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2019-12-16 23:07:13 +01:00
* atof util
* Copyright (c) 2019 Dario Deledda. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* This file contains utilities for convert a string in a f64 variable
* IEEE 754 standard is used
* Know limitation:
* - limited to 18 significant digits
* The code is inspired by:
* Grzegorz Kraszewski krashan@teleinfo.pb.edu.pl
* URL: http://krashan.ppa.pl/articles/stringtofloat/
* Original license: MIT
module strconv
* 96 bit operation utilities
* Note: when u128 will be available these function can be refactored
// right logical shift 96 bit
fn lsr96(s2 u32, s1 u32, s0 u32) (u32, u32, u32) {
mut r0 := u32(0)
mut r1 := u32(0)
mut r2 := u32(0)
r0 = (s0 >> 1) | ((s1 & u32(1)) << 31)
r1 = (s1 >> 1) | ((s2 & u32(1)) << 31)
r2 = s2 >> 1
return r2,r1,r0
// left logical shift 96 bit
fn lsl96(s2 u32, s1 u32, s0 u32) (u32, u32, u32) {
mut r0 := u32(0)
mut r1 := u32(0)
mut r2 := u32(0)
r2 = (s2 << 1) | ((s1 & (u32(1) << 31)) >> 31)
r1 = (s1 << 1) | ((s0 & (u32(1) << 31)) >> 31)
r0 = s0 << 1
return r2,r1,r0
// sum on 96 bit
fn add96(s2 u32, s1 u32, s0 u32, d2 u32, d1 u32, d0 u32) (u32, u32, u32) {
mut w := u64(0)
mut r0 := u32(0)
mut r1 := u32(0)
mut r2 := u32(0)
w = u64(s0) + u64(d0)
r0 = u32(w)
w >>= 32
w += u64(s1) + u64(d1)
r1 = u32(w)
w >>= 32
w += u64(s2) + u64(d2)
r2 = u32(w)
return r2,r1,r0
// subtraction on 96 bit
fn sub96(s2 u32, s1 u32, s0 u32, d2 u32, d1 u32, d0 u32) (u32, u32, u32) {
mut w := u64(0)
mut r0 := u32(0)
mut r1 := u32(0)
mut r2 := u32(0)
w = u64(s0) - u64(d0)
r0 = u32(w)
w >>= 32
w += u64(s1) - u64(d1)
r1 = u32(w)
w >>= 32
w += u64(s2) - u64(d2)
r2 = u32(w)
return r2,r1,r0
* Constants
const (
// f64 constants
DOUBLE_PLUS_ZERO = u64(0x0000000000000000)
DOUBLE_MINUS_ZERO = 0x8000000000000000
DOUBLE_PLUS_INFINITY = 0x7FF0000000000000
// parser state machine states
FSM_A = 0
FSM_B = 1
FSM_C = 2
FSM_D = 3
FSM_E = 4
FSM_F = 5
FSM_G = 6
FSM_H = 7
FSM_I = 8
// Possible parser return values.
PARSER_OK = 0 // parser finished OK
PARSER_PZERO = 1 // no digits or number is smaller than +-2^-1022
PARSER_MZERO = 2 // number is negative, module smaller
PARSER_PINF = 3 // number is higher than +HUGE_VAL
PARSER_MINF = 4 // number is lower than -HUGE_VAL
// char constants
// Note: Modify these if working with non-ASCII encoding
PLUS =`+`
MINUS =`-`
ZERO =`0`
NINE =`9`
TEN = u32(10)
* Utility
// NOTE: Modify these if working with non-ASCII encoding
fn is_digit(x byte) bool {
return (x >= ZERO && x <=NINE) == true
fn is_space(x byte) bool {
return ((x >= 0x89 && x <= 0x13) || x == 0x20) == true
fn is_exp(x byte) bool {
return (x == `E` || x == `e`) == true
// return a string of the input f64 in scientific notation with digit_num digits displayed
pub fn strsci(x f64, digit_num int) string{
buf := malloc(digit_num*2+2)// TODO
conf_str := '%0.'+digit_num.str()+'e'
C.sprintf(charptr(buf), charptr(conf_str.str), x)
tmpstr := tos(buf, vstrlen(buf))
return tmpstr
// return a long string of the input f64, max
pub fn strlong(x f64) string {
buf := malloc(18+32)// TODO
tmpstr := tos(buf, vstrlen(buf))
return tmpstr
* Support struct
// The structure is filled by parser, then given to converter.
