2019-10-31 23:15:03 +00:00
module compiler
import os
pub fn launch_tool(tname string){
vexe := vexe_path()
vroot := os.dir(vexe)
mut oargs := os.args
2019-11-17 11:36:05 +00:00
oargs[0] = '"$vexe"' // make it more explicit
2019-10-31 23:15:03 +00:00
tool_exe := os.realpath('$vroot/tools/$tname')
tool_source := os.realpath('$vroot/tools/${tname}.v')
tool_args := oargs.join(' ')
2019-11-17 11:36:05 +00:00
tool_command := '"$tool_exe" $tool_args'
2019-10-31 23:15:03 +00:00
//println('Launching: "$tool_command" ...')
mut tool_should_be_recompiled := false
if !os.file_exists( tool_exe ) {
// fresh checkout
tool_should_be_recompiled = true
if os.file_last_mod_unix( tool_exe ) <= os.file_last_mod_unix( vexe ) {
// v was recompiled, maybe after v up ...
// rebuild the tool too just in case
tool_should_be_recompiled = true
if os.file_last_mod_unix( tool_exe ) <= os.file_last_mod_unix( tool_source ) {
// the user changed the source code of the tool
tool_should_be_recompiled = true
if tool_should_be_recompiled {
2019-11-17 11:36:05 +00:00
compilation_command := '"$vexe" "$tool_source"'
2019-10-31 23:15:03 +00:00
//println('Compiling $tname with: "$compilation_command"')
tool_compilation := os.exec(compilation_command) or { panic(err) }
if tool_compilation.exit_code != 0 {
2019-11-07 13:17:32 +00:00
panic('V tool "$tool_source" could not be compiled\n' + tool_compilation.output)
2019-10-31 23:15:03 +00:00
exit( os.system(tool_command) )