/*(16)*/ f.e << E{} // Error (field e immutable)
/*(16)*/ f.e[0].v << 1 // Error (field e immutable)
/* 16 */ e := E{}
/*(17)*/ e.v << 1 // Error (e immutable)
2019-10-06 14:21:10 +00:00
.vrepl_temp.v:27:14: cannot modify immutable field `len` (type `string`)
2019-08-30 17:19:06 +00:00
declare the field with `mut:`
struct string {
len int
2019-10-06 14:21:10 +00:00
.vrepl_temp.v:30:14: cannot modify immutable field `a` (type `B`)
2019-08-30 17:19:06 +00:00
declare the field with `mut:`
struct B {
a A
2019-10-06 14:21:10 +00:00
.vrepl_temp.v:29:12: cannot modify immutable field `a` (type `B`)
2019-08-30 17:19:06 +00:00
declare the field with `mut:`
struct B {
a A
2019-10-06 14:21:10 +00:00
.vrepl_temp.v:41:14: cannot modify immutable field `a` (type `B`)
2019-08-30 17:19:06 +00:00
declare the field with `mut:`
struct B {
a A
2019-10-06 14:21:10 +00:00
.vrepl_temp.v:42:16: cannot modify immutable field `a` (type `B`)
2019-08-30 17:19:06 +00:00
declare the field with `mut:`
struct B {
a A
2019-10-06 14:21:10 +00:00
.vrepl_temp.v:44:15: `c2` is immutable
.vrepl_temp.v:53:12: cannot modify immutable field `e` (type `F`)
2019-08-30 17:19:06 +00:00
declare the field with `mut:`
struct F {
e []E
2019-10-06 14:21:10 +00:00
.vrepl_temp.v:54:17: cannot modify immutable field `e` (type `F`)
2019-08-30 17:19:06 +00:00
declare the field with `mut:`
struct F {
e []E
2019-10-06 14:21:10 +00:00
.vrepl_temp.v:57:17: `e` is immutable (can't <<)