2020-04-08 17:44:30 +00:00
module websocket
2020-04-08 12:22:31 +00:00
2020-04-26 11:49:31 +00:00
import net
import net.urllib
import encoding.base64
import eventbus
import sync
import net.websocket.logger
2020-04-08 12:22:31 +00:00
const (
l = logger.new("ws")
pub struct Client {
retry int
eb &eventbus.EventBus
is_ssl bool
lock sync.Mutex = sync.new_mutex()
write_lock sync.Mutex = sync.new_mutex()
//subprotocol_len int
//cwebsocket_subprotocol *subprotocol;
//cwebsocket_subprotocol *subprotocols[];
state State
socket net.Socket
flags []Flag
sslctx &C.SSL_CTX
ssl &C.SSL
fragments []Fragment
pub mut:
uri string
subscriber &eventbus.Subscriber
struct Fragment {
data voidptr
len u64
code OPCode
2020-04-08 19:19:01 +00:00
pub struct Message {
2020-04-08 12:22:31 +00:00
opcode OPCode
payload voidptr
payload_len int
pub enum OPCode {
2020-04-22 23:16:16 +00:00
continuation = 0x00
text_frame = 0x01
binary_frame = 0x02
close = 0x08
ping = 0x09
2020-04-08 12:22:31 +00:00
pong = 0x0A
enum State {
2020-04-22 23:16:16 +00:00
connecting = 0
2020-04-08 12:22:31 +00:00
struct Uri {
hostname string
port string
resource string
querystring string
enum Flag {
2020-04-22 23:16:16 +00:00
2020-04-08 12:22:31 +00:00
struct Frame {
fin bool
2020-04-22 23:16:16 +00:00
rsv1 bool
2020-04-08 12:22:31 +00:00
rsv2 bool
rsv3 bool
opcode OPCode
mask bool
payload_len u64
masking_key [4]byte
pub fn new(uri string) &Client {
eb := eventbus.new()
ws := &Client{
uri: uri
state: .closed
eb: eb,
subscriber: eb.subscriber
is_ssl: uri.starts_with("wss")
ssl: C.NULL
sslctx: C.NULL
return ws
fn C.sscanf() int
fn (ws &Client) parse_uri() &Uri {
u := urllib.parse(ws.uri) or {panic(err)}
v := u.request_uri().split("?")
querystring := if v.len > 1 {"?" + v[1]} else {""}
return &Uri {
hostname: u.hostname()
port: u.port()
resource: v[0]
querystring: querystring
pub fn (ws mut Client) connect() int {
2020-04-08 19:19:01 +00:00
match ws.state {
.connected {
l.f("connect: websocket already connected")
.connecting {
l.f("connect: websocket already connecting")
.open {
l.f("connect: websocket already open")
} else {
// do nothing
2020-04-08 12:22:31 +00:00
ws.state = .connecting
uri := ws.parse_uri()
nonce := get_nonce()
seckey := base64.encode(nonce)
ai_family := C.AF_INET
ai_socktype := C.SOCK_STREAM
2020-04-24 05:32:51 +00:00
l.d("handshake header:")
2020-04-08 12:22:31 +00:00
handshake := "GET ${uri.resource}${uri.querystring} HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ${uri.hostname}:${uri.port}\r\nUpgrade: websocket\r\nConnection: Upgrade\r\nSec-WebSocket-Key: ${seckey}\r\nSec-WebSocket-Version: 13\r\n\r\n"
2020-04-24 05:32:51 +00:00
2020-04-26 11:49:31 +00:00
2020-04-08 12:22:31 +00:00
socket := net.new_socket(ai_family, ai_socktype, 0) or {
return -1
ws.socket = socket
ws.socket.connect(uri.hostname, uri.port.int()) or {
return -1
2020-04-22 23:16:16 +00:00
2020-04-08 12:22:31 +00:00
optval := 1
ws.socket.setsockopt(C.SOL_SOCKET, C.SO_KEEPALIVE, &optval) or {
return -1
if ws.is_ssl {
ws.state = .connected
2020-04-22 23:16:16 +00:00
2020-04-08 12:22:31 +00:00
res := ws.write_to_server(handshake.str, handshake.len)
if res <= 0 {
l.f("Handshake failed.")
