
151 lines
3.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import os
import os.cmdline
import time
import sync
// Usage:
// many_writers_and_receivers_on_1_channel [-readers 1] [-writers 4] [-chan_cap 100] [-iterations 25000] > results.csv
// You can then open results.csv in Excel/Calc and for example plot the first vs the second column.
enum EventKind {
struct Event {
is_set bool
id int
gtime u64 // nanoseconds
i int
kind EventKind
elapsed i64 // nanoseconds, elapsed after the previous event of the same kind
struct Context {
n_iters int
n_readers int
n_writers int
pops_wg &sync.WaitGroup
pops []Event
pushes_wg &sync.WaitGroup
pushes []Event
fn do_rec(ch chan int, id int, mut ctx Context) {
eprintln('start of do_rec id: $id')
mut timer_sw_x := time.new_stopwatch({})
mut tmp := int(0)
mut i := int(0)
// NB: a single receiver thread can get slightly more
// than its fair share of sends, that is why
// the receiver's Event array is much larger,
// enough so a single receiver can potentially process all
// writers pushes, and it is partitioned over all of
// id, ctx.n_writers and n_iters:
n_iters := ctx.n_iters
base := id * n_iters * ctx.n_writers
for {
for ch.try_pop(tmp) == .success {
ctx.pops[base + i] = Event{
is_set: true
id: id
gtime: time.sys_mono_now()
i: i
kind: .pop
elapsed: timer_sw_x.elapsed().nanoseconds()
if tmp == 1 {
fn do_send(ch chan int, id int, mut ctx Context) {
eprintln('start of do_send id: $id')
mut timer_sw_x := time.new_stopwatch({})
n_iters := ctx.n_iters
base := n_iters * id // sender events can not overlap
for i := 0; i < n_iters; i++ {
idx := base + i
ctx.pushes[idx] = Event{
is_set: true
id: id
gtime: time.sys_mono_now()
i: i
kind: .push
elapsed: timer_sw_x.elapsed().nanoseconds()
tmp := int(0)
ch <- tmp
fn main() {
args := os.args[1..]
if '-h' in args || '--help' in args {
eprintln('Usage:\n many_writers_and_receivers_on_1_channel [-readers 1] [-writers 4] [-chan_cap 100] [-iterations 25000]')
n_iters := cmdline.option(args, '-iterations', '25000').int()
n_readers := cmdline.option(args, '-readers', '1').int()
n_writers := cmdline.option(args, '-writers', '4').int()
chan_cap := cmdline.option(args, '-chan_cap', '100').int()
eprintln('> n_iters, $n_iters, n_writers, $n_writers, n_readers, $n_readers, chan_cap, $chan_cap')
ch := chan int{cap: chan_cap}
max_number_of_pushes := n_writers * (n_iters + 2)
max_number_of_pops := max_number_of_pushes * n_readers
eprintln('> max_number_of_pushes, $max_number_of_pushes, max_number_of_pops (per receiver), $max_number_of_pops')
mut ctx := &Context{
n_iters: n_iters
n_readers: n_readers
n_writers: n_writers
pushes_wg: sync.new_waitgroup()
pops_wg: sync.new_waitgroup()
pushes: []Event{len: max_number_of_pushes}
pops: []Event{len: max_number_of_pops}
for i := 0; i < n_readers; i++ {
go do_rec(ch, i, mut ctx)
for i := 0; i < n_writers; i++ {
go do_send(ch, i, mut ctx)
eprintln('>> all pushes done')
for i := 0; i < n_readers; i++ {
ch <- 1
eprintln('>> all pops done')
mut all_events := []Event{}
all_events << ctx.pops
all_events << ctx.pushes
all_events.sort(a.elapsed < b.elapsed)
mut i := 0
for e in all_events {
if !e.is_set {
if e.kind == .pop {
println('${i:8} , ${e.elapsed:10}, ns , do_rec id:, ${e.id:3} , i=, ${e.i:5} , ${e.gtime:20}')
if e.kind == .push {
println('${i:8} , ${e.elapsed:10}, ns , do_send id:, ${e.id:3} , i=, ${e.i:5} , ${e.gtime:20}')