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// Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
2020-04-14 00:37:47 +02:00
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module c
2020-04-14 00:37:47 +02:00
import v.ast
import v.util
2020-04-25 20:58:00 +02:00
import strings
2020-04-14 00:37:47 +02:00
// TODO replace with comptime code generation.
// TODO remove cJSON dependency.
// OLD: User decode_User(string js) {
// now it's
// User decode_User(cJSON* root) {
// User res;
// res.name = decode_string(js_get(root, "name"));
// res.profile = decode_Profile(js_get(root, "profile"));
// return res;
// }
// Codegen json_decode/encode funcs
fn (mut g Gen) gen_json_for_type(typ ast.Type) {
2020-11-04 09:21:30 +01:00
utyp := g.unwrap_generic(typ)
2020-04-14 00:37:47 +02:00
mut dec := strings.new_builder(100)
mut enc := strings.new_builder(100)
2020-11-04 09:21:30 +01:00
sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(utyp)
styp := g.typ(utyp)
if is_js_prim(sym.name) || sym.kind == .enum_ {
2020-04-14 00:37:47 +02:00
if sym.kind == .array {
2020-05-05 13:23:29 +02:00
// return
if sym.name in g.json_types {
2020-05-05 13:23:29 +02:00
g.json_types << sym.name
// println('gen_json_for_type($sym.name)')
2020-04-14 00:37:47 +02:00
// decode_TYPE funcs receive an actual cJSON* object to decode
// cJSON_Parse(str) call is added by the compiler
// Code gen decoder
dec_fn_name := js_dec_name(styp)
2020-05-31 12:57:26 +02:00
// Make sure that this optional type actually exists
2020-11-04 09:21:30 +01:00
dec_fn_dec := 'Option_$styp ${dec_fn_name}(cJSON* root)'
2020-05-01 12:02:31 +02:00
2020-06-01 18:36:07 +02:00
$dec_fn_dec {
$styp res;
if (!root) {
const char *error_ptr = cJSON_GetErrorPtr();
if (error_ptr != NULL) {
// fprintf(stderr, "Error in decode() for $styp error_ptr=: %s\\n", error_ptr);
// printf("\\nbad js=%%s\\n", js.str);
return (Option_$styp){.state = 2,.err = v_error(tos2((byteptr)error_ptr)),.data = {0}};
2020-05-01 12:02:31 +02:00
2020-06-01 18:36:07 +02:00
2020-04-14 00:37:47 +02:00
// Code gen encoder
2020-05-01 12:02:31 +02:00
// encode_TYPE funcs receive an object to encode
enc_fn_name := js_enc_name(styp)
2020-06-01 18:36:07 +02:00
enc_fn_dec := 'cJSON* ${enc_fn_name}($styp val)'
2020-04-14 00:37:47 +02:00
2020-06-01 18:36:07 +02:00
$enc_fn_dec {
\tcJSON *o;')
2020-04-14 00:37:47 +02:00
if sym.kind == .array {
2020-05-05 13:23:29 +02:00
// Handle arrays
2020-11-04 09:21:30 +01:00
value_type := g.table.value_type(utyp)
// If we have `[]Profile`, have to register a Profile en(de)coder first
2020-05-05 13:23:29 +02:00
2020-05-05 14:54:12 +02:00
2020-05-05 13:23:29 +02:00
// enc += g.encode_array(t)
} else if sym.kind == .map {
// Handle maps
m := sym.info as ast.Map
dec.writeln(g.decode_map(m.key_type, m.value_type))
enc.writeln(g.encode_map(m.key_type, m.value_type))
} else if sym.kind == .alias {
a := sym.info as ast.Alias
parent_typ := a.parent_type
psym := g.table.get_type_symbol(parent_typ)
if is_js_prim(g.typ(parent_typ)) {
enc.writeln('\to = cJSON_CreateObject();')
if psym.info !is ast.Struct {
verror('json: $sym.name is not struct')
g.gen_struct_enc_dec(psym.info, styp, mut enc, mut dec)
2020-05-05 13:23:29 +02:00
} else {
enc.writeln('\to = cJSON_CreateObject();')
2020-05-05 13:23:29 +02:00
// Structs. Range through fields
if sym.info !is ast.Struct {
2020-05-05 13:23:29 +02:00
verror('json: $sym.name is not struct')
2020-04-14 00:37:47 +02:00
