transformer: refactor + apply transform to (hopefully) all nodes (#13216)
@ -151,10 +151,10 @@ pub:
// Stand-alone expression in a statement list.
pub struct ExprStmt {
expr Expr
pos token.Position
comments []Comment
pub mut:
expr Expr
is_expr bool
typ Type
@ -290,11 +290,11 @@ pub struct ConstField {
mod string
name string
expr Expr // the value expr of field; everything after `=`
is_pub bool
is_markused bool // an explict `[markused]` tag; the const will NOT be removed by `-skip-unused`, no matter what
pos token.Position
pub mut:
expr Expr // the value expr of field; everything after `=`
typ Type // the type of the const field, it can be any type in V
comments []Comment // comments before current const field
// the comptime_expr_value field is filled by the checker, when it has enough
@ -387,11 +387,11 @@ pub mut:
pub struct StructInitEmbed {
expr Expr
pos token.Position
comments []Comment
next_comments []Comment
pub mut:
expr Expr
name string
typ Type
expected_type Type
@ -791,10 +791,10 @@ pub mut:
// ++, --
pub struct PostfixExpr {
op token.Kind
expr Expr
pos token.Position
op token.Kind
pos token.Position
pub mut:
expr Expr
auto_locked string
@ -812,10 +812,10 @@ pub mut:
pub struct IndexExpr {
pos token.Position
index Expr // [0], RangeExpr [start..end] or map[key]
or_expr OrExpr
pos token.Position
pub mut:
index Expr // [0], RangeExpr [start..end] or map[key]
or_expr OrExpr
left Expr
left_type Type // array, map, fixed array
is_setter bool
@ -831,10 +831,10 @@ pub struct IfExpr {
is_comptime bool
tok_kind token.Kind
left Expr // `a` in `a := if ...`
pos token.Position
post_comments []Comment
pub mut:
left Expr // `a` in `a := if ...`
branches []IfBranch // includes all `else if` branches
is_expr bool
typ Type
@ -844,11 +844,11 @@ pub mut:
pub struct IfBranch {
cond Expr
pos token.Position
body_pos token.Position
comments []Comment
pub mut:
cond Expr
pkg_exist bool
stmts []Stmt
scope &Scope
@ -856,16 +856,17 @@ pub mut:
pub struct UnsafeExpr {
pos token.Position
pub mut:
expr Expr
pos token.Position
pub struct LockExpr {
stmts []Stmt
is_rlock []bool
pos token.Position
pub mut:
stmts []Stmt
lockeds []Expr // `x`, `y.z` in `lock x, y.z {`
comments []Comment
is_expr bool
@ -876,11 +877,11 @@ pub mut:
pub struct MatchExpr {
tok_kind token.Kind
cond Expr
branches []MatchBranch
pos token.Position
comments []Comment // comments before the first branch
pub mut:
cond Expr
branches []MatchBranch
is_expr bool // returns a value
return_type