2020-06-07 15:08:31 +00:00
import os
2020-06-07 13:44:33 +00:00
import pg
2020-06-07 15:08:31 +00:00
import term
2020-06-07 13:44:33 +00:00
2019-08-09 16:10:59 +00:00
struct Modules {
2020-06-07 13:44:33 +00:00
id int
user_id int
name string
2019-08-02 04:57:35 +00:00
url string
2020-06-07 13:44:33 +00:00
//nr_downloads int
2019-08-02 04:57:35 +00:00
fn test_orm() {
2020-06-07 15:08:31 +00:00
dbname := os.getenv('VDB_NAME')
dbuser := os.getenv('VDB_USER')
if dbname == '' || dbuser == '' {
eprintln(term.red('NB: this test requires VDB_NAME and VDB_USER env variables to be set'))
db := pg.connect(dbname: dbname, user: dbuser) or { panic(err) }
2020-06-07 13:44:33 +00:00
//nr_modules := db.select count from modules
//nr_modules := db.select count from Modules where id == 1
nr_modules := db.select count from Modules where
name == 'Bob' && id == 1
mod := db.select from Modules where id = 1 limit 1
mods := db.select from Modules limit 10
for mod in mods {
mod := db.retrieve<Module>(1)
mod := db.update Module set name = name + '!' where id > 10
nr_modules := db.select count from Modules
where id > 1 && name == ''
nr_modules := db.select count from modules
nr_modules := db.select from modules
nr_modules := db[:modules].select
mod := select from db.modules where id = 1 limit 1
top_mods := select from db.modules where nr_downloads > 1000 order by nr_downloads desc limit 10
top_mods := db.select from modules where nr_downloads > 1000 order by nr_downloads desc limit 10
top_mods := db.select<Module>(m => m.nr_downloads > 1000).order_by(m => m.nr_downloads).desc().limit(10)
names := select name from db.modules // []string
n := db.q_int('select count(*) from modules')