cgen: minor cleanup in cheaders.v (#10610)

yuyi 2021-06-30 03:35:36 +08:00 committed by GitHub
parent aaee251550
commit 00333806e0
No known key found for this signature in database
1 changed files with 46 additions and 49 deletions

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@ -63,15 +63,15 @@ const c_common_macros = '
#define __V_architecture 0
#if defined(__x86_64__)
#define __V_amd64 1
#undef __V_architecture
#define __V_architecture 1
#define __V_amd64 1
#undef __V_architecture
#define __V_architecture 1
#if defined(__aarch64__) || defined(__arm64__)
#define __V_arm64 1
#undef __V_architecture
#define __V_architecture 2
#define __V_arm64 1
#undef __V_architecture
#define __V_architecture 2
// Using just __GNUC__ for detecting gcc, is not reliable because other compilers define it too:
@ -198,12 +198,10 @@ static inline bool _us64_lt(uint64_t a, int64_t b) { return a < INT64_MAX && (in
const c_helper_macros = '//============================== HELPER C MACROS =============================*/
//#define tos4(s, slen) ((string){.str=(s), .len=(slen)})
// _SLIT0 is used as NULL string for literal arguments
// `"" s` is used to enforce a string literal argument
#define _SLIT0 (string){.len=0}
#define _SLIT(s) ((string){.str=(byteptr)("" s), .len=(sizeof(s)-1), .is_lit=1})
//#define _SLIT(s) ((string){.str=(byteptr)("" s), .len=(sizeof(s)-1), .is_lit=1})
// take the address of an rvalue
#define ADDR(type, expr) (&((type[]){expr}[0]))
// copy something to the heap
@ -476,26 +474,26 @@ const c_wyhash_headers = '
#define wyhash_final_version_3
//protections that produce different results:
//1: normal valid behavior
//2: extra protection against entropy loss (probability=2^-63), aka. "blind multiplication"
// protections that produce different results:
// 1: normal valid behavior
// 2: extra protection against entropy loss (probability=2^-63), aka. "blind multiplication"
#ifndef WYHASH_32BIT_MUM
//0: normal version, slow on 32 bit systems
//1: faster on 32 bit systems but produces different results, incompatible with wy2u0k function
// 0: normal version, slow on 32 bit systems
// 1: faster on 32 bit systems but produces different results, incompatible with wy2u0k function
#define WYHASH_32BIT_MUM 0
// includes
#include <stdint.h>
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_X64)
#include <intrin.h>
#pragma intrinsic(_umul128)
//128bit multiply function
// 128bit multiply function
static inline uint64_t _wyrot(uint64_t x) { return (x>>32)|(x<<32); }
static inline void _wymum(uint64_t *A, uint64_t *B){
@ -532,10 +530,10 @@ static inline void _wymum(uint64_t *A, uint64_t *B){
//multiply and xor mix function, aka MUM
// multiply and xor mix function, aka MUM
static inline uint64_t _wymix(uint64_t A, uint64_t B){ _wymum(&A,&B); return A^B; }
//endian macros
// endian macros
@ -544,69 +542,68 @@ static inline uint64_t _wymix(uint64_t A, uint64_t B){ _wymum(&A,&B); return A^B
//read functions
// read functions
static inline uint64_t _wyr8(const uint8_t *p) { uint64_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 8); return v;}
static inline uint64_t _wyr4(const uint8_t *p) { uint32_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 4); return v;}
static inline uint64_t _wyr8(const uint8_t *p) { uint64_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 8); return v;}
static inline uint64_t _wyr4(const uint8_t *p) { uint32_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 4); return v;}
#elif defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) || defined(__clang__)
static inline uint64_t _wyr8(const uint8_t *p) { uint64_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 8); return __builtin_bswap64(v);}
static inline uint64_t _wyr4(const uint8_t *p) { uint32_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 4); return __builtin_bswap32(v);}
static inline uint64_t _wyr8(const uint8_t *p) { uint64_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 8); return __builtin_bswap64(v);}
static inline uint64_t _wyr4(const uint8_t *p) { uint32_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 4); return __builtin_bswap32(v);}
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
static inline uint64_t _wyr8(const uint8_t *p) { uint64_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 8); return _byteswap_uint64(v);}
static inline uint64_t _wyr4(const uint8_t *p) { uint32_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 4); return _byteswap_ulong(v);}
