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module builtin
struct array {
arr JS.Array
len int
cap int
#function flatIntoArray(target, source, sourceLength, targetIndex, depth) {
#"use strict";
#for (var sourceIndex = 0; sourceIndex < sourceLength; ++sourceIndex) {
#if (sourceIndex in source) {
#var element = source[sourceIndex];
#if (depth > 0 && Array.isArray(element))
#targetIndex = flatIntoArray(target, element, element.length, targetIndex, depth - 1);
#else {
#target[targetIndex] = element;
#return targetIndex;
#function flatArray(target,depth) {
#var array = target
#var length = array.length;
#var depthNum = 1;
#if (depth !== undefined)
#depthNum = +depth
#var result = []
#flatIntoArray(result, array, length, 0, depthNum);
#return result;
pub fn (a array) repeat_to_depth(count int, depth int) array {
if count < 0 {
panic('array.repeat: count is negative: $count')
mut arr := empty_array()
#let tmp = new Array(a.arr.length * +count);
#arr.arr = flatArray(tmp,depth+1);
return arr
// last returns the last element of the array.
pub fn (a array) last() voidptr {
mut res := voidptr(0)
#res = a.arr[a.len-1];
return res
fn (a array) get(ix int) voidptr {
mut result := voidptr(0)
#result = a.arr[ix]
return result
pub fn (a array) repeat(count int) array {
unsafe {
return a.repeat_to_depth(count, 0)
fn empty_array() array {
mut arr := array{}
#arr = new array([])
return arr
fn (a &array) set_len(i int) {
pub fn (mut a array) sort_with_compare(compare voidptr) {
pub fn (mut a array) sort() {
pub fn (a array) index(v string) int {
for i in 0 .. a.len {
#if (a.arr[i].toString() == v.toString())
return i
return -1
pub fn (a array) slice(start int, end int) array {
mut result := a
#result = new array(a.arr.slice(start,end))
return result
pub fn (mut a array) insert(i int, val voidptr) {
pub fn (mut a array) insert_many(i int, val voidptr, size int) {
pub fn (mut a array) join(separator string) string {
mut res := ''
#res = new string(a.val.arr.join(separator +''));
return res
fn (a array) push(val voidptr) {
#array.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this.arr[Symbol.iterator](); }
#array.prototype.entries = function () { let result = []; for (const [key,val] of this.arr.entries()) { result.push([new int(key), val]); } return result[Symbol.iterator](); }
#array.prototype.map = function(callback) { return new array(this.arr.map(callback)); }
#array.prototype.filter = function(callback) { return new array(this.arr.filter( function (it) { return (+callback(it)) != 0; } )); }
#Object.defineProperty(array.prototype,'cap',{ get: function () { return this.len; } })
#array.prototype.any = function (value) {
#let val ;if (typeof value == 'function') { val = function (x) { return value(x); } } else { val = function (x) { return vEq(x,value); } }
#for (let i = 0;i < this.arr.length;i++)
#if (val(this.arr[i]))
#return true;
#return false;
#array.prototype.all = function (value) {
#let val ;if (typeof value == 'function') { val = function (x) { return value(x); } } else { val = function (x) { return vEq(x,value); } }
#for (let i = 0;i < this.arr.length;i++)
#if (!val(this.arr[i]))
#return false;
#return true;
// delete deletes array element at index `i`.
pub fn (mut a array) delete(i int) {
a.delete_many(i, 1)
// delete_many deletes `size` elements beginning with index `i`
pub fn (mut a array) delete_many(i int, size int) {
// prepend prepends one value to the array.
pub fn (mut a array) prepend(val voidptr) {
a.insert(0, val)
// prepend_many prepends another array to this array.
pub fn (mut a array) prepend_many(val voidptr, size int) {
unsafe { a.insert_many(0, val, size) }
pub fn (a array) reverse() array {
mut res := array{}
#res.arr = Array.from(a.arr).reverse()
return res
pub fn (mut a array) reverse_in_place() {
#array.prototype.$includes = function (elem) { return this.arr.find(function(e) { return vEq(elem,e); }) !== undefined;}
// reduce executes a given reducer function on each element of the array,
// resulting in a single output value.
pub fn (a array) reduce(iter fn (int, int) int, accum_start int) int {
mut accum_ := accum_start
#for (let i = 0;i < a.arr.length;i++) {
#accum_ = iter(accum_, a.arr[i])
return accum_
pub fn (mut a array) pop() voidptr {
mut res := voidptr(0)
#res = a.val.arr.pop()
return res
pub fn (a array) first() voidptr {
mut res := voidptr(0)
#res = a.arr[0]
return res
#array.prototype.toString = function () {
#let res = "["
#for (let i = 0; i < this.arr.length;i++) {
#res += this.arr[i].toString();
#if (i != this.arr.length-1)
#res += ', '
#res += ']'
#return res;
pub fn (a array) contains(key voidptr) bool {
#for (let i = 0; i < a.arr.length;i++)
#if (vEq(a.arr[i],key)) return new bool(true);
return false
2021-08-12 18:39:33 +02:00
// delete_last effectively removes last element of an array.
pub fn (mut a array) delete_last() {
2021-08-12 18:39:33 +02:00
pub fn (a &array) free() {
// todo: once (a []byte) will work rewrite this
pub fn (a array) bytestr() string {
res := ''
#a.arr.forEach((item) => res.str += String.fromCharCode(+item))
return res
pub fn (a []string) str() string {
mut sb := strings.new_builder(a.len * 3)
for i in 0 .. a.len {
val := a[i]
if i < a.len - 1 {
sb.write_string(', ')
res := sb.str()
return res