ws.state = .open
unsafe {
return 0
pub fn (ws mut Client) close(code int, message string){
if ws.state != .closed && ws.socket.sockfd > 1 {
2020-04-22 23:16:16 +00:00
2020-04-08 12:22:31 +00:00
ws.state = .closing
mut code32 := 0
if code > 0 {
_code := C.htons(code)
message_len := message.len + 2
mut close_frame := [`0`].repeat(message_len)
close_frame[0] = _code & 0xFF
close_frame[1] = (_code >> 8)
code32 = (close_frame[0] << 8) + close_frame[1]
for i in 0..message.len {
close_frame[i+2] = message[i]
ws.send_control_frame(.close, "CLOSE", close_frame)
} else {
ws.send_control_frame(.close, "CLOSE", [])
if ws.ssl != C.NULL {
2020-04-24 05:32:51 +00:00
2020-04-08 12:22:31 +00:00
if ws.sslctx != C.NULL {
2020-04-24 05:32:51 +00:00
2020-04-08 12:22:31 +00:00
} else {
if C.shutdown(ws.socket.sockfd, C.SHUT_WR) == -1 {
l.e("Unabled to shutdown websocket.")
mut buf := [`0`]
for ws.read_from_server(buf.data, 1) > 0 {
buf[0] = `\0`
unsafe {
if C.close(ws.socket.sockfd) == -1 {
//ws.send_close_event()(websocket, 1011, strerror(errno));
ws.fragments = []
ws.state = .closed
unsafe {
//TODO impl autoreconnect
pub fn (ws mut Client) write(payload byteptr, payload_len int, code OPCode) int {
if ws.state != .open {
ws.send_error_event("WebSocket closed. Cannot write.")
goto free_data
return -1
header_len := 6 + if payload_len > 125 {2} else {0} + if payload_len > 0xffff {6} else {0}
masking_key := create_masking_key()
mut header := [`0`].repeat(header_len)
mut bytes_written := -1
header[0] = (int(code) | 0x80)
if payload_len <= 125 {
header[1] = (payload_len | 0x80)
header[2] = masking_key[0]
header[3] = masking_key[1]
header[4] = masking_key[2]
header[5] = masking_key[3]
} else if payload_len > 125 && payload_len <= 0xffff {
len16 := C.htons(payload_len)
header[1] = (126 | 0x80)
C.memcpy(header.data+2, &len16, 2)
header[4] = masking_key[0]
header[5] = masking_key[1]
header[6] = masking_key[2]
header[7] = masking_key[3]
} else if payload_len > 0xffff && payload_len <= 0xffffffffffffffff { // 65535 && 18446744073709551615
len64 := htonl64(u64(payload_len))
header[1] = (127 | 0x80)
C.memcpy(header.data+2, len64, 8)
header[10] = masking_key[0]
header[11] = masking_key[1]
header[12] = masking_key[2]
header[13] = masking_key[3]
} else {
l.c("write: frame too large")
ws.close(1009, "frame too large")
goto free_data
return -1
frame_len := header_len + payload_len
mut frame_buf := [`0`].repeat(frame_len)
C.memcpy(frame_buf.data, header.data, header_len)
C.memcpy(&frame_buf.data[header_len], payload, payload_len)
for i in 0..payload_len {
frame_buf[header_len+i] ^= masking_key[i % 4] & 0xff
bytes_written = ws.write_to_server(frame_buf.data, frame_len)
if bytes_written == -1 {
err := string(byteptr(C.strerror(C.errno)))
l.e("write: there was an error writing data: ${err}")
ws.send_error_event("Error writing data")
goto free_data
return -1
l.d("write: ${bytes_written} bytes written.")
2020-04-22 23:16:16 +00:00
unsafe {
2020-04-08 12:22:31 +00:00
return bytes_written
pub fn (ws mut Client) listen() {
l.i("Starting listener...")
for ws.state == .open {
l.i("Listener stopped as websocket was closed.")
