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2020-11-24 22:52:23 +01:00
module builtin
// used to generate JS throw statements.
2020-11-24 22:52:23 +01:00
pub fn js_throw(s any) {
#throw s
for {}
2020-11-24 22:52:23 +01:00
2021-09-03 13:13:36 +02:00
#let globalPrint;
$if js_freestanding {
2021-09-03 13:13:36 +02:00
#globalPrint = globalThis.print
pub fn println(s string) {
$if js_freestanding {
} $else {
pub fn print(s string) {
$if js_node {
} $else {
panic('Cannot `print` in a browser, use `println` instead')
pub fn eprintln(s string) {
$if js_freestanding {
} $else {
pub fn eprint(s string) {
$if js_node {
} $else {
panic('Cannot `eprint` in a browser, use `println` instead')
// Exits the process in node, and halts execution in the browser
// because `process.exit` is undefined. Workaround for not having
// a 'real' way to exit in the browser.
pub fn exit(c int) {
fn opt_ok(data voidptr, option Option) {
#option.state = 0
#option.err = none__
#option.data = data
pub fn unwrap(opt string) string {
mut o := Option{}
#o = opt
if o.state != 0 {
mut res := ''
#res = opt.data
return res
fn js_stacktrace() string {
stacktrace := ''
#let err = new TypeError();
#err.name = 'stacktrace: '
#stacktrace.str = err.stack
return stacktrace
pub fn print_backtrace() {
// Check for nil value
pub fn isnil(val voidptr) bool {
res := false
// This one is kinda weird. In C and native backend we can cast booleans and integers to pointers
// so we just check *for* all possible NULL-like values here.
#val = val.valueOf()
#res.val = val === null || val === undefined || val === false || val === 0 || val === BigInt(0)
return res
pub fn (f float_literal) str() string {
res := ''
#res.str += f.valueOf()
return res
pub fn tof64(n JS.Number) f64 {
res := f64(0.0)
#res.val = n;
return res
pub fn tof32(n JS.Number) f32 {
res := f32(0.0)
#res.val = n;
return res
pub fn toi(n JS.Number) int {
res := int(0)
#res.val = Math.floor(n);
return res
pub fn f64tonum(n f64) JS.Number {
mut res := JS.Number{}
#res = n.val;
return res
pub fn itonum(n int) JS.Number {
mut res := JS.Number{}
#res = n.val;
return res
pub fn i64tobigint(n i64) JS.BigInt {
mut res := JS.BigInt{}
#res = n.val;
return res
pub fn u64tobigint(n u64) JS.BigInt {
mut res := JS.BigInt{}
#res = n.val;
return res
pub fn tobool(b JS.Boolean) bool {
res := false
#res.val = b;
return res
pub fn booltojs(b bool) JS.Boolean {
mut res := JS.Boolean{}
#res = b.val;
return res