static inline uint64_t _wyr8(const uint8_t *p) { uint64_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 8); return _byteswap_uint64(v);}
static inline uint64_t _wyr4(const uint8_t *p) { uint32_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 4); return _byteswap_ulong(v);}
static inline uint64_t _wyr8(const uint8_t *p) {
uint64_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 8);
return (((v >> 56) & 0xff)| ((v >> 40) & 0xff00)| ((v >> 24) & 0xff0000)| ((v >> 8) & 0xff000000)| ((v << 8) & 0xff00000000)| ((v << 24) & 0xff0000000000)| ((v << 40) & 0xff000000000000)| ((v << 56) & 0xff00000000000000));
static inline uint64_t _wyr4(const uint8_t *p) {
uint32_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 4);
return (((v >> 24) & 0xff)| ((v >> 8) & 0xff00)| ((v << 8) & 0xff0000)| ((v << 24) & 0xff000000));
static inline uint64_t _wyr8(const uint8_t *p) {
uint64_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 8);
return (((v >> 56) & 0xff)| ((v >> 40) & 0xff00)| ((v >> 24) & 0xff0000)| ((v >> 8) & 0xff000000)| ((v << 8) & 0xff00000000)| ((v << 24) & 0xff0000000000)| ((v << 40) & 0xff000000000000)| ((v << 56) & 0xff00000000000000));
static inline uint64_t _wyr4(const uint8_t *p) {
uint32_t v; memcpy(&v, p, 4);
return (((v >> 24) & 0xff)| ((v >> 8) & 0xff00)| ((v << 8) & 0xff0000)| ((v << 24) & 0xff000000));
static inline uint64_t _wyr3(const uint8_t *p, size_t k) { return (((uint64_t)p[0])<<16)|(((uint64_t)p[k>>1])<<8)|p[k-1];}
//wyhash main function
// wyhash main function
static inline uint64_t wyhash(const void *key, size_t len, uint64_t seed, const uint64_t *secret){
const uint8_t *p=(const uint8_t *)key; seed^=*secret; uint64_t a, b;
if(_likely_(len>=4)){ a=(_wyr4(p)<<32)|_wyr4(p+((len>>3)<<2)); b=(_wyr4(p+len-4)<<32)|_wyr4(p+len-4-((len>>3)<<2)); }
else if(_likely_(len>0)){ a=_wyr3(p,len); b=0;}
const uint8_t *p=(const uint8_t *)key; seed^=*secret; uint64_t a, b;
if (_likely_(len<=16)) {
if (_likely_(len>=4)) { a=(_wyr4(p)<<32)|_wyr4(p+((len>>3)<<2)); b=(_wyr4(p+len-4)<<32)|_wyr4(p+len-4-((len>>3)<<2)); }
else if (_likely_(len>0)) { a=_wyr3(p,len); b=0; }
else a=b=0;
} else {
size_t i=len;
if (_unlikely_(i>48)) {
uint64_t see1=seed, see2=seed;
do {
p+=48; i-=48;
} while(_likely_(i>48));
while(_unlikely_(i>16)){ seed=_wymix(_wyr8(p)^secret[1],_wyr8(p+8)^seed); i-=16; p+=16; }
while(_unlikely_(i>16)) { seed=_wymix(_wyr8(p)^secret[1],_wyr8(p+8)^seed); i-=16; p+=16; }
a=_wyr8(p+i-16); b=_wyr8(p+i-8);
return _wymix(secret[1]^len,_wymix(a^secret[1],b^seed));
//the default secret parameters
// the default secret parameters
static const uint64_t _wyp[4] = {0xa0761d6478bd642full, 0xe7037ed1a0b428dbull, 0x8ebc6af09c88c6e3ull, 0x589965cc75374cc3ull};
//a useful 64bit-64bit mix function to produce deterministic pseudo random numbers that can pass BigCrush and PractRand
// a useful 64bit-64bit mix function to produce deterministic pseudo random numbers that can pass BigCrush and PractRand
static inline uint64_t wyhash64(uint64_t A, uint64_t B){ A^=0xa0761d6478bd642full; B^=0xe7037ed1a0b428dbull; _wymum(&A,&B); return _wymix(A^0xa0761d6478bd642full,B^0xe7037ed1a0b428dbull);}
//The wyrand PRNG that pass BigCrush and PractRand
// the wyrand PRNG that pass BigCrush and PractRand
static inline uint64_t wyrand(uint64_t *seed){ *seed+=0xa0761d6478bd642full; return _wymix(*seed,*seed^0xe7037ed1a0b428dbull);}
//convert any 64 bit pseudo random numbers to uniform distribution [0,1). It can be combined with wyrand, wyhash64 or wyhash.
// convert any 64 bit pseudo random numbers to uniform distribution [0,1). It can be combined with wyrand, wyhash64 or wyhash.
static inline double wy2u01(uint64_t r){ const double _wynorm=1.0/(1ull<<52); return (r>>12)*_wynorm;}
//convert any 64 bit pseudo random numbers to APPROXIMATE Gaussian distribution. It can be combined with wyrand, wyhash64 or wyhash.
// convert any 64 bit pseudo random numbers to APPROXIMATE Gaussian distribution. It can be combined with wyrand, wyhash64 or wyhash.
static inline double wy2gau(uint64_t r){ const double _wynorm=1.0/(1ull<<20); return ((r&0x1fffff)+((r>>21)&0x1fffff)+((r>>42)&0x1fffff))*_wynorm-3.0;}
//fast range integer random number generation on [0,k) credit to Daniel Lemire. May not work when WYHASH_32BIT_MUM=1. It can be combined with wyrand, wyhash64 or wyhash.
// fast range integer random number generation on [0,k) credit to Daniel Lemire. May not work when WYHASH_32BIT_MUM=1. It can be combined with wyrand, wyhash64 or wyhash.
static inline uint64_t wy2u0k(uint64_t r, uint64_t k){ _wymum(&r,&k); return k; }