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2021-12-08 09:09:10 +01:00
module eval
import v.ast
import v.util
import math
import strconv
pub fn (mut e Eval) expr(expr ast.Expr, expecting ast.Type) Object {
match expr {
ast.CallExpr {
// println(expr.is_method)
// is_method := expr.left.type_name() != 'unknown v.ast.Expr'
// println(is_method)
if expr.name == 'int' {
e.error('methods not supported')
mut args := expr.args.map(e.expr(it.expr, it.typ))
if expr.is_method {
args.prepend(e.expr(expr.left, expr.receiver_type))
match expr.language {
.c {
if expr.is_method {
e.error('c does not have methods')
match expr.name.all_after('C.') {
'write' {
return Int{C.write(args[0].int_val(), args[1] as voidptr,
args[2].int_val()), 32}
'calloc' {
return Ptr{
val: vcalloc(int(args[0].int_val() * args[1].int_val()))
'getcwd' {
unsafe {
return Ptr{
val: C.getcwd((args[0] as Ptr).val as voidptr, args[1].int_val())
'memcpy' {
unsafe {
return Ptr{
val: C.memcpy(args[0] as voidptr, args[1] as voidptr,
// 'printf' {
// mut voidptr_args := []voidptr{}
// for arg in args[1..] {
// // if arg is Int {
// // voidptr_args << voidptr(arg.val)
// // } else {
// voidptr_args << voidptr(&arg)
// // }
// }
// // println((e.local_vars['s'].val as string).str == voidptr_args[1])
// println('helo?$voidptr_args')
// // println((byteptr(voidptr_args[1])[0]))
// x := strconv.v_sprintf(args[0] as string, ...voidptr_args)
// // println('helo!')
// // println(x.len)
// y := C.write(1, x.str, x.len)
// println('aft')
// return Int{y, 32}
// }
else {
e.error('unknown c function: `$expr.name`')
.v {
// TODO: Anon functions
name := expr.name.all_after_last('.')
mod := expr.mod
mut func := e.mods[mod][name] or {
e.mods['builtin'][name] or { ast.EmptyStmt{} }
if func is ast.FnDecl {
e.run_func(func as ast.FnDecl, ...args)
if e.return_values.len == 1 {
return e.return_values[0]
} else {
return e.return_values
e.error('unknown function: ${mod}.$name at line $expr.pos.line_nr')
// .js {
// e.error('js is not supported')
// }
else {
e.error('$expr.language is not supported as a call expression language')
ast.StringLiteral {
// escape the escapes
mut res := ''
mut is_escape := false
for c in expr.val {
if is_escape {
res += e.get_escape(rune(c)).str()
} else if c == `\\` {
is_escape = true
} else {
res += rune(c).str()
return Object(res)
ast.IfExpr {
if expr.is_expr {
e.error('`if` expressions not supported')
if expr.is_comptime {
for i, branch in expr.branches {
mut do_if := false
if expr.has_else && i + 1 == expr.branches.len { // else branch
do_if = true
} else {
if branch.cond is ast.Ident {
match branch.cond.name {
'windows' {
do_if = e.pref.os == .windows
'macos' {
do_if = e.pref.os == .macos
'linux' {
do_if = e.pref.os == .linux
'android' {
do_if = e.pref.os == .android
'freebsd' {
do_if = e.pref.os == .freebsd
'prealloc' {
do_if = e.pref.prealloc
else {
e.error('unknown compile time if: $branch.cond.name')
} else if branch.cond is ast.PostfixExpr {
do_if = (branch.cond.expr as ast.Ident).name in e.pref.compile_defines
if do_if {
return empty
} else {
for i, b in expr.branches {
mut result := e.expr(b.cond, ast.bool_type_idx)
if expr.has_else && i + 1 == expr.branches.len { // else block
if result is bool {
if result as bool {
} else {
e.error('non-bool expression: $b.cond')
return empty
ast.InfixExpr {
left := e.expr(expr.left, expr.left_type)
right := e.expr(expr.right, expr.right_type)
return e.infix_expr(left, right, expr.op, expecting)
ast.IntegerLiteral {
