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// Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
2020-05-24 04:43:00 +02:00
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module checker
import v.ast
import v.token
2020-05-24 04:43:00 +02:00
pub fn (mut c Checker) check_expected_call_arg(got ast.Type, expected_ ast.Type, language ast.Language) ? {
mut expected := expected_
// variadic
if expected.has_flag(.variadic) {
exp_type_sym := c.table.get_type_symbol(expected_)
exp_info := exp_type_sym.info as ast.Array
expected = exp_info.elem_type
if language == .c {
// allow number types to be used interchangeably
if got.is_number() && expected.is_number() {
// mode_t - currently using u32 as mode_t for C fns
// if got.idx() in [ast.int_type_idx, ast.u32_type_idx] && expected.idx() in [ast.int_type_idx, ast.u32_type_idx] {
// return
// }
// allow number to be used as size_t
if got.is_number() && expected.idx() == ast.size_t_type_idx {
// allow bool & int to be used interchangeably for C functions
if (got.idx() == ast.bool_type_idx
&& expected.idx() in [ast.int_type_idx, ast.int_literal_type_idx])
|| (expected.idx() == ast.bool_type_idx
&& got.idx() in [ast.int_type_idx, ast.int_literal_type_idx]) {
// allow `C.printf('foo')` instead of `C.printf(c'foo')`
if got.idx() == ast.string_type_idx
&& (expected in [ast.byteptr_type_idx, ast.charptr_type_idx]
|| (expected.idx() == ast.char_type_idx && expected.is_ptr())) {
exp_sym := c.table.get_type_symbol(expected)
// unknown C types are set to int, allow int to be used for types like `&C.FILE`
// eg. `C.fflush(C.stderr)` - error: cannot use `int` as `&C.FILE` in argument 1 to `C.fflush`
if expected.is_ptr() && exp_sym.language == .c && exp_sym.kind == .placeholder
&& got == ast.int_type_idx {
// return
if c.check_types(got, expected) {
idx_got := got.idx()
idx_expected := expected.idx()
if idx_got in [ast.byteptr_type_idx, ast.charptr_type_idx]
|| idx_expected in [ast.byteptr_type_idx, ast.charptr_type_idx] {
igot := int(got)
iexpected := int(expected)
// TODO: remove; transitional compatibility for byteptr === &byte
if (igot == ast.byteptr_type_idx && iexpected == 65545)
|| (iexpected == ast.byteptr_type_idx && igot == 65545) {
// TODO: remove; transitional compatibility for charptr === &char
if (igot == ast.charptr_type_idx && iexpected == 65551)
|| (iexpected == ast.charptr_type_idx && igot == 65551) {
muls_got := got.nr_muls()
muls_expected := expected.nr_muls()
if idx_got == ast.byteptr_type_idx && idx_expected == ast.byte_type_idx
&& muls_got + 1 == muls_expected {
if idx_expected == ast.byteptr_type_idx && idx_got == ast.byte_type_idx
&& muls_expected + 1 == muls_got {
if idx_got == ast.charptr_type_idx && idx_expected == ast.char_type_idx
&& muls_got + 1 == muls_expected {
if idx_expected == ast.charptr_type_idx && idx_got == ast.char_type_idx
&& muls_expected + 1 == muls_got {
return error('cannot use `${c.table.type_to_str(got.clear_flag(.variadic))}` as `${c.table.type_to_str(expected.clear_flag(.variadic))}`')
pub fn (mut c Checker) check_basic(got ast.Type, expected ast.Type) bool {
got_, exp_ := c.table.unalias_num_type(got), c.table.unalias_num_type(expected)
if got_.idx() == exp_.idx() {
2020-05-24 04:43:00 +02:00
// this is returning true even if one type is a ptr
// and the other is not, is this correct behaviour?
