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2020-01-23 21:04:46 +01:00
// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module checker
import (
2020-02-07 07:34:18 +01:00
pub struct Checker {
table &table.Table
file_name string
resolved []table.TypeRef
pub fn new_checker(table &table.Table) Checker {
return Checker{
table: table
pub fn (c mut Checker) check(ast_file ast.File) {
c.file_name = ast_file.path
// if ast_file.unresolved.len != c.resolved.len {
// c.resolve_exprs(file)
// }
for stmt in ast_file.stmts {
2020-02-03 07:31:54 +01:00
pub fn (c mut Checker) check_files(ast_files []ast.File) {
// this cant be moved to check() for multiple
// files this muse be done first. TODO: optimize
for file in ast_files {
c.file_name = file.path
2020-02-03 07:31:54 +01:00
for file in ast_files {
// resolve type of unresolved expressions
fn (c mut Checker) resolve_expr_types(exprs []ast.Expr) {
for x in exprs {
c.resolved << c.expr(x)
// update any types chich contain unresolved sub types
fn (c &Checker) complete_types() {
for idx, t in c.table.types {
// println('Resolve type: $t.name')
if t.kind == .array {
2020-02-06 17:38:02 +01:00
mut info := t.array_info()
if info.elem_type.typ.kind == .unresolved {
info.elem_type = c.resolved[info.elem_type.idx]
mut t1 := &c.table.types[idx]
t1.name = table.array_name(&info.elem_type, info.nr_dims)
t1.info = info
else if t.kind == .map {
2020-02-06 17:38:02 +01:00
mut info := t.map_info()
mut updated := false
if info.key_type.typ.kind == .unresolved {
info.key_type = c.resolved[info.key_type.idx]
updated = true
if info.value_type.typ.kind == .unresolved {
info.value_type = c.resolved[info.value_type.idx]
updated = true
if updated {
mut t1 := &c.table.types[idx]
t1.name = table.map_name(&info.key_type, &info.value_type)
t1.info = info
2020-02-06 17:38:02 +01:00
else if t.kind == .multi_return {
mut info := t.mr_info()
mut types := info.types
mut updated := false
for i, ut in types {
if ut.typ.kind == .unresolved {
types[i] = c.resolved[ut.idx]
updated = true
if updated {
mut t1 := &c.table.types[idx]
info.types = types
t1.info = info
pub fn (c &Checker) check_struct_init(struct_init ast.StructInit) table.TypeRef {
typ := c.table.find_type(struct_init.typ.typ.name) or {
c.error('unknown struct: $struct_init.typ.typ.name', struct_init.pos)
match typ.kind {
.placeholder {
c.error('unknown struct: $struct_init.typ.typ.name', struct_init.pos)
.struct_ {
info := typ.info as table.Struct
for i, expr in struct_init.exprs {
field := info.fields[i]
field_type := c.expr(expr)
if !c.table.check(field_type, field.typ) {
c.error('cannot assign $field_type.typ.name as $field.typ.typ.name for field $field.name', struct_init.pos)
else {}
return struct_init.typ
pub fn (c &Checker) infix_expr(infix_expr ast.InfixExpr) table.TypeRef {
left_type := c.expr(infix_expr.left)
right_type := c.expr(infix_expr.right)
if !c.table.check(&right_type, &left_type) {
// if !c.table.check(&infix_expr.right_type, &infix_expr.right_type) {
// c.error('infix expr: cannot use `$infix_expr.right_type.name` as `$infix_expr.left_type.name`', infix_expr.pos)
c.error('infix expr: cannot use `$left_type.typ.name` as `$right_type.typ.name`', infix_expr.pos)
if infix_expr.op.is_relational() {
return c.table.type_ref(table.bool_type_idx)
return left_type
fn (c &Checker) check_assign_expr(assign_expr ast.AssignExpr) {
left_type := c.expr(assign_expr.left)
right_type := c.expr(assign_expr.val)
if !c.table.check(right_type, left_type) {
