2021-01-06 14:43:54 +00:00
module main
import os
import x.websocket
import term
// This client should be compiled an run in different konsoles
// it connects to the server who will broadcast your messages
// to all other connected clients
fn main() {
mut ws := start_client() ?
println(term.green('client $ws.id ready'))
println('Write message and enter to send...')
for {
line := os.get_line()
if line == '' {
ws.close(1000, 'normal') or {
println(term.red('panicing $err'))
unsafe {
fn start_client() ?&websocket.Client {
mut ws := websocket.new_client('ws://localhost:30000')?
// mut ws := websocket.new_client('wss://echo.websocket.org:443')?
// use on_open_ref if you want to send any reference object
ws.on_open(fn (mut ws websocket.Client) ? {
println(term.green('websocket connected to the server and ready to send messages...'))
// use on_error_ref if you want to send any reference object
ws.on_error(fn (mut ws websocket.Client, err string) ? {
println(term.red('error: $err'))
// use on_close_ref if you want to send any reference object
ws.on_close(fn (mut ws websocket.Client, code int, reason string) ? {
println(term.green('the connection to the server successfully closed'))
// on new messages from other clients, display them in blue text
ws.on_message(fn (mut ws websocket.Client, msg &websocket.Message) ? {
if msg.payload.len > 0 {
message := msg.payload.bytestr()
ws.connect() or {
println(term.red('error on connect: $err'))
go ws.listen() or {
println(term.red('error on listen $err'))
return ws
2021-01-23 09:25:40 +00:00