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module transformer
import v.pref
import v.ast
pub struct Transformer {
pref &pref.Preferences
pub fn new_transformer(pref &pref.Preferences) &Transformer {
return &Transformer{
pref: pref
pub fn (t Transformer) transform_files(ast_files []&ast.File) {
for i in 0 .. ast_files.len {
mut file := unsafe { ast_files[i] }
t.transform(mut file)
pub fn (t Transformer) transform(mut ast_file ast.File) {
for mut stmt in ast_file.stmts {
t.stmt(mut stmt)
pub fn (t Transformer) stmt(mut node ast.Stmt) {
match mut node {
ast.EmptyStmt {}
ast.NodeError {}
ast.AsmStmt {}
ast.AssertStmt {}
ast.AssignStmt {
for mut right in node.right {
right = t.expr(right)
ast.Block {
for mut stmt in node.stmts {
t.stmt(mut stmt)
ast.BranchStmt {}
ast.ComptimeFor {}
ast.ConstDecl {
for mut field in node.fields {
expr := t.expr(field.expr)
field = ast.ConstField{
expr: expr
ast.DeferStmt {}
ast.EnumDecl {}
ast.ExprStmt {
expr := node.expr
node = &ast.ExprStmt{
expr: match mut expr {
ast.IfExpr {
t.if_expr(mut expr)
ast.MatchExpr {
t.match_expr(mut expr)
else {
ast.FnDecl {
for mut stmt in node.stmts {
t.stmt(mut stmt)
ast.ForCStmt {}
ast.ForInStmt {}
ast.ForStmt {
node = &ast.ForStmt{
cond: t.expr(node.cond)
if node.cond is ast.BoolLiteral && !(node.cond as ast.BoolLiteral).val { // for false { ... } should be eleminated
node = &ast.EmptyStmt{}
ast.GlobalDecl {}
ast.GotoLabel {}
ast.GotoStmt {}
ast.HashStmt {}
ast.Import {}
ast.InterfaceDecl {}
ast.Module {}
ast.Return {
for mut expr in node.exprs {
expr = t.expr(expr)
ast.SqlStmt {}
ast.StructDecl {}
ast.TypeDecl {}
pub fn (t Transformer) expr(node ast.Expr) ast.Expr {
match mut node {
ast.InfixExpr {
return t.infix_expr(node)
ast.IndexExpr {
return ast.IndexExpr{
index: t.expr(node.index)
ast.IfExpr {
for mut branch in node.branches {
branch = ast.IfBranch{
cond: t.expr(branch.cond)
for i, mut stmt in branch.stmts {
t.stmt(mut stmt)
if i == branch.stmts.len - 1 {
if stmt is ast.ExprStmt {
expr := (stmt as ast.ExprStmt).expr
match expr {
ast.IfExpr {
if expr.branches.len == 1 {
branch.stmts << expr.branches[0].stmts
ast.MatchExpr {
if expr.branches.len == 1 {
branch.stmts << expr.branches[0].stmts
else {}
return node
ast.MatchExpr {
node = ast.MatchExpr{
cond: t.expr(node.cond)
for mut branch in node.branches {
for mut expr in branch.exprs {
expr = t.expr(expr)
for i, mut stmt in branch.stmts {
t.stmt(mut stmt)
if i == branch.stmts.len - 1 {
if stmt is ast.ExprStmt {
expr := (stmt as ast.ExprStmt).expr
match expr {
ast.IfExpr {
if expr.branches.len == 1 {
branch.stmts << expr.branches[0].stmts
ast.MatchExpr {
if expr.branches.len == 1 {
branch.stmts << expr.branches[0].stmts
else {}
return node
else {
return node
pub fn (t Transformer) if_expr(mut original ast.IfExpr) ast.Expr {
mut stop_index, mut unreachable_branches := -1, []int{cap: original.branches.len}
if original.is_comptime {
return *original
for i, mut branch in original.branches {
for mut stmt in branch.stmts {
t.stmt(mut stmt)
cond := t.expr(branch.cond)
branch = ast.IfBranch{
cond: cond
if cond is ast.BoolLiteral {
if cond.val { // eliminates remaining branches when reached first bool literal `true`
stop_index = i
} else { // discard unreachable branch when reached bool literal `false`
unreachable_branches << i
if stop_index != -1 {
unreachable_branches = unreachable_branches.filter(it < stop_index)
original.branches = original.branches[..stop_index + 1]
for unreachable_branches.len != 0 {
if original.branches.len == 0 { // no remain branches to walk through
return ast.EmptyExpr{}
if original.branches.len == 1 && original.branches[0].cond.type_name() == 'unknown v.ast.Expr' {
original.branches[0] = &ast.IfBranch{
cond: ast.BoolLiteral{
val: true
return *original
pub fn (t Transformer) match_expr(mut original ast.MatchExpr) ast.Expr {
cond, mut terminate := t.expr(original.cond), false
original = ast.MatchExpr{
cond: cond
for mut branch in original.branches {
if branch.is_else {
for mut stmt in branch.stmts {
t.stmt(mut stmt)
for mut expr in branch.exprs {
expr = t.expr(expr)
match cond {
ast.BoolLiteral {