return true
if (exp_.is_pointer() || exp_.is_number()) && (got_.is_pointer() || got_.is_number()) {
2020-05-24 04:43:00 +02:00
return true
// allow pointers to be initialized with 0. TODO: use none instead
if expected.is_ptr() && got_ == ast.int_literal_type {
2020-05-24 04:43:00 +02:00
return true
// TODO: use sym so it can be absorbed into below [.voidptr, .any] logic
if expected.idx() == ast.array_type_idx || got.idx() == ast.array_type_idx {
2020-05-24 04:43:00 +02:00
return true
got_sym, exp_sym := c.table.get_type_symbol(got), c.table.get_type_symbol(expected)
// array/map as argument
if got_sym.kind in [.array, .map, .array_fixed] && exp_sym.kind == got_sym.kind {
if c.table.type_to_str(got) == c.table.type_to_str(expected).trim('&') {
return true
if !got_.is_ptr() && got_sym.kind == .array_fixed && (exp_.is_pointer() || exp_.is_ptr()) {
// fixed array needs to be a struct, not a pointer
return false
if exp_sym.kind in [.voidptr, .any] || got_sym.kind in [.voidptr, .any] {
2020-05-24 04:43:00 +02:00
return true
// sum type
if c.table.sumtype_has_variant(expected, c.table.mktyp(got)) {
return true
2020-05-24 04:43:00 +02:00
// type alias
if (got_sym.kind == .alias && got_sym.parent_idx == expected.idx())
|| (exp_sym.kind == .alias && exp_sym.parent_idx == got.idx()) {
return true
2020-05-24 04:43:00 +02:00
// fn type
if got_sym.kind == .function && exp_sym.kind == .function {
return c.check_matching_function_symbols(got_sym, exp_sym)
// allow using Error as a string for now (avoid a breaking change)
if got == ast.error_type_idx && expected == ast.string_type_idx {
return true
// allow `return 0` in a function with `?int` return type
expected_nonflagged := expected.clear_flags()
if got == ast.int_literal_type && expected_nonflagged.is_int() {
return true
// allow `return 0` in a function with `?f32` return type
if got == ast.float_literal_type && expected_nonflagged.is_float() {
return true
return false
pub fn (mut c Checker) check_matching_function_symbols(got_type_sym &ast.TypeSymbol, exp_type_sym &ast.TypeSymbol) bool {
got_info := got_type_sym.info as ast.FnType
exp_info := exp_type_sym.info as ast.FnType
got_fn := got_info.func
exp_fn := exp_info.func
// we are using check() to compare return type & args as they might include
// functions themselves. TODO: optimize, only use check() when needed
2020-09-27 03:32:56 +02:00
if got_fn.params.len != exp_fn.params.len {
return false
if !c.check_basic(got_fn.return_type, exp_fn.return_type) {
return false
2020-09-27 03:32:56 +02:00
for i, got_arg in got_fn.params {
exp_arg := exp_fn.params[i]
exp_arg_is_ptr := exp_arg.typ.is_ptr() || exp_arg.typ.is_pointer()
got_arg_is_ptr := got_arg.typ.is_ptr() || got_arg.typ.is_pointer()
if exp_arg_is_ptr != got_arg_is_ptr {
exp_arg_pointedness := if exp_arg_is_ptr { 'a pointer' } else { 'NOT a pointer' }
got_arg_pointedness := if got_arg_is_ptr { 'a pointer' } else { 'NOT a pointer' }
2020-08-11 00:51:15 +02:00
c.add_error_detail("`$exp_fn.name`\'s expected fn argument: `$exp_arg.name` is $exp_arg_pointedness, but the passed fn argument: `$got_arg.name` is $got_arg_pointedness")
return false
if !c.check_basic(got_arg.typ, exp_arg.typ) {
return false
2020-05-24 04:43:00 +02:00
return true
2020-05-24 04:43:00 +02:00
fn (mut c Checker) check_shift(left_type ast.Type, right_type ast.Type, left_pos token.Position, right_pos token.Position) ast.Type {
if !left_type.is_int() {
// maybe it's an int alias? TODO move this to is_int() ?