2020-04-22 23:16:16 +00:00
2020-04-08 12:22:31 +00:00
pub fn (ws mut Client) read() int {
mut bytes_read := u64(0)
2020-04-22 23:16:16 +00:00
2020-04-08 12:22:31 +00:00
initial_buffer := u64(256)
mut header_len := 2
header_len_offset := 2
extended_payload16_end_byte := 4
extended_payload64_end_byte := 10
2020-04-22 23:16:16 +00:00
2020-04-08 12:22:31 +00:00
mut payload_len := u64(0)
mut data := C.calloc(initial_buffer, 1)//[`0`].repeat(int(max_buffer))
2020-04-22 23:16:16 +00:00
2020-04-08 12:22:31 +00:00
mut frame := Frame{}
mut frame_size := u64(header_len)
for bytes_read < frame_size && ws.state == .open {
byt := ws.read_from_server(data + int(bytes_read), 1)
match byt {
0 {
error := "server closed the connection."
l.e("read: ${error}")
ws.close(1006, error)
goto free_data
return -1
-1 {
err := string(byteptr(C.strerror(C.errno)))
l.e("read: error reading frame. ${err}")
ws.send_error_event("error reading frame")
goto free_data
return -1
} else {
if bytes_read == u64(header_len_offset) {
frame.fin = (data[0] & 0x80) == 0x80
frame.rsv1 = (data[0] & 0x40) == 0x40
frame.rsv2 = (data[0] & 0x20) == 0x20
frame.rsv3 = (data[0] & 0x10) == 0x10
frame.opcode = OPCode(int(data[0] & 0x7F))
frame.mask = (data[1] & 0x80) == 0x80
frame.payload_len = u64(data[1] & 0x7F)
//masking key
if frame.mask {
frame.masking_key[0] = data[2]
frame.masking_key[1] = data[3]
frame.masking_key[2] = data[4]
frame.masking_key[3] = data[5]
payload_len = frame.payload_len
frame_size = u64(header_len) + payload_len
if frame.payload_len == u64(126) && bytes_read == u64(extended_payload16_end_byte) {
header_len += 2
mut extended_payload_len := 0
extended_payload_len |= data[2] << 8
extended_payload_len |= data[3] << 0
//masking key
if frame.mask {
frame.masking_key[0] = data[4]
frame.masking_key[1] = data[5]
frame.masking_key[2] = data[6]
frame.masking_key[3] = data[7]
payload_len = u64(extended_payload_len)
frame_size = u64(header_len) + payload_len
if frame_size > initial_buffer {
l.d("reallocating: ${frame_size}")
data = C.realloc(data, frame_size)
} else if frame.payload_len == u64(127) && bytes_read == u64(extended_payload64_end_byte) {
header_len += 8 //TODO Not sure...
mut extended_payload_len := u64(0)
extended_payload_len |= u64(data[2]) << 56
extended_payload_len |= u64(data[3]) << 48
extended_payload_len |= u64(data[4]) << 40
extended_payload_len |= u64(data[5]) << 32
extended_payload_len |= u64(data[6]) << 24
extended_payload_len |= u64(data[7]) << 16
extended_payload_len |= u64(data[8]) << 8
extended_payload_len |= u64(data[9]) << 0
//masking key
if frame.mask {
frame.masking_key[0] = data[10]
frame.masking_key[1] = data[11]
frame.masking_key[2] = data[12]
frame.masking_key[3] = data[13]
payload_len = extended_payload_len
frame_size = u64(header_len) + payload_len
if frame_size > initial_buffer {
l.d("reallocating: ${frame_size}")
data = C.realloc(data, frame_size)
2020-04-22 23:16:16 +00:00
2020-04-08 12:22:31 +00:00
// unmask the payload
if frame.mask {
for i in 0..payload_len {
data[header_len+i] ^= frame.masking_key[i % 4] & 0xff
if ws.fragments.len > 0 && frame.opcode in [.text_frame, .binary_frame] {
ws.close(0, "")
goto free_data
return -1
2020-04-22 23:16:16 +00:00
} else if frame.opcode in [.text_frame, .binary_frame] {
2020-04-08 12:22:31 +00:00
l.d("read: recieved text_frame or binary_frame")
mut payload := malloc(sizeof(byte) * int(payload_len) + 1)
if payload == C.NULL {
l.f("out of memory")
C.memcpy(payload, &data[header_len], payload_len)
if frame.fin {
if ws.fragments.len > 0 {
//join fragments
ws.fragments << Fragment{
data: payload
len: payload_len
2020-04-26 14:25:54 +00:00
mut frags := []Fragment{}
2020-04-08 12:22:31 +00:00
mut size := u64(0)
for f in ws.fragments {
if f.len > 0 {
frags << f
size += f.len
mut pl := malloc(sizeof(byte) * int(size))
if pl == C.NULL {
l.f("out of memory")
mut by := 0
for i, f in frags {
C.memcpy(pl + by, f.data, f.len)
by += int(f.len)
unsafe {free(f.data)}
payload = pl
frame.opcode = ws.fragments[0].code
payload_len = size
//clear the fragments
unsafe {
ws.fragments = []
payload[payload_len] = `\0`
if frame.opcode == .text_frame && payload_len > 0 {
if !utf8_validate(payload, int(payload_len)) {
l.e("malformed utf8 payload")
ws.send_error_event("Recieved malformed utf8.")
