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module clipboard
import time
2021-01-03 20:30:35 +00:00
#include <windows.h>
#flag -luser32
2020-04-04 13:37:13 +00:00
struct WndClassEx {
2020-05-16 14:12:23 +00:00
cb_size u32
style u32
lpfn_wnd_proc voidptr
cb_cls_extra int
cb_wnd_extra int
h_instance C.HINSTANCE
h_icon C.HICON
h_cursor C.HCURSOR
hbr_background C.HBRUSH
lpsz_menu_name &u16 // LPCWSTR
lpsz_class_name &u16
2020-05-16 14:12:23 +00:00
h_icon_sm &u16
2019-11-24 10:22:57 +00:00
fn C.RegisterClassEx(class &WndClassEx) int
2020-05-16 14:12:23 +00:00
2020-04-04 13:37:13 +00:00
fn C.GetClipboardOwner() &C.HWND
2020-05-16 14:12:23 +00:00
fn C.CreateWindowEx(dwExStyle i64, lpClassName &u16, lpWindowName &u16, dwStyle i64, x int, y int, nWidth int, nHeight int, hWndParent i64, hMenu voidptr, h_instance voidptr, lpParam voidptr) &C.HWND
2020-05-16 14:12:23 +00:00
// fn C.MultiByteToWideChar(CodePage u32, dw_flags u16, lpMultiByteStr byteptr, cbMultiByte int, lpWideCharStr u16, cchWideChar int) int
fn C.EmptyClipboard()
2020-05-16 14:12:23 +00:00
fn C.CloseClipboard()
2020-05-16 14:12:23 +00:00
2020-04-04 13:37:13 +00:00
fn C.GlobalAlloc(uFlag u32, size i64) C.HGLOBAL
2020-05-16 14:12:23 +00:00
2020-04-04 13:37:13 +00:00
fn C.GlobalFree(buf C.HGLOBAL)
2020-05-16 14:12:23 +00:00
fn C.GlobalLock(buf C.HGLOBAL) voidptr
2020-05-16 14:12:23 +00:00
fn C.GlobalUnlock(buf C.HGLOBAL) bool
2020-05-16 14:12:23 +00:00
fn C.SetClipboardData(uFormat u32, data voidptr) C.HANDLE
2020-05-16 14:12:23 +00:00
fn C.GetClipboardData(uFormat u32) C.HANDLE
2020-05-16 14:12:23 +00:00
2020-04-04 13:37:13 +00:00
fn C.DefWindowProc(hwnd C.HWND, msg u32, wParam C.WPARAM, lParam C.LPARAM) C.LRESULT
2020-05-16 14:12:23 +00:00
fn C.SetLastError(error i64)
2020-05-16 14:12:23 +00:00
2020-04-04 13:37:13 +00:00
fn C.OpenClipboard(hwnd C.HWND) int
2020-05-16 14:12:23 +00:00
2020-04-04 13:37:13 +00:00
fn C.DestroyWindow(hwnd C.HWND)
// Clipboard represents a system clipboard.
// System "copy" and "paste" actions utilize the clipboard for temporary storage.
pub struct Clipboard {
max_retries int
retry_delay int
hwnd C.HWND
foo int // TODO remove
fn (cb &Clipboard) get_clipboard_lock() bool {
mut retries := cb.max_retries
mut last_error := u32(0)
for {
if retries < 0 {
last_error = C.GetLastError()
if C.OpenClipboard(cb.hwnd) > 0 {
return true
} else if last_error != u32(C.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) {
return false
2021-02-27 17:41:06 +00:00
time.sleep(cb.retry_delay * time.second)
return false
fn new_clipboard() &Clipboard {
2020-05-16 14:12:23 +00:00
mut cb := &Clipboard{
max_retries: 5
retry_delay: 5
2020-05-16 14:12:23 +00:00
class_name := 'clipboard'
wndclass := WndClassEx{
cb_size: sizeof(WndClassEx)
lpfn_wnd_proc: voidptr(&C.DefWindowProc)
lpsz_class_name: class_name.to_wide()
2020-05-16 14:12:23 +00:00
lpsz_menu_name: 0
h_icon_sm: 0
if C.RegisterClassEx(&wndclass) == 0 && C.GetLastError() != u32(C.ERROR_CLASS_ALREADY_EXISTS) {
2020-05-16 14:12:23 +00:00
println('Failed registering class.')
hwnd := C.CreateWindowEx(0, wndclass.lpsz_class_name, wndclass.lpsz_class_name, 0,
if hwnd == C.NULL {
2020-05-16 14:12:23 +00:00
println('Error creating window!')
cb.hwnd = hwnd
return cb
// check_availability returns true if the clipboard is ready to be used.
pub fn (cb &Clipboard) check_availability() bool {
return cb.hwnd != C.HWND(C.NULL)
// has_ownership returns true if the contents of
// the clipboard were created by this clipboard instance.
pub fn (cb &Clipboard) has_ownership() bool {
return C.GetClipboardOwner() == cb.hwnd
// clear empties the clipboard contents.
pub fn (mut cb Clipboard) clear() {
2020-05-16 14:12:23 +00:00
if !cb.get_clipboard_lock() {
2019-12-07 12:51:00 +00:00
cb.foo = 0
// free releases all memory associated with the clipboard
// instance.
pub fn (mut cb Clipboard) free() {
2019-12-07 12:51:00 +00:00
cb.foo = 0
// the string.to_wide doesn't work with SetClipboardData, don't know why
fn to_wide(text string) C.HGLOBAL {
len_required := C.MultiByteToWideChar(C.CP_UTF8, C.MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, text.str,
text.len + 1, C.NULL, 0)
buf := C.GlobalAlloc(C.GMEM_MOVEABLE, i64(sizeof(u16)) * len_required)
if buf != C.HGLOBAL(C.NULL) {
mut locked := &u16(C.GlobalLock(buf))
C.MultiByteToWideChar(C.CP_UTF8, C.MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, text.str, text.len + 1,
locked, len_required)
unsafe {
locked[len_required - 1] = u16(0)
return buf
// set_text transfers `text` to the system clipboard.
// This is often associated with a *copy* action (`Ctrl` + `C`).
pub fn (mut cb Clipboard) set_text(text string) bool {
2019-12-07 12:51:00 +00:00
cb.foo = 0
buf := to_wide(text)
if !cb.get_clipboard_lock() {
return false
} else {
// EmptyClipboard must be called to properly update clipboard ownership
if C.SetClipboardData(C.CF_UNICODETEXT, buf) == C.HANDLE(C.NULL) {
2020-05-16 14:12:23 +00:00
println('SetClipboardData: Failed.')
return false
// CloseClipboard appears to change the sequence number...
return true
// get_text retrieves the contents of the system clipboard
// as a `string`.
// This is often associated with a *paste* action (`Ctrl` + `V`).
pub fn (mut cb Clipboard) get_text() string {
2019-12-07 12:51:00 +00:00
cb.foo = 0
if !cb.get_clipboard_lock() {
2020-05-16 14:12:23 +00:00
return ''
h_data := C.GetClipboardData(C.CF_UNICODETEXT)
if h_data == C.HANDLE(C.NULL) {
2020-05-16 14:12:23 +00:00
return ''
str := unsafe { string_from_wide(&u16(C.GlobalLock(C.HGLOBAL(h_data)))) }
return str
2019-11-18 10:10:31 +00:00
// new_primary returns a new X11 `PRIMARY` type `Clipboard` instance allocated on the heap.
// Please note: new_primary only works on X11 based systems.
pub fn new_primary() &Clipboard {
panic('Primary clipboard is not supported on non-Linux systems.')