
182 lines
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module cli
import time
fn man_flag() Flag {
return Flag{
flag: .bool
name: 'man'
description: 'Prints the auto-generated manpage.'
fn man_cmd() Command {
return Command{
name: 'man'
usage: '<subcommand>'
description: 'Prints the auto-generated manpage.'
execute: print_manpage_for_command
// print_manpage_for_command prints the manpage for the
// command or subcommand in `man_cmd` to stdout
pub fn print_manpage_for_command(man_cmd Command) ? {
if man_cmd.args.len > 0 {
mut cmd := man_cmd.parent
for arg in man_cmd.args {
mut found := false
for sub_cmd in cmd.commands {
if sub_cmd.name == arg {
cmd = unsafe { &sub_cmd }
found = true
if !found {
args := man_cmd.args.join(' ')
println('Invalid command: $args')
} else {
if man_cmd.parent != 0 {
// manpage returns a `string` containing the mdoc(7) manpage for
// this `Command`
pub fn (cmd Command) manpage() string {
mut mdoc := '.Dd ${time.now().strftime('%B %d, %Y')}\n'
mdoc += '.Dt ${cmd.full_name().replace(' ', '-').to_upper()} 1\n'
mdoc += '.Os\n.Sh NAME\n.Nm ${cmd.full_name().replace(' ', '-')}\n.Nd $cmd.description\n'
mdoc += '.Sh SYNOPSIS\n'
mdoc += '.Nm $cmd.root().name\n'
if cmd.parent != 0 {
mut parents := []Command{}
if !cmd.parent.is_root() {
for {
p := parents[0]
if p.parent.is_root() {
} else {
for c in parents {
mdoc += '.Ar $c.name\n'
mdoc += '.Ar $cmd.name\n'
for flag in cmd.flags {
mdoc += '.Op'
if flag.abbrev != '' {
mdoc += ' Fl $flag.abbrev'
} else {
if cmd.posix_mode {
mdoc += ' Fl -$flag.name'
} else {
mdoc += ' Fl $flag.name'
match flag.flag {
.int, .float, .int_array, .float_array { mdoc += ' Ar num' }
.string, .string_array { mdoc += ' Ar string' }
else {}
mdoc += '\n'
for i in 0 .. cmd.required_args {
mdoc += '.Ar arg$i\n'
if cmd.commands.len > 0 {
mdoc += '.Nm $cmd.root().name\n'
if cmd.parent != 0 {
mut parents := []Command{}
if !cmd.parent.is_root() {
for {
p := parents[0]
if p.parent.is_root() {
} else {
for c in parents {
mdoc += '.Ar $c.name\n'
mdoc += '.Ar $cmd.name\n'
mdoc += '.Ar subcommand\n'
mdoc += '.Sh DESCRIPTION\n'
if cmd.man_description != '' {
mdoc += '$cmd.man_description\n'
} else if cmd.description != '' {
mdoc += '$cmd.description\n'
if cmd.flags.len > 0 {
mdoc += '.Pp\nThe options are as follows:\n'
mdoc += '.Bl -tag -width indent\n'
for flag in cmd.flags {
mdoc += '.It'
if flag.abbrev != '' {
mdoc += ' Fl $flag.abbrev'
if cmd.posix_mode {
mdoc += ' Fl -$flag.name'
} else {
mdoc += ' Fl $flag.name'
mdoc += '\n'
if flag.description != '' {
mdoc += '$flag.description\n'
mdoc += '.El\n'
if cmd.commands.len > 0 {
mdoc += '.Pp\nThe subcommands are as follows:\n'
mdoc += '.Bl -tag -width indent\n'
for c in cmd.commands {
mdoc += '.It Cm $c.name\n'
if c.description != '' {
mdoc += '$c.description\n'
mdoc += '.El\n'
if cmd.commands.len > 0 {
mdoc += '.Sh SEE ALSO\n'
mut cmds := []string{}
if cmd.parent != 0 {
cmds << cmd.parent.full_name().replace(' ', '-')
for c in cmd.commands {
cmds << c.full_name().replace(' ', '-')
mut i := 1
for c in cmds {
mdoc += '.Xr $c 1'
if i == cmds.len {
mdoc += '\n'
} else {
mdoc += ' ,\n'
return mdoc