ws.close(1007, "malformed utf8 payload")
goto free_data
return -1
message := Message {
opcode: frame.opcode
payload: payload
payload_len: int(payload_len)
} else {
//fragment start.
ws.fragments << Fragment{
data: payload
len: payload_len
code: frame.opcode
unsafe {
return int(bytes_read)
else if frame.opcode == .continuation {
l.d("read: continuation")
if ws.fragments.len <= 0 {
l.e("Nothing to continue.")
ws.close(1002, "nothing to continue")
goto free_data
return -1
goto data_node
2020-04-22 23:16:16 +00:00
return 0
2020-04-08 12:22:31 +00:00
else if frame.opcode == .ping {
l.d("read: ping")
if !frame.fin {
ws.close(1002, "control message must not be fragmented")
goto free_data
return -1
if frame.payload_len > 125 {
ws.close(1002, "control frames must not exceed 125 bytes")
goto free_data
return -1
2020-04-26 11:49:31 +00:00
mut payload := []byte{}
2020-04-08 12:22:31 +00:00
if payload_len > 0 {
payload = [`0`].repeat(int(payload_len))
C.memcpy(payload.data, &data[header_len], payload_len)
unsafe {
return ws.send_control_frame(.pong, "PONG", payload)
else if frame.opcode == .pong {
if !frame.fin {
ws.close(1002, "control message must not be fragmented")
goto free_data
return -1
unsafe {
//got pong
return 0
else if frame.opcode == .close {
l.d("read: close")
if frame.payload_len > 125 {
ws.close(1002, "control frames must not exceed 125 bytes")
goto free_data
return -1
mut code := 0
mut reason := ""
if payload_len > 2 {
code = (int(data[header_len]) << 8) + int(data[header_len+1])
header_len += 2
payload_len -= 2
reason = string(&data[header_len])
l.i("Closing with reason: ${reason} & code: ${code}")
if reason.len > 1 && !utf8_validate(reason.str, reason.len) {
l.e("malformed utf8 payload")
ws.send_error_event("Recieved malformed utf8.")
ws.close(1007, "malformed utf8 payload")
goto free_data
return -1
ws.close(code, reason)
return 0
l.e("read: Recieved unsupported opcode: ${frame.opcode} fin: ${frame.fin} uri: ${ws.uri}")
ws.send_error_event("Recieved unsupported opcode: ${frame.opcode}")
ws.close(1002, "Unsupported opcode")
2020-04-22 23:16:16 +00:00
unsafe {
2020-04-08 12:22:31 +00:00
return -1
fn (ws mut Client) send_control_frame(code OPCode, frame_typ string, payload []byte) int {
if ws.socket.sockfd <= 0 {
l.e("No socket opened.")
goto free_data
return -1
header_len := 6
frame_len := header_len + payload.len
mut control_frame := [`0`].repeat(frame_len)
masking_key := create_masking_key()
control_frame[0] = (int(code) | 0x80)
control_frame[1] = (payload.len | 0x80)
control_frame[2] = masking_key[0]
control_frame[3] = masking_key[1]
control_frame[4] = masking_key[2]
control_frame[5] = masking_key[3]
if code == .close {
close_code := 1000
if payload.len > 2 {
mut parsed_payload := [`0`].repeat(payload.len + 1)
C.memcpy(parsed_payload.data, &payload[0], payload.len)
parsed_payload[payload.len] = `\0`
for i in 0..payload.len {
control_frame[6+i] = (parsed_payload[i] ^ masking_key[i % 4]) & 0xff
unsafe {
} else {
for i in 0..payload.len {
control_frame[header_len + i] = (payload[i] ^ masking_key[i % 4]) & 0xff
mut bytes_written := -1
bytes_written = ws.write_to_server(control_frame.data, frame_len)
unsafe {
match bytes_written {
0 {
l.d("send_control_frame: remote host closed the connection.")
return 0
-1 {
l.c("send_control_frame: error sending ${frame_typ} control frame.")
return -1
} else {
l.d("send_control_frame: wrote ${bytes_written} byte ${frame_typ} frame.")
return bytes_written