sym := c.table.get_type_symbol(left_type)
if sym.kind == .alias && (sym.info as ast.Alias).parent_type.is_int() {
return left_type
if c.pref.translated && left_type == ast.bool_type {
2020-08-11 16:26:49 +02:00
// allow `bool << 2` in translated C code
return ast.int_type
2020-08-11 16:26:49 +02:00
c.error('invalid operation: shift on type `$sym.name`', left_pos)
return ast.void_type
} else if !right_type.is_int() {
c.error('cannot shift non-integer type `${c.table.get_type_symbol(right_type).name}` into type `${c.table.get_type_symbol(left_type).name}`',
return ast.void_type
return left_type
pub fn (mut c Checker) promote(left_type ast.Type, right_type ast.Type) ast.Type {
if left_type.is_ptr() || left_type.is_pointer() {
if right_type.is_int() {
return left_type
} else {
return ast.void_type
} else if right_type.is_ptr() || right_type.is_pointer() {
if left_type.is_int() {
return right_type
} else {
return ast.void_type
if left_type == right_type {
return left_type // strings, self defined operators
if right_type.is_number() && left_type.is_number() {
return c.promote_num(left_type, right_type)
} else if left_type.has_flag(.optional) != right_type.has_flag(.optional) {
// incompatible
return ast.void_type
} else {
return left_type // default to left if not automatic promotion possible
fn (c &Checker) promote_num(left_type ast.Type, right_type ast.Type) ast.Type {
// sort the operands to save time
mut type_hi := left_type
mut type_lo := right_type
if type_hi.idx() < type_lo.idx() {
type_hi, type_lo = type_lo, type_hi
idx_hi := type_hi.idx()
idx_lo := type_lo.idx()
// the following comparisons rely on the order of the indices in table/types.v
if idx_hi == ast.int_literal_type_idx {
return type_lo
} else if idx_hi == ast.float_literal_type_idx {
if idx_lo in ast.float_type_idxs {
return type_lo
} else {
return ast.void_type
} else if type_hi.is_float() {
if idx_hi == ast.f32_type_idx {
if idx_lo in [ast.i64_type_idx, ast.u64_type_idx] {
return ast.void_type
} else {
return type_hi
} else { // f64, float_literal
return type_hi
} else if idx_lo >= ast.byte_type_idx { // both operands are unsigned
return type_hi
} else if idx_lo >= ast.i8_type_idx
&& (idx_hi <= ast.i64_type_idx || idx_hi == ast.rune_type_idx) { // both signed
return if idx_lo == ast.i64_type_idx { type_lo } else { type_hi }
} else if idx_hi - idx_lo < (ast.byte_type_idx - ast.i8_type_idx) {
return type_lo // conversion unsigned -> signed if signed type is larger
} else {
return ast.void_type // conversion signed -> unsigned not allowed
// TODO: promote(), check_types(), symmetric_check() and check() overlap - should be rearranged
pub fn (mut c Checker) check_types(got ast.Type, expected ast.Type) bool {
if got == expected {
return true
got_is_ptr := got.is_ptr()
exp_is_ptr := expected.is_ptr()
if got_is_ptr && exp_is_ptr {
if got.nr_muls() != expected.nr_muls() {
return false
exp_idx := expected.idx()
got_idx := got.idx()
if exp_idx == got_idx {
return true
if exp_idx == ast.voidptr_type_idx || exp_idx == ast.byteptr_type_idx
|| (expected.is_ptr() && expected.deref().idx() == ast.byte_type_idx) {
if got.is_ptr() || got.is_pointer() {
return true
// allow direct int-literal assignment for pointers for now
// maybe in the future optionals should be used for that
if expected.is_ptr() || expected.is_pointer() {
if got == ast.int_literal_type {
return true
if got_idx == ast.voidptr_type_idx || got_idx == ast.byteptr_type_idx
|| (got_idx == ast.byte_type_idx && got.is_ptr()) {
if expected.is_ptr() || expected.is_pointer() {
return true
if expected == ast.charptr_type && got == ast.char_type.to_ptr() {
return true
if !c.check_basic(got, expected) { // TODO: this should go away...