pub struct PrepNumber
pub mut:
negative bool = false // 0 if positive number, 1 if negative
exponent int = 0 // power of 10 exponent
mantissa u64 = u64(0) // integer mantissa
* String parser
* NOTE: #TOFIX need one char after the last char of the number
// parser return a support struct with all the parsing information for the converter
fn parser(s string ) (int,PrepNumber) {
mut state := FSM_A
mut digx := 0
mut c := ` ` // initial value for kicking off the state machine
mut result := PARSER_OK
mut expneg := false
mut expexp := 0
mut i := 0
mut pn := PrepNumber{}
for state != FSM_STOP {
match state {
// skip starting spaces
if is_space(c)==true {
c = s[i++]
} else {
state = FSM_B
// check for the sign or point
state = FSM_C
if c == PLUS {
c = s[i++]
} else if c == MINUS {
pn.negative = true
c = s[i++]
} else if is_digit(c) {}
else if c == DPOINT {}
else {
state = FSM_STOP
// skip the inital zeros
if c == ZERO { c = s[i++] }
else if c == DPOINT {
c = s[i++]
state = FSM_D
} else {
state = FSM_E
// reading leading zeros in the fractional part of mantissa
if c == ZERO {
c = s[i++]
if pn.exponent > -2147483647 { pn.exponent-- }
else {
state = FSM_F
// reading integer part of mantissa
if is_digit(c) {
if digx < DIGITS {
pn.mantissa *= 10
pn.mantissa += u64( c - ZERO )
else if pn.exponent < 2147483647 { pn.exponent++ }
c = s[i++]
else if c == DPOINT {
c = s[i++]
state = FSM_F
else {
state = FSM_F
// reading fractional part of mantissa
if is_digit(c) {
if digx < DIGITS {
pn.mantissa *= 10
pn.mantissa += u64(c - ZERO)
c = s[i++]
else if is_exp(c) {
c = s[i++]
state = FSM_G
else {
state = FSM_G
// reading sign of exponent
if (c == PLUS) {
c = s[i++]
} else if c == MINUS {
expneg = true
c = s[i++]
state = FSM_H
// skipping leading zeros of exponent
if c == ZERO {
c = s[i++]
else {
state = FSM_I
// reading exponent digits
if is_digit(c) {
if expexp < 214748364 {
expexp *= 10
expexp += int(c - ZERO)
c = s[i++]
else {
state = FSM_STOP
else {}
//C.printf("len: %d i: %d str: %s \n",s.len,i,s[..i])
if i>=s.len {
state = FSM_STOP
if expneg {
expexp = -expexp
pn.exponent += expexp
if pn.mantissa == 0 {
if pn.negative {
} else {
else if (pn.exponent > 309){
if pn.negative {
result = PARSER_MINF
} else {
result = PARSER_PINF
else if pn.exponent < -328 {
if pn.negative {
} else {
return result,pn
* Converter to the bit form of the f64 number
// converter return a u64 with the bit image of the f64 number
fn converter(pn mut PrepNumber) u64 {
mut binexp := 92
mut s2:=u32(0) // 96-bit precision integer
mut s1:=u32(0)
mut s0:=u32(0)
mut q2:=u32(0) // 96-bit precision integer
mut q1:=u32(0)
mut q0:=u32(0)
mut r2:=u32(0) // 96-bit precision integer
mut r1:=u32(0)
mut r0:=u32(0)
mask28 := u32(0xF << 28)
mut result := u64(0)
// working on 3 u32 to have 96 bit precision
s0 = u32(pn.mantissa & u64(0x00000000FFFFFFFF))
s1 = u32(pn.mantissa >> 32)
s2 = u32(0)
// so we take the decimal exponent off
for pn.exponent > 0 {
q2, q1, q0 = lsl96(s2, s1, s0) // q = s * 2
