2020-08-23 00:12:25 +00:00
import x.net
2020-08-20 21:01:37 +00:00
import time
fn echo_server(_c net.UdpConn) {
mut c := _c
// arbitrary timeouts to ensure that it doesnt
// instantly throw its hands in the air and give up
c.set_read_timeout(10 * time.second)
c.set_write_timeout(10 * time.second)
for {
2020-09-27 08:09:20 +00:00
mut buf := []byte{ len: 100, init: 0 }
2020-08-20 21:01:37 +00:00
read, addr := c.read_into(mut buf) or {
c.write_to(addr, buf[..read]) or {
println('Server: connection dropped')
fn echo() ? {
mut c := net.dial_udp('', '')?
defer { c.close() or { } }
// arbitrary timeouts to ensure that it doesnt
// instantly throw its hands in the air and give up
c.set_read_timeout(10 * time.second)
c.set_write_timeout(10 * time.second)
data := 'Hello from vlib/net!'
2020-09-27 08:09:20 +00:00
mut buf := []byte{ len: 100, init: 0 }
2020-08-20 21:01:37 +00:00
read, addr := c.read_into(mut buf)?
assert read == data.len
println('Got address $addr')
// Can't test this here because loopback addresses
// are mapped to other addresses
// assert addr.str() == ''
for i := 0; i < read; i++ {
assert buf[i] == data[i]
println('Got "${buf.bytestr()}"')
return none
fn test_udp() {
l := net.listen_udp(40001) or {
assert false
go echo_server(l)
echo() or {
assert false
l.close() or { }
fn main() {
2020-09-27 08:09:20 +00:00