c.error('cannot assign $right_type.typ.name to $left_type.typ.name', assign_expr.pos)
pub fn (c &Checker) call_expr(call_expr ast.CallExpr) table.TypeRef {
fn_name := call_expr.name
if f := c.table.find_fn(fn_name) {
// return_ti := f.return_ti
2020-02-07 07:34:18 +01:00
if !f.is_c {
if call_expr.args.len < f.args.len {
c.error('too few arguments in call to `$fn_name`', call_expr.pos)
else if call_expr.args.len > f.args.len {
2020-02-07 21:29:28 +01:00
c.error('too many arguments in call to `$fn_name` ($call_expr.args.len instead of $f.args.len)', call_expr.pos)
2020-02-07 07:34:18 +01:00
// for debugging
if f.name == 'backtrace_symbols_fd' {
println('ARGS FOR: backtrace_symbols_fd:')
for i, arg_expr in call_expr.args {
typ := c.expr(arg_expr)
println(' -- $i - $typ.typ.name')
// TODO: variadic
if fn_name != 'printf' && f.args.len > 0 {
for i, arg in f.args {
arg_expr := call_expr.args[i]
typ := c.expr(arg_expr)
if !c.table.check(&typ, &arg.typ) {
c.error('!cannot use type `$typ.typ.name` as type `$arg.typ.typ.name` in argument to `$fn_name`', call_expr.pos)
return f.return_type
c.error('unknown fn: $fn_name', call_expr.pos)
pub fn (c &Checker) check_method_call_expr(method_call_expr ast.MethodCallExpr) table.TypeRef {
typ := c.expr(method_call_expr.expr)
if method := typ.typ.find_method(method_call_expr.name) {
return method.return_type
// check parent
if !isnil(typ.typ.parent) {
if method := typ.typ.parent.find_method(method_call_expr.name) {
2020-02-07 09:19:45 +01:00
return method.return_type
c.error('type `$typ.typ.name` has no method `$method_call_expr.name`', method_call_expr.pos)
pub fn (c &Checker) selector_expr(selector_expr ast.SelectorExpr) table.TypeRef {
typ := c.expr(selector_expr.expr)
field_name := selector_expr.field
match typ.typ.kind {
.struct_ {
field := c.table.struct_find_field(typ.typ, field_name) or {
c.error('unknown field `${typ.typ.name}.$field_name`', selector_expr.pos)
return field.typ
else {
// types with parent struct (array/maps) handled here
if !isnil(typ.typ.parent) && typ.typ.parent.kind == .struct_ {
parent := typ.typ.parent
if field := c.table.struct_find_field(parent, field_name) {
if field.typ.typ.kind == .unresolved {
return c.resolved[field.typ.idx]
return field.typ
c.error('`$typ.typ.name` is not a struct', selector_expr.pos)
return c.table.type_ref(table.void_type_idx)
// TODO: non deferred
pub fn (c &Checker) return_stmt(return_stmt ast.Return) {
mut got_types := []table.TypeRef
if return_stmt.exprs.len == 0 {
for expr in return_stmt.exprs {
typ := c.expr(expr)
got_types << typ
expected_type := return_stmt.expected_type
mut expected_types := [expected_type]
if expected_type.typ.kind == .multi_return {
mr_info := expected_type.typ.info as table.MultiReturn
expected_types = mr_info.types
if expected_types.len > 0 && expected_types.len != got_types.len {
c.error('wrong number of return arguments:\n\texpected: $expected_types.str()\n\tgot: $got_types.str()', return_stmt.pos)
for i, exp_typ in expected_types {
got_typ := got_types[i]
if !c.table.check(got_typ, exp_typ) {
c.error('cannot use `$got_typ.typ.name` as type `$exp_typ.typ.name` in return argument', return_stmt.pos)
2020-02-06 17:38:02 +01:00
pub fn (c &Checker) assign_stmt(assign_stmt ast.AssignStmt) {}
pub fn (c &Checker) array_init(array_init ast.ArrayInit) table.TypeRef {
mut elem_type := c.table.type_ref(table.void_type_idx)
2020-01-19 13:52:34 +01:00
for i, expr in array_init.exprs {
typ := c.expr(expr)
2020-01-19 13:52:34 +01:00
// The first element's type