// return u64(strconv.parse_uint(expr.val, 0, 64)
return i64(strconv.parse_int(expr.val, 0, 64) or {
e.error('invalid integer literal: $expr.val')
}) // TODO: numbers larger than 2^63 (for u64)
ast.FloatLiteral {
return f64(strconv.atof64(expr.val) or { e.error(err.str()) })
2021-12-08 09:09:10 +01:00
ast.BoolLiteral {
return expr.val
ast.Ident {
match expr.kind {
.variable {
// println(e.local_vars[expr.name].val.type_name())
return e.local_vars[expr.name].val
.constant {
return if expr.name.contains('.') {
} else {
}[expr.name.all_after_last('.')] or { ast.EmptyStmt{} } as Object
else {
e.error('unknown ident kind for `$expr.name`: $expr.kind')
ast.CastExpr {
x := e.expr(expr.expr, expr.expr_type)
if expr.typ in ast.signed_integer_type_idxs {
match x {
Uint {
return Int{
val: i64(x.val)
size: i8(e.type_to_size(expr.typ))
Int {
return Int{
val: i64(x.val)
size: i8(e.type_to_size(expr.typ))
Float {
return Int{
val: i64(x.val)
size: i8(e.type_to_size(expr.typ))
i64 {
if expecting in ast.signed_integer_type_idxs {
return Int{
val: x
size: i8(e.type_to_size(expecting))
} else {
return Uint{
val: u64(x)
size: i8(e.type_to_size(expecting))
f64 {
if expecting in ast.signed_integer_type_idxs {
return Int{
val: i64(x)
size: i8(e.type_to_size(expecting))
} else {
return Uint{
val: u64(x)
size: i8(e.type_to_size(expecting))
else {
e.error('unknown cast: ${e.table.sym(expr.expr_type).str()} to ${e.table.sym(expr.typ).str()}')
2021-12-08 09:09:10 +01:00
} else if expr.typ in ast.unsigned_integer_type_idxs {
match x {
Uint {
return Uint{
val: u64(x.val)
size: i8(e.type_to_size(expr.typ))
Int {
return Uint{
val: u64(x.val)
size: i8(e.type_to_size(expr.typ))
Float {
return Uint{
val: u64(x.val)
size: i8(e.type_to_size(expr.typ))
i64 {
return Uint{
val: u64(x)
size: i8(e.type_to_size(expr.typ))
f64 {
if expecting in ast.signed_integer_type_idxs {
return Int{
val: i64(x)
size: i8(e.type_to_size(expecting))
} else {
return Uint{
val: u64(x)
size: i8(e.type_to_size(expecting))
else {
e.error('unknown cast: ${e.table.sym(expr.expr_type).str()} to ${e.table.sym(expr.typ).str()}')
2021-12-08 09:09:10 +01:00
} else if expr.typ in ast.float_type_idxs {
match x {
Uint {
return Float{
val: f64(x.val)
size: i8(e.type_to_size(expr.typ))
Int {
return Float{
val: f64(x.val)
size: i8(e.type_to_size(expr.typ))
Float {
return Float{
val: f64(x.val)
size: i8(e.type_to_size(expr.typ))
f64 {
return Float{
val: x
size: i8(e.type_to_size(expr.typ))
else {
e.error('unknown cast: ${e.table.sym(expr.expr_type).str()} to ${e.table.sym(expr.typ).str()}')
2021-12-08 09:09:10 +01:00
} else if expr.typ in ast.pointer_type_idxs {
y := *(x as Ptr).val
if expr.typ == ast.byteptr_type_idx {
match y {
char, voidptr {
unsafe {
return Ptr{
val: (x as Ptr).val
else {
e.error('unknown cast: ${e.table.sym(expr.expr_type).str()} to ${e.table.sym(expr.typ).str()}')
2021-12-08 09:09:10 +01:00
} else if expr.typ == ast.voidptr_type_idx {
match y {
char, Int {
unsafe {
return Object(voidptr((x as Ptr).val))
else {
e.error('unknown cast: ${e.table.sym(expr.expr_type).str()} to ${e.table.sym(expr.typ).str()}')
2021-12-08 09:09:10 +01:00
} else if expr.typ == ast.charptr_type_idx {
match y {
voidptr, Int {
unsafe {
return Ptr{
val: &char((x as Ptr).val)
else {
e.error('unknown cast: ${e.table.sym(expr.expr_type).str()} to ${e.table.sym(expr.typ).str()}')
2021-12-08 09:09:10 +01:00
} else if e.table.sym(expr.typ).kind in [.interface_, .sum_type] {
if e.pref.is_verbose {
