2019-07-12 13:47:27 +00:00
// module flag for command-line flag parsing
// - parsing flags like '--flag' or '--stuff=things' or '--things stuff'
// - handles bool, int, float and string args
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// - is able to print usage
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// - handled unknown arguments as error
// Usage example:
// ```v
// module main
// import os
// import flag
// fn main() {
// mut fp := flag.new_flag_parser(os.args)
// fp.application('flag_example_tool')
// fp.version('v0.0.0')
// fp.description('This tool is only designed to show how the flag lib is working')
// fp.skip_executable()
// an_int := fp.int('an_int', 666, 'some int to define 666 is default')
// a_bool := fp.bool('a_bool', false, 'some \'real\' flag')
// a_float := fp.float('a_float', 1.0, 'also floats')
// a_string := fp.string('a_string', 'no text', 'finally, some text')
// additional_args := fp.finalize() or {
// eprintln(err)
// println(fp.usage())
// return
// }
// println('
// an_int: $an_int
// a_bool: $a_bool
// a_float: $a_float
// a_string: \'$a_string\'
// ')
// println(additional_args.join_lines())
// }
// ```
module flag
2019-09-14 20:54:14 +00:00
// data object storing information about a defined flag
2019-07-12 13:47:27 +00:00
struct Flag {
name string // name as it appears on command line
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abbr byte // shortcut
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usage string // help message
val_desc string // something like '<arg>' that appears in usage
struct FlagParser {
pub mut:
args []string // the arguments to be parsed
flags []Flag // registered flags
application_name string
application_version string
application_description string
2019-08-05 05:50:24 +00:00
min_free_args int
max_free_args int
2019-07-12 13:47:27 +00:00
// create a new flag set for parsing command line arguments
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// TODO use INT_MAX some how
2019-07-12 13:47:27 +00:00
pub fn new_flag_parser(args []string) &FlagParser {
2019-08-05 05:50:24 +00:00
return &FlagParser{args:args, max_free_args: 4048}
2019-07-12 13:47:27 +00:00
// change the application name to be used in 'usage' output
pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) application(n string) {
fs.application_name = n
// change the application version to be used in 'usage' output
pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) version(n string) {
fs.application_version = n
// change the application version to be used in 'usage' output
pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) description(n string) {
fs.application_description = n
// in most cases you do not need the first argv for flag parsing
pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) skip_executable() {
// private helper to register a flag
2019-08-07 14:52:10 +00:00
fn (fs mut FlagParser) add_flag(n string, a byte, u, vd string) {
2019-07-12 13:47:27 +00:00
fs.flags << Flag{
name: n,
2019-08-07 14:52:10 +00:00
abbr: a,
usage: u,
2019-07-12 13:47:27 +00:00
val_desc: vd
// private: general parsing a single argument
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// - search args for existence
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// if true
// extract the defined value as string
// else
// return an (dummy) error -> argument is not defined
// - the name, usage are registered
// - found arguments and corresponding values are removed from args list
2019-08-07 14:52:10 +00:00
fn (fs mut FlagParser) parse_value(n string, ab byte) ?string {
2019-07-12 13:47:27 +00:00
c := '--$n'
for i, a in fs.args {
2019-08-07 14:52:10 +00:00
if a == c || (a.len == 2 && a[1] == ab) {
2019-07-12 13:47:27 +00:00
if fs.args.len > i+1 && fs.args[i+1].left(2) != '--' {
val := fs.args[i+1]
return val
} else {
panic('Missing argument for \'$n\'')
} else if a.len > c.len && c == a.left(c.len) && a.substr(c.len, c.len+1) == '=' {
val := a.right(c.len+1)
return val
return error('parameter \'$n\' not found')
// special parsing for bool values
// see also: parse_value
// special: it is allowed to define bool flags without value
// -> '--flag' is parsed as true
// -> '--flag' is equal to '--flag=true'
2019-08-07 14:52:10 +00:00
fn (fs mut FlagParser) parse_bool_value(n string, ab byte) ?string {
2019-07-12 13:47:27 +00:00
c := '--$n'
for i, a in fs.args {
2019-08-07 14:52:10 +00:00
if a == c || (a.len == 2 && a[1] == ab) {
2019-07-12 13:47:27 +00:00
if fs.args.len > i+1 && (fs.args[i+1] in ['true', 'false']) {
val := fs.args[i+1]
return val
} else {
val := 'true'
return val
} else if a.len > c.len && c == a.left(c.len) && a.substr(c.len, c.len+1) == '=' {
val := a.right(c.len+1)
return val
return error('parameter \'$n\' not found')
// defining and parsing a bool flag
// if defined
// the value is returned (true/false)
// else
// the default value is returned
2019-08-07 14:52:10 +00:00
// version with abbreviation
2019-07-12 13:47:27 +00:00
//TODO error handling for invalid string to bool conversion
2019-08-07 14:52:10 +00:00
pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) bool_(n string, a byte, v bool, u string) bool {
fs.add_flag(n, a, u, '')
parsed := fs.parse_bool_value(n, a) or {
2019-07-12 13:47:27 +00:00
return v
return parsed == 'true'
2019-08-07 14:52:10 +00:00
// defining and parsing a bool flag
// if defined
// the value is returned (true/false)
// else
// the default value is returned
//TODO error handling for invalid string to bool conversion
pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) bool(n string, v bool, u string) bool {
return fs.bool_(n, `\0`, v, u)
2019-07-12 13:47:27 +00:00
// defining and parsing an int flag
// if defined
// the value is returned (int)
// else
// the default value is returned
2019-08-07 14:52:10 +00:00
// version with abbreviation
2019-07-12 13:47:27 +00:00
//TODO error handling for invalid string to int conversion
2019-08-07 14:52:10 +00:00
pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) int_(n string, a byte, i int, u string) int {
fs.add_flag(n, a, u, '<int>')
parsed := fs.parse_value(n, a) or {
2019-07-12 13:47:27 +00:00
return i
return parsed.int()
2019-08-07 14:52:10 +00:00
// defining and parsing an int flag
// if defined
// the value is returned (int)
// else
// the default value is returned
//TODO error handling for invalid string to int conversion
pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) int(n string, i int, u string) int {
return fs.int_(n, `\0`, i, u)
2019-09-14 20:54:14 +00:00
// defining and parsing a float flag
2019-07-12 13:47:27 +00:00
// if defined
// the value is returned (float)
// else
// the default value is returned
2019-08-07 14:52:10 +00:00
// version with abbreviation
2019-07-12 13:47:27 +00:00
//TODO error handling for invalid string to float conversion
2019-08-07 14:52:10 +00:00
pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) float_(n string, a byte, f f32, u string) f32 {
fs.add_flag(n, a, u, '<float>')
parsed := fs.parse_value(n, a) or {
2019-07-12 13:47:27 +00:00
return f
return parsed.f32()
2019-09-14 20:54:14 +00:00
// defining and parsing a float flag
2019-08-07 14:52:10 +00:00
// if defined
// the value is returned (float)
// else
// the default value is returned
//TODO error handling for invalid string to float conversion
pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) float(n string, f f32, u string) f32 {
return fs.float_(n, `\0`, f, u)
2019-07-12 13:47:27 +00:00
// defining and parsing a string flag
// if defined
// the value is returned (string)
// else
// the default value is returned
2019-08-07 14:52:10 +00:00
// version with abbreviation
pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) string_(n string, a byte, v, u string) string {
fs.add_flag(n, a, u, '<arg>')
parsed := fs.parse_value(n, a) or {
2019-07-12 13:47:27 +00:00
return v
return parsed
2019-08-07 14:52:10 +00:00
// defining and parsing a string flag
// if defined
// the value is returned (string)
// else
// the default value is returned
pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) string(n, v, u string) string {
return fs.string_(n, `\0`, v, u)
2019-08-05 05:50:24 +00:00
// this will cause an error in finalize() if free args are out of range
// (min, ..., max)
pub fn (fs mut FlagParser) limit_free_args(min, max int) {
if min > max {
panic('flag.limit_free_args expect min < max, got $min >= $max')
fs.min_free_args = min
fs.max_free_args = max
2019-07-12 13:47:27 +00:00
const (
// used for formating usage message
SPACE = ' '
// collect all given information and
pub fn (fs FlagParser) usage() string {
mut use := '\n'
use += 'usage ${fs.application_name} [options] [ARGS]\n'
use += '\n'
if fs.flags.len > 0 {
use += 'options:\n'
for f in fs.flags {
flag_desc := ' --$f.name $f.val_desc'
space := if flag_desc.len > SPACE.len-2 {
} else {
2019-08-07 14:52:10 +00:00
abbr_desc := if f.abbr == `\0` { '' } else { ' -${tos(f.abbr, 1)}\n' }
use += '$abbr_desc$flag_desc$space$f.usage\n'
2019-07-12 13:47:27 +00:00
use += '\n'
use += '$fs.application_name $fs.application_version\n'
if fs.application_description != '' {
use += '\n'
use += 'description:\n'
use += '$fs.application_description'
return use
// finalize argument parsing -> call after all arguments are defined
// all remaining arguments are returned in the same order they are defined on
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// command line
2019-07-12 13:47:27 +00:00
// if additional flag are found (things starting with '--') an error is returned
// error handling is up to the application developer
pub fn (fs FlagParser) finalize() ?[]string {
for a in fs.args {
if a.left(2) == '--' {
return error('Unknown argument \'${a.right(2)}\'')
2019-08-05 05:50:24 +00:00
if fs.args.len < fs.min_free_args {
return error('Expect at least ${fs.min_free_args} arguments')
if fs.args.len >= fs.max_free_args {
if fs.max_free_args > 0 {
return error('Expect at most ${fs.max_free_args} arguments')
} else {
return error('Expect no arguments')
2019-07-12 13:47:27 +00:00
return fs.args
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