r2, r1, r0 = lsl96(q2, q1, q0) // r = s * 4 <=> q * 2
s2, s1, s0 = lsl96(r2, r1, r0) // s = s * 8 <=> r * 2
s2, s1, s0 = add96(s2, s1, s0, q2, q1, q0) // s = (s * 8) + (s * 2) <=> s*10
for (s2 & mask28) != 0 {
q2, q1, q0 = lsr96(s2, s1, s0)
s2 = q2
s1 = q1
s0 = q0
for pn.exponent < 0 {
for !((s2 & (u32(1) << 31)) !=0) {
q2, q1, q0 = lsl96(s2, s1, s0)
s2 = q2
s1 = q1
s0 = q0
q2 = s2 / TEN
r1 = s2 % TEN
r2 = (s1 >> 8) | (r1 << 24)
q1 = r2 / TEN
r1 = r2 % TEN
r2 = ((s1 & u32(0xFF)) << 16) | (s0 >> 16) | (r1 << 24)
r0 = r2 / TEN
r1 = r2 % TEN
q1 = (q1 << 8) | ((r0 & u32(0x00FF0000)) >> 16)
q0 = r0 << 16
r2 = (s0 & u32(0xFFFF)) | (r1 << 16)
q0 |= r2 / TEN
s2 = q2
s1 = q1
s0 = q0
//C.printf("mantissa before normalization: %08x%08x%08x binexp: %d \n", s2,s1,s0,binexp)
// normalization, the 28 bit in s2 must the leftest one in the variable
if (s2 != 0 || s1 != 0|| s0 != 0) {
for ((s2 & mask28) == 0) {
q2, q1, q0 = lsl96(s2, s1, s0)
s2 = q2
s1 = q1
s0 = q0
// rounding if needed
* "round half to even" algorithm
* Example for f32, just a reminder
* If bit 54 is 0, round down
* If bit 54 is 1
* If any bit beyond bit 54 is 1, round up
* If all bits beyond bit 54 are 0 (meaning the number is halfway between two floating-point numbers)
* If bit 53 is 0, round down
* If bit 53 is 1, round up
/* test case 1 complete
/* test case 1 check_round_bit
/* test case check_round_bit + normalization
//C.printf("mantissa before rounding: %08x%08x%08x binexp: %d \n", s2,s1,s0,binexp)
// s1 => 0xFFFFFFxx only F are rapresented
nbit := 7
check_round_bit := u32(1) << u32(nbit)
check_round_mask := u32(0xFFFFFFFF) << u32(nbit)
if (s1 & check_round_bit) != 0 {
//C.printf("need round!! cehck mask: %08x\n", s1 & ~check_round_mask )
if (s1 & ~check_round_mask) != 0 {
//C.printf("Add 1!\n")
s2,s1,s0 = add96(s2,s1,s0, 0,check_round_bit,0)
} else {
//C.printf("All 0!\n")
if (s1 & (check_round_bit<<u32(1) )) != 0 {
//C.printf("Add 1 form -1 bit control!\n")
s2,s1,s0 = add96(s2,s1,s0, 0,check_round_bit,0)
s1 = s1 & check_round_mask
s0 = u32(0)
// recheck normalization
if (s2 & (mask28<<u32(1)) != 0 ) {
q2, q1, q0 = lsr96(s2, s1, s0)
s2 = q2
s1 = q1
s0 = q0
//tmp := ( u64(s2 & ~mask28) << 24) | ((u64(s1) + u64(128)) >> 8)
//C.printf("mantissa after rounding : %08x%08x%08x binexp: %d \n", s2,s1,s0,binexp)
//C.printf("Tmp result: %016x\n",tmp)
// end rounding
// offset the binary exponent IEEE 754
binexp += 1023
if (binexp > 2046) {
if pn.negative {
} else {
else if binexp < 1 {
if pn.negative {
else if s2 != 0 {
mut q := u64(0)
binexs2 := u64(binexp) << 52
q = ( u64(s2 & ~mask28) << 24) | ((u64(s1) + u64(128)) >> 8) | binexs2
if pn.negative {
q |= (u64(1) << 63)
result = q
return result
* Public functions
// atof64 return a f64 from a string doing a parsing operation
pub fn atof64(s string) f64 {
mut pn := PrepNumber{}
mut res_parsing := 0
mut result := f64(0)
mut res_ptr := *u64(&result)
res_parsing, pn = parser(s+' ') // TODO: need an extra char for now
match res_parsing {
*res_ptr = converter( mut pn)
else {}
return result