2022-02-15 19:28:14 +00:00
module edwards25519
fn check_aliasing_onearg(f fn (mut v Scalar, x Scalar) Scalar, mut v Scalar, x Scalar) bool {
x1, mut v1 := x, x
// Calculate a reference f(x) without aliasing.
mut out := f(mut v, x)
if out != v || !is_reduced(out) {
return false
// Test aliasing the argument and the receiver.
out2 := f(mut v1, v1)
if out2 != v1 || v1 != v || !is_reduced(out2) {
return false
// Ensure the arguments was not modified.
return x == x1
fn negate_aliasing(mut v Scalar, x Scalar) Scalar {
// mut t := v
return v.negate(x)
fn test_check_aliasing_oneargs() ? {
2022-05-13 03:56:21 +00:00
x := generate_notzero_scalar(10)?
mut v := generate_notzero_scalar(10)?
2022-02-15 19:28:14 +00:00
out := check_aliasing_onearg(negate_aliasing, mut v, x)
assert out == true
fn multiply_aliasing(mut v Scalar, x Scalar, y Scalar) Scalar {
return v.multiply(x, y)
fn add_aliasing(mut v Scalar, x Scalar, y Scalar) Scalar {
return v.add(x, y)
fn subtract_aliasing(mut v Scalar, x Scalar, y Scalar) Scalar {
return v.subtract(x, y)
fn test_check_aliasing_twoargs() ? {
fn_with_twoargs := [add_aliasing, multiply_aliasing, subtract_aliasing]
for f in fn_with_twoargs {
2022-05-13 03:56:21 +00:00
mut v := generate_notzero_scalar(10)?
x := generate_notzero_scalar(10)?
y := generate_notzero_scalar(10)?
2022-02-15 19:28:14 +00:00
out := check_aliasing_twoargs(f, mut v, x, y)
assert out == true
fn check_aliasing_twoargs(f fn (mut v Scalar, x Scalar, y Scalar) Scalar, mut v Scalar, x Scalar, y Scalar) bool {
x1, y1, mut v1 := x, y, Scalar{}
// Calculate a reference f(x, y) without aliasing.
mut out := f(mut v, x, y)
if out != v || !is_reduced(out) {
return false
// Test aliasing the first argument and the receiver.
v1 = x
out2 := f(mut v1, v1, y)
if out2 != v1 || v1 != v || !is_reduced(out2) {
return false
// Test aliasing the second argument and the receiver.
v1 = y
out3 := f(mut v1, x, v1)
if out3 != v1 || v1 != v || !is_reduced(out3) {
return false
// Calculate a reference f(x, x) without aliasing.
out4 := f(mut v, x, x)
if out4 != v || !is_reduced(out4) {
return false
// Test aliasing the first argument and the receiver.
v1 = x
out5 := f(mut v1, v1, x)
if out5 != v1 || v1 != v || !is_reduced(out5) {
return false
// Test aliasing the second argument and the receiver.
v1 = x
out6 := f(mut v1, x, v1)
if out6 != v1 || v1 != v || !is_reduced(out6) {
return false
// Test aliasing both arguments and the receiver.
v1 = x
out7 := f(mut v1, v1, v1)
if out7 != v1 || v1 != v || !is_reduced(out7) {
return false
// Ensure the arguments were not modified.
return x == x1 && y == y1