if i == 0 {
elem_type = typ
2020-01-19 13:52:34 +01:00
if !c.table.check(elem_type, typ) {
c.error('expected array element with type `$elem_type.typ.name`', array_init.pos)
2020-01-19 13:52:34 +01:00
return array_init.typ
2020-01-19 13:52:34 +01:00
fn (c &Checker) stmt(node ast.Stmt) {
2020-02-03 10:27:06 +01:00
match mut node {
ast.FnDecl {
for stmt in it.stmts {
ast.Return {
2020-02-06 17:38:02 +01:00
ast.AssignStmt {
ast.VarDecl {
typ := c.expr(it.expr)
// println('checker: var decl $typ.name it.typ=$it.typ.name $it.pos.line_nr')
if typ.typ.kind != .void {
it.typ = typ
ast.ForStmt {
typ := c.expr(it.cond)
if typ.typ.kind != .bool {
c.error('non-bool used as for condition', it.pos)
for stmt in it.stmts {
ast.ForCStmt {
for stmt in it.stmts {
2020-02-02 14:31:54 +01:00
// ast.StructDecl {}
ast.ExprStmt {
else {}
pub fn (c &Checker) expr(node ast.Expr) table.TypeRef {
match mut node {
ast.AssignExpr {
ast.IntegerLiteral {
return c.table.type_ref(table.int_type_idx)
// ast.FloatLiteral {}
ast.PostfixExpr {
2020-02-04 07:37:38 +01:00
return c.postfix_expr(it)
ast.UnaryExpr {
ast.StringLiteral {
return c.table.type_ref(table.string_type_idx)
ast.PrefixExpr {
return c.expr(it.right)
ast.InfixExpr {
return c.infix_expr(it)
ast.StructInit {
return c.check_struct_init(it)
ast.CallExpr {
return c.call_expr(it)
ast.MethodCallExpr {
return c.check_method_call_expr(it)
ast.ArrayInit {
return c.array_init(it)
ast.Ident {
if it.kind == .variable {
mut info := it.info as ast.IdentVar
if info.typ.typ.kind == .unresolved {
typ := c.resolved[info.typ.idx]
info.typ = typ
it.info = info
return typ
return info.typ
return c.table.type_ref(table.void_type_idx)
ast.BoolLiteral {
return c.table.type_ref(table.bool_type_idx)
ast.SelectorExpr {
return c.selector_expr(it)
ast.IndexExpr {
return c.index_expr(it)
ast.IfExpr {
typ := c.expr(it.cond)
if typ.typ.kind != .bool {
c.error('non-bool (`$typ.typ.name`) used as if condition', it.pos)
for i, stmt in it.stmts {
2020-02-02 14:31:54 +01:00
if it.else_stmts.len > 0 {
for stmt in it.else_stmts {
else {}
return c.table.type_ref(table.void_type_idx)
pub fn (c &Checker) postfix_expr(node ast.PostfixExpr) table.TypeRef {
2020-02-04 07:37:38 +01:00
match node.expr {
ast.IdentVar {
println('postfix identvar')
else {}
typ := c.expr(node.expr)
if typ.typ.kind != .int {
c.error('invalid operation: $node.op.str() (non-numeric type `$typ.typ.name`)', node.pos)
2020-02-04 07:37:38 +01:00
return typ
pub fn (c &Checker) index_expr(node ast.IndexExpr) table.TypeRef {
mut typ := c.expr(node.left)
2020-02-03 11:29:50 +01:00
mut is_range := false // TODO is_range := node.index is ast.RangeExpr
match node.index {
ast.RangeExpr {
is_range = true
else {}
if typ.typ.kind == .array {
2020-02-03 11:29:50 +01:00
if is_range {} // `x[start..end]` has the same type as `x`
else {
// Check index type
index_type := c.expr(node.index)
if index_type.typ.kind != .int {
c.error('non-integer index (type `$index_type.typ.name`)', node.pos)
2020-02-03 11:29:50 +01:00
info := typ.typ.info as table.Array
return info.elem_type
else {
typ = c.table.type_ref(table.int_type_idx)
return typ
// c.expr(it.index)
// return it.typ
pub fn (c &Checker) error(s string, pos token.Position) {
2020-02-07 07:34:18 +01:00
mut path := c.file_name
// Get relative path
workdir := os.getwd() + os.path_separator
if path.starts_with(workdir) {
path = path.replace(workdir, '')
final_msg_line := '$path:$pos.line_nr: checker error: $s'
// sometimes eprintln wasnt working?
if colored_output {