if expr is ast.BoolLiteral {
if cond.val == (expr as ast.BoolLiteral).val {
branch.exprs = [expr]
original = ast.MatchExpr{
branches: [branch]
terminate = true
ast.IntegerLiteral {
if expr is ast.IntegerLiteral {
if cond.val.int() == (expr as ast.IntegerLiteral).val.int() {
branch.exprs = [expr]
original = ast.MatchExpr{
branches: [branch]
terminate = true
ast.FloatLiteral {
if expr is ast.FloatLiteral {
if cond.val.f32() == (expr as ast.FloatLiteral).val.f32() {
branch.exprs = [expr]
original = ast.MatchExpr{
branches: [branch]
terminate = true
ast.StringLiteral {
if expr is ast.StringLiteral {
if cond.val == (expr as ast.StringLiteral).val {
branch.exprs = [expr]
original = ast.MatchExpr{
branches: [branch]
terminate = true
else {}
if terminate {
return *original
pub fn (t Transformer) infix_expr(original ast.InfixExpr) ast.Expr {
mut node := original
node.left = t.expr(node.left)
node.right = t.expr(node.right)
mut pos := node.left.position()
left_node := node.left
right_node := node.right
match left_node {
ast.BoolLiteral {
match right_node {
ast.BoolLiteral {
match node.op {
.eq {
return ast.BoolLiteral{
val: left_node.val == right_node.val
.ne {
return ast.BoolLiteral{
val: left_node.val != right_node.val
.and {
return ast.BoolLiteral{
val: left_node.val && right_node.val
.logical_or {
return ast.BoolLiteral{
val: left_node.val || right_node.val
else {
return node
else {
return node
ast.StringLiteral {
match right_node {
ast.StringLiteral {
match node.op {
.eq {
return ast.BoolLiteral{
val: left_node.val == right_node.val
.ne {
return ast.BoolLiteral{
val: left_node.val != right_node.val
.plus {
return ast.StringLiteral{
val: left_node.val + right_node.val
pos: pos
else {
return node
else {
return node
ast.IntegerLiteral {
match right_node {
ast.IntegerLiteral {
left_val := left_node.val.int()
right_val := right_node.val.int()
match node.op {
.eq {
return ast.BoolLiteral{
val: left_node.val == right_node.val
.ne {
return ast.BoolLiteral{
val: left_node.val != right_node.val
.gt {
return ast.BoolLiteral{
val: left_node.val > right_node.val
.ge {
return ast.BoolLiteral{
val: left_node.val >= right_node.val
.lt {
return ast.BoolLiteral{
val: left_node.val < right_node.val
.le {
return ast.BoolLiteral{
val: left_node.val <= right_node.val
.plus {
return ast.IntegerLiteral{
val: (left_val + right_val).str()
pos: pos
.mul {
return ast.IntegerLiteral{
val: (left_val * right_val).str()
pos: pos
.minus {
return ast.IntegerLiteral{
val: (left_val - right_val).str()
pos: pos
.div {
return ast.IntegerLiteral{
val: (left_val / right_val).str()
pos: pos
.mod {
return ast.IntegerLiteral{
val: (left_val % right_val).str()
pos: pos
.xor {
return ast.IntegerLiteral{
val: (left_val ^ right_val).str()
pos: pos
.pipe {
return ast.IntegerLiteral{
val: (left_val | right_val).str()
pos: pos
.amp {
return ast.IntegerLiteral{
val: (left_val & right_val).str()
pos: pos
.left_shift {
return ast.IntegerLiteral{
val: (left_val << right_val).str()
pos: pos
.right_shift {
return ast.IntegerLiteral{
val: (left_val >> right_val).str()
pos: pos
.unsigned_right_shift {
return ast.IntegerLiteral{
val: (left_val >>> right_val).str()
pos: pos
else {
return node
else {
return node
ast.FloatLiteral {
match right_node {
ast.FloatLiteral {
left_val := left_node.val.f32()
right_val := right_node.val.f32()
match node.op {
.eq {
return ast.BoolLiteral{
val: left_node.val == right_node.val
.ne {
return ast.BoolLiteral{
val: left_node.val != right_node.val
.gt {
return ast.BoolLiteral{
val: left_node.val > right_node.val
.ge {
return ast.BoolLiteral{
val: left_node.val >= right_node.val
.lt {
return ast.BoolLiteral{
val: left_node.val < right_node.val
.le {
return ast.BoolLiteral{
val: left_node.val <= right_node.val
.plus {
return ast.FloatLiteral{
val: (left_val + right_val).str()
pos: pos
.mul {
return ast.FloatLiteral{
val: (left_val * right_val).str()
pos: pos
.minus {
return ast.FloatLiteral{
val: (left_val - right_val).str()
pos: pos
.div {
return ast.FloatLiteral{
val: (left_val / right_val).str()
pos: pos
else {
return node
else {
return node
else {
return node