g.gen_struct_enc_dec(sym.info, styp, mut enc, mut dec)
// cJSON_delete
// p.cgen.fns << '$dec return opt_ok(res); \n}'
dec.writeln('\tOption_$styp ret;')
dec.writeln('\topt_ok(&res, (Option*)&ret, sizeof(res));')
dec.writeln('\treturn ret;\n}')
enc.writeln('\treturn o;\n}')
fn (mut g Gen) gen_struct_enc_dec(type_info ast.TypeInfo, styp string, mut enc strings.Builder, mut dec strings.Builder) {
info := type_info as ast.Struct
for field in info.fields {
if field.attrs.contains('skip') {
mut name := field.name
for attr in field.attrs {
if attr.name == 'json' {
name = attr.arg
field_type := g.typ(field.typ)
field_sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(field.typ)
2020-12-22 07:24:41 +01:00
// First generate decoding
if field.attrs.contains('raw') {
dec.writeln('\tres.${c_name(field.name)} = tos5(cJSON_PrintUnformatted(' +
'js_get(root, "$name")));')
} else {
// Now generate decoders for all field types in this struct
// need to do it here so that these functions are generated first
dec_name := js_dec_name(field_type)
if is_js_prim(field_type) {
dec.writeln('\tres.${c_name(field.name)} = $dec_name (js_get(root, "$name"));')
} else if field_sym.kind == .enum_ {
dec.writeln('\tres.${c_name(field.name)} = json__decode_u64(js_get(root, "$name"));')
2020-12-22 07:24:41 +01:00
} else if field_sym.name == 'time.Time' {
// time struct requires special treatment
// it has to be decoded from a unix timestamp number
dec.writeln('\tres.${c_name(field.name)} = time__unix(json__decode_u64(js_get(root, "$name")));')
} else if field_sym.kind == .alias {
alias := field_sym.info as ast.Alias
parent_type := g.typ(alias.parent_type)
parent_dec_name := js_dec_name(parent_type)
if is_js_prim(parent_type) {
dec.writeln('\tres.${c_name(field.name)} = $parent_dec_name (js_get(root, "$name"));')
2020-05-05 13:23:29 +02:00
} else {
tmp := g.new_tmp_var()
dec.writeln('\tOption_$field_type $tmp = $dec_name (js_get(root,"$name"));')
dec.writeln('\tif(${tmp}.state != 0) {')
dec.writeln('\t\treturn (Option_$styp){ .state = ${tmp}.state, .err = ${tmp}.err, .data = {0} };')
dec.writeln('\tres.${c_name(field.name)} = *($field_type*) ${tmp}.data;')
2020-05-05 13:23:29 +02:00
2020-06-01 18:36:07 +02:00
} else {
// dec.writeln(' $dec_name (js_get(root, "$name"), & (res . $field.name));')
tmp := g.new_tmp_var()
dec.writeln('\tOption_$field_type $tmp = $dec_name (js_get(root,"$name"));')
dec.writeln('\tif(${tmp}.state != 0) {')
dec.writeln('\t\treturn (Option_$styp){ .state = ${tmp}.state, .err = ${tmp}.err, .data = {0} };')
dec.writeln('\tres.${c_name(field.name)} = *($field_type*) ${tmp}.data;')
2020-12-22 07:24:41 +01:00
// Encoding
mut enc_name := js_enc_name(field_type)
if !is_js_prim(field_type) {
if field_sym.kind == .alias {
ainfo := field_sym.info as ast.Alias
enc_name = js_enc_name(g.typ(ainfo.parent_type))
2020-06-01 18:36:07 +02:00
2020-04-14 00:37:47 +02:00
if field_sym.kind == .enum_ {
enc.writeln('\tcJSON_AddItemToObject(o, "$name", json__encode_u64(val.${c_name(field.name)}));')
} else {
2020-12-22 07:24:41 +01:00
if field_sym.name == 'time.Time' {
// time struct requires special treatment
// it has to be encoded as a unix timestamp number
enc.writeln('\tcJSON_AddItemToObject(o, "$name", json__encode_u64(val.${c_name(field.name)}.v_unix));')
} else {
enc.writeln('\tcJSON_AddItemToObject(o, "$name", ${enc_name}(val.${c_name(field.name)}));')
2020-04-14 00:37:47 +02:00
fn js_enc_name(typ string) string {
2020-11-29 17:45:22 +01:00