eprintln(util.formatted_error('warning:', 'sumtype or interface casts return void currently',
e.cur_file, expr.pos))
2021-12-08 09:09:10 +01:00
} else {
e.error('unknown cast: ${e.table.sym(expr.expr_type).str()} to ${e.table.sym(expr.typ).str()}')
2021-12-08 09:09:10 +01:00
ast.SelectorExpr {
exp := e.expr(expr.expr, expr.expr_type)
match exp {
string {
match expr.field_name {
'str' {
return Ptr{
val: exp.str
'len' {
return Int{exp.len, 32}
else {
e.error('unknown selector to string: $expr.field_name')
Array {
match expr.field_name {
'len' {
return Int{exp.val.len, 32}
else {
e.error('unknown selector to array: $expr.field_name')
else {
e.error('unknown selector expression: $exp.type_name()')
ast.ArrayInit {
if expr.has_len || expr.has_cap || expr.has_default {
if expr.has_len && !expr.has_cap && expr.has_default {
return Array{
val: []Object{len: int((e.expr(expr.len_expr, 7) as Int).val), init: e.expr(expr.default_expr,
} else if !expr.has_len && expr.has_cap && !expr.has_default {
return Array{
val: []Object{cap: int((e.expr(expr.cap_expr, 7) as Int).val)}
} else if !expr.has_len && !expr.has_cap && !expr.has_default {
return Array{
val: []Object{}
} else {
e.error('unknown array init combination; len: $expr.has_len, cap: $expr.has_cap, init: $expr.has_default')
if expr.is_fixed || expr.has_val {
e.error('fixed arrays are not supported')
mut res := Array{
val: []Object{cap: expr.exprs.len}
for i, exp in expr.exprs {
res.val << e.expr(exp, expr.expr_types[i])
return res
ast.CharLiteral {
if expr.val.len !in [1, 2] {
e.error('invalid size of char literal: $expr.val.len')
if expr.val[0] == `\\` { // is an escape
return e.get_escape(rune(expr.val[1]))
} else {
return rune(expr.val[0])
ast.StructInit {
// eprintln('unhandled struct init at line $expr.pos.line_nr')
return 'helo'
ast.SizeOf {
return Uint{e.type_to_size(expr.typ), 64}
ast.ParExpr {
return e.expr(expr.expr, expecting)
ast.PrefixExpr {
match expr.op {
.amp {
x := e.expr(expr.right, expr.right_type)
return Ptr{
val: &x
else {
e.error('unhandled prefix expression $expr.op')
ast.PostfixExpr {
match expr.op {
.inc {
e.add(expr.expr, Int{1, 64})
return e.expr(expr.expr, ast.i64_type_idx)
.dec {
e.add(expr.expr, Int{-1, 64})
return e.expr(expr.expr, ast.i64_type_idx)
else {
e.error('unhandled postfix expression $expr.op')
ast.StringInterLiteral {
mut res := expr.vals[0]
for i, exp in expr.exprs {
res += e.expr(exp, expr.expr_types[i]).string()
res += expr.vals[i + 1]
return res
else {
e.error('unhandled expression $expr.type_name()')
return empty
fn (e Eval) type_to_size(typ ast.Type) u64 {
match typ {
ast.voidptr_type_idx, ast.byteptr_type_idx, ast.charptr_type_idx {
return u64(if e.pref.m64 {
} else {
ast.i8_type_idx, ast.i16_type_idx, ast.int_type_idx, ast.i64_type_idx {
return u64(math.exp2(f64(typ - 2))) // this formula converts the type number to the bitsize
ast.byte_type_idx, ast.u16_type_idx, ast.u32_type_idx, ast.u64_type_idx {
return u64(math.exp2(f64(typ - 6))) // this formula converts the type number to the bitsize
ast.int_literal_type_idx, ast.float_literal_type_idx {
return 64
ast.f32_type_idx, ast.f64_type_idx {
return u64(math.exp2(f64(typ - 8))) // this formula converts the type number to the bitsize
else {
e.error('type_to_size(): unknown type: ${e.table.sym(typ).str()}')
2021-12-08 09:09:10 +01:00
return -1
fn (e Eval) get_escape(r rune) rune {
res := match r {
`\\` {
`n` {
`0` {
else {
if res == `e` {
e.error('unknown escape: `$r`')
return res