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2021-09-24 20:13:52 +02:00
import os
import toml
// Instructions for developers:
// The actual tests and data can be obtained by doing:
// `cd vlib/toml/tests/testdata`
// `git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/BurntSushi/toml-test.git burntsushi/toml-test`
// See also the CI toml tests
// TODO Goal: make parsing AND value retrieval of all of https://github.com/BurntSushi/toml-test/test/ pass
const (
valid_exceptions = [
invalid_exceptions = [
// String
// Encoding
// Table
// Array
// Date / Time
// Inline table
2021-09-24 20:13:52 +02:00
// Key
// test_burnt_sushi_tomltest run though 'testdata/burntsushi/toml-test/*' if found.
fn test_burnt_sushi_tomltest() {
this_file := @FILE
test_root := os.join_path(os.dir(this_file), 'testdata', 'burntsushi', 'toml-test',
if os.is_dir(test_root) {
valid_test_files := os.walk_ext(os.join_path(test_root, 'valid'), '.toml')
println('Testing $valid_test_files.len valid TOML files...')
mut valid := 0
mut e := 0
for i, valid_test_file in valid_test_files {
relative := valid_test_file.all_after(os.join_path('toml-test', 'tests', 'valid')).trim_left(os.path_separator)
if relative !in valid_exceptions {
println('OK [$i/$valid_test_files.len] "$valid_test_file"...')
toml_doc := toml.parse_file(valid_test_file) or { panic(err) }
// parsed_json := toml_doc.to_json().replace(' ','')
// mut test_suite_json := os.read_file(valid_test_file.all_before_last('.')+'.json') or { panic(err) }
// test_suite_json = test_suite_json.replace('\n ','').replace(' ','')
// println(test_suite_json.replace('\n ','').replace(' ',''))
// assert parsed_json == test_suite_json
} else {
println('SKIP [$i/$valid_test_files.len] "$valid_test_file" EXCEPTION [$e/$valid_exceptions.len]...')
println('$valid/$valid_test_files.len TOML files was parsed correctly')
if valid_exceptions.len > 0 {
println('TODO Skipped parsing of $valid_exceptions.len valid TOML files...')
// NOTE uncomment to see list of skipped files
// assert false
// TODO test cases where the parser should fail
invalid_test_files := os.walk_ext(os.join_path(test_root, 'invalid'), '.toml')
println('Testing $invalid_test_files.len invalid TOML files...')
mut invalid := 0
e = 0
for i, invalid_test_file in invalid_test_files {
relative := invalid_test_file.all_after(os.join_path('toml-test', 'tests',
if relative !in invalid_exceptions {
println('OK [$i/$invalid_test_files.len] "$invalid_test_file"...')
if toml_doc := toml.parse_file(invalid_test_file) {
2021-09-29 18:28:09 +02:00
content_that_should_have_failed := os.read_file(invalid_test_file) or {
println(' This TOML should have failed:\n${'-'.repeat(40)}\n$content_that_should_have_failed\n${'-'.repeat(40)}')
2021-09-24 20:13:52 +02:00
assert false
} else {
println(' $err.msg')
assert true // err.msg == 'your error'
} else {
println('SKIP [$i/$invalid_test_files.len] "$invalid_test_file" EXCEPTION [$e/$invalid_exceptions.len]...')
println('$invalid/$invalid_test_files.len TOML files was parsed correctly')
if invalid_exceptions.len > 0 {
println('TODO Skipped parsing of $invalid_exceptions.len invalid TOML files...')
// NOTE uncomment to see list of skipped files
// assert false
} else {
println('No test data directory found in "$test_root"')
assert true