suffix := if typ.ends_with('*') { typ.replace('*', '') } else { typ }
name := 'json__encode_$suffix'
return util.no_dots(name)
2020-04-14 00:37:47 +02:00
fn js_dec_name(typ string) string {
name := 'json__decode_$typ'
return util.no_dots(name)
2020-04-14 00:37:47 +02:00
fn is_js_prim(typ string) bool {
return typ in ['int', 'string', 'bool', 'f32', 'f64', 'i8', 'i16', 'i64', 'u16', 'u32', 'u64',
2020-04-14 00:37:47 +02:00
2020-05-05 13:23:29 +02:00
fn (mut g Gen) decode_array(value_type ast.Type) string {
2020-05-05 13:23:29 +02:00
styp := g.typ(value_type)
fn_name := js_dec_name(styp)
mut s := ''
if is_js_prim(styp) {
s = '$styp val = ${fn_name}((cJSON *)jsval); '
2020-05-05 13:23:29 +02:00
} else {
s = '
Option_$styp val2 = $fn_name ((cJSON *)jsval);
if(val2.state != 0) {
return *(Option_Array_$styp*)&val2;
$styp val = *($styp*)val2.data;
2020-05-05 13:23:29 +02:00
noscan := g.check_noscan(value_type)
2020-05-05 13:23:29 +02:00
return '
if(root && !cJSON_IsArray(root) && !cJSON_IsNull(root)) {
return (Option_Array_$styp){.state = 2, .err = v_error(string_add(_SLIT("Json element is not an array: "), tos2((byteptr)cJSON_PrintUnformatted(root)))), .data = {0}};
res = __new_array${noscan}(0, 0, sizeof($styp));
const cJSON *jsval = NULL;
cJSON_ArrayForEach(jsval, root)
array_push((array*)&res, &val);
2020-05-05 13:23:29 +02:00
2020-05-05 14:54:12 +02:00
fn (mut g Gen) encode_array(value_type ast.Type) string {
2020-05-05 14:54:12 +02:00
styp := g.typ(value_type)
fn_name := js_enc_name(styp)
return '
o = cJSON_CreateArray();
for (int i = 0; i < val.len; i++){
cJSON_AddItemToArray(o, $fn_name ( (($styp*)val.data)[i] ));
2020-05-05 14:54:12 +02:00
fn (mut g Gen) decode_map(key_type ast.Type, value_type ast.Type) string {
styp := g.typ(key_type)
styp_v := g.typ(value_type)
2020-12-27 19:16:45 +01:00
key_type_symbol := g.table.get_type_symbol(key_type)
hash_fn, key_eq_fn, clone_fn, free_fn := g.map_fn_ptrs(key_type_symbol)
fn_name_v := js_dec_name(styp_v)
mut s := ''
if is_js_prim(styp_v) {
s = '$styp_v val = $fn_name_v (js_get(root, jsval->string));'
} else {
s = '
Option_$styp_v val2 = $fn_name_v (js_get(root, jsval->string));
if(val2.state != 0) {
return *(Option_Map_${styp}_$styp_v*)&val2;
$styp_v val = *($styp_v*)val2.data;
return '
if(!cJSON_IsObject(root) && !cJSON_IsNull(root)) {
return (Option_Map_${styp}_$styp_v){ .state = 2, .err = v_error( string_add(_SLIT("Json element is not an object: "), tos2((byteptr)cJSON_PrintUnformatted(root)))), .data = {0}};
2021-04-10 04:00:29 +02:00
res = new_map(sizeof($styp), sizeof($styp_v), $hash_fn, $key_eq_fn, $clone_fn, $free_fn);
cJSON *jsval = NULL;
cJSON_ArrayForEach(jsval, root)
string key = tos2((byteptr)jsval->string);
2021-04-10 04:00:29 +02:00
map_set(&res, &key, &val);
fn (mut g Gen) encode_map(key_type ast.Type, value_type ast.Type) string {
styp := g.typ(key_type)
styp_v := g.typ(value_type)
fn_name_v := js_enc_name(styp_v)
zero := g.type_default(value_type)
keys_tmp := g.new_tmp_var()
mut key := 'string key = '
if key_type.is_string() {
key += '(($styp*)${keys_tmp}.data)[i];'
} else {
// key += '${styp}_str((($styp*)${keys_tmp}.data)[i]);'
verror('json: encode only maps with string keys')
return '
o = cJSON_CreateObject();
Array_$styp $keys_tmp = map_keys(&val);
for (int i = 0; i < ${keys_tmp}.len; ++i) {
2021-04-10 04:00:29 +02:00
cJSON_AddItemToObject(o, (char*) key.str, $fn_name_v ( *($styp_v*) map_get(&val, &key, &($styp_v[]) { $zero } ) ) );
2020-05-05 14:54:12 +02:00