return false
if got.is_number() && expected.is_number() {
if got == ast.rune_type && expected == ast.byte_type {
2020-08-27 06:46:18 +02:00
return true
} else if expected == ast.rune_type && got == ast.byte_type {
2020-08-27 06:46:18 +02:00
return true
if c.promote_num(expected, got) != expected {
// println('could not promote ${c.table.get_type_symbol(got).name} to ${c.table.get_type_symbol(expected).name}')
return false
if expected.has_flag(.generic) {
return false
return true
pub fn (mut c Checker) check_expected(got ast.Type, expected ast.Type) ? {
if c.check_types(got, expected) {
return error(c.expected_msg(got, expected))
fn (c &Checker) expected_msg(got ast.Type, expected ast.Type) string {
exps := c.table.type_to_str(expected)
gots := c.table.type_to_str(got)
return 'expected `$exps`, not `$gots`'
pub fn (mut c Checker) symmetric_check(left ast.Type, right ast.Type) bool {
// allow direct int-literal assignment for pointers for now
// maybe in the future optionals should be used for that
if right.is_ptr() || right.is_pointer() {
if left == ast.int_literal_type {
return true
// allow direct int-literal assignment for pointers for now
if left.is_ptr() || left.is_pointer() {
if right == ast.int_literal_type {
return true
return c.check_basic(left, right)
pub fn (c &Checker) get_default_fmt(ftyp ast.Type, typ ast.Type) byte {
if ftyp.has_flag(.optional) {
return `s`
} else if typ.is_float() {
return `g`
} else if typ.is_signed() || typ.is_int_literal() {
return `d`
} else if typ.is_unsigned() {
return `u`
} else if typ.is_pointer() {
return `p`
} else {
2020-10-31 18:43:06 +01:00
mut sym := c.table.get_type_symbol(c.unwrap_generic(ftyp))
if sym.kind == .alias {
// string aliases should be printable
info := sym.info as ast.Alias
sym = c.table.get_type_symbol(info.parent_type)
if info.parent_type == ast.string_type {
return `s`
if sym.kind == .function {
return `s`
if ftyp in [ast.string_type, ast.bool_type]
|| sym.kind in [.enum_, .array, .array_fixed, .struct_, .map, .multi_return, .sum_type, .interface_, .none_]
|| ftyp.has_flag(.optional) || sym.has_method('str') {
return `s`
} else {
return `_`
pub fn (mut c Checker) fail_if_unreadable(expr ast.Expr, typ ast.Type, what string) {
mut pos := token.Position{}
match expr {
ast.Ident {
if typ.has_flag(.shared_f) {
if expr.name !in c.rlocked_names && expr.name !in c.locked_names {
action := if what == 'argument' { 'passed' } else { 'used' }
c.error('$expr.name is `shared` and must be `rlock`ed or `lock`ed to be $action as non-mut $what',
ast.SelectorExpr {
pos = expr.pos
c.fail_if_unreadable(expr.expr, expr.expr_type, what)
ast.IndexExpr {
pos = expr.left.position().extend(expr.pos)
c.fail_if_unreadable(expr.left, expr.left_type, what)
else {}
if typ.has_flag(.shared_f) {
c.error('you have to create a handle and `rlock` it to use a `shared` element as non-mut $what',
pub fn (mut c Checker) string_inter_lit(mut node ast.StringInterLiteral) ast.Type {
inside_println_arg_save := c.inside_println_arg
c.inside_println_arg = true
for i, expr in node.exprs {
ftyp := c.expr(expr)
c.fail_if_unreadable(expr, ftyp, 'interpolation object')
node.expr_types << ftyp
typ := c.table.unalias_num_type(ftyp)
mut fmt := node.fmts[i]
// analyze and validate format specifier
if fmt !in [`E`, `F`, `G`, `e`, `f`, `g`, `d`, `u`, `x`, `X`, `o`, `c`, `s`, `p`, `_`] {
c.error('unknown format specifier `${fmt:c}`', node.fmt_poss[i])
if fmt == `_` { // set default representation for type if none has been given
fmt = c.get_default_fmt(ftyp, typ)
if fmt == `_` {
if typ != ast.void_type {
c.error('no known default format for type `${c.table.get_type_name(ftyp)}`',
} else {
node.fmts[i] = fmt
node.need_fmts[i] = false
} else { // check if given format specifier is valid for type
if node.precisions[i] != 987698 && !typ.is_float() {
c.error('precision specification only valid for float types', node.fmt_poss[i])
if node.pluss[i] && !typ.is_number() {
2020-06-26 07:05:07 +02:00
c.error('plus prefix only allowed for numbers', node.fmt_poss[i])
if (typ.is_unsigned() && fmt !in [`u`, `x`, `X`, `o`, `c`])
|| (typ.is_signed() && fmt !in [`d`, `x`, `X`, `o`, `c`])
|| (typ.is_int_literal() && fmt !in [`d`, `c`, `x`, `X`, `o`, `u`, `x`, `X`, `o`])
|| (typ.is_float() && fmt !in [`E`, `F`, `G`, `e`, `f`, `g`])
|| (typ.is_pointer() && fmt !in [`p`, `x`, `X`])
|| (typ.is_string() && fmt != `s`)
|| (typ.idx() in [ast.i64_type_idx, ast.f64_type_idx] && fmt == `c`) {
c.error('illegal format specifier `${fmt:c}` for type `${c.table.get_type_name(ftyp)}`',
node.need_fmts[i] = fmt != c.get_default_fmt(ftyp, typ)
// check recursive str
if c.cur_fn.is_method && c.cur_fn.name == 'str' && c.cur_fn.receiver.name == expr.str() {
c.error('cannot call `str()` method recursively', expr.position())
c.inside_println_arg = inside_println_arg_save
return ast.string_type
pub fn (mut c Checker) infer_fn_types(f ast.Fn, mut call_expr ast.CallExpr) {
mut inferred_types := []ast.Type{}
for gi, gt_name in f.generic_names {
// skip known types
if gi < call_expr.generic_types.len {
inferred_types << call_expr.generic_types[gi]
mut typ := ast.void_type
for i, param in f.params {
2021-04-02 16:27:54 +02:00
mut to_set := ast.void_type
// resolve generic struct receiver (TODO: multi generic struct)
if i == 0 && call_expr.is_method && param.typ.has_flag(.generic) {
sym := c.table.get_type_symbol(call_expr.receiver_type)
if sym.kind == .struct_ {
info := sym.info as ast.Struct
if info.concrete_types.len > 0 {
typ = info.concrete_types[0]
arg_i := if i != 0 && call_expr.is_method { i - 1 } else { i }
if call_expr.args.len <= arg_i {
arg := call_expr.args[arg_i]
param_type_sym := c.table.get_type_symbol(param.typ)
2021-04-02 16:27:54 +02:00
if param.typ.has_flag(.generic) && param_type_sym.name == gt_name {
2021-04-02 16:27:54 +02:00
to_set = c.table.mktyp(arg.typ)
if arg.expr.is_auto_deref_var() {
2021-04-02 16:27:54 +02:00
to_set = to_set.deref()
// If the parent fn param is a generic too
if to_set.has_flag(.generic) {
to_set = c.unwrap_generic(to_set)
} else {
arg_sym := c.table.get_type_symbol(arg.typ)
if arg_sym.kind == .array && param_type_sym.kind == .array {
mut arg_elem_info := arg_sym.info as ast.Array
mut param_elem_info := param_type_sym.info as ast.Array
mut arg_elem_sym := c.table.get_type_symbol(arg_elem_info.elem_type)
mut param_elem_sym := c.table.get_type_symbol(param_elem_info.elem_type)
for {
if arg_elem_sym.kind == .array && param_elem_sym.kind == .array
&& c.cur_fn.generic_params.filter(it.name == param_elem_sym.name).len == 0 {
arg_elem_info = arg_elem_sym.info as ast.Array
arg_elem_sym = c.table.get_type_symbol(arg_elem_info.elem_type)
param_elem_info = param_elem_sym.info as ast.Array
param_elem_sym = c.table.get_type_symbol(param_elem_info.elem_type)
} else {
to_set = arg_elem_info.elem_type
} else if param.typ.has_flag(.variadic) {
to_set = c.table.mktyp(arg.typ)
2021-04-02 16:27:54 +02:00
if to_set != ast.void_type {
if typ != ast.void_type {
// try to promote
// only numbers so we don't promote pointers
if typ.is_number() && to_set.is_number() {
promoted := c.promote_num(typ, to_set)
if promoted != ast.void_type {
to_set = promoted
if !c.check_types(typ, to_set) {
c.error('inferred generic type `$gt_name` is ambiguous: got `${c.table.get_type_symbol(to_set).name}`, expected `${c.table.get_type_symbol(typ).name}`',
2021-04-02 16:27:54 +02:00
2021-04-02 16:27:54 +02:00
typ = to_set
if typ == ast.void_type {
c.error('could not infer generic type `$gt_name` in call to `$f.name`', call_expr.pos)
if c.pref.is_verbose {
s := c.table.type_to_str(typ)
println('inferred `$f.name<$s>`')
inferred_types << typ
call_expr.generic_types << typ
c.table.register_fn_gen_type(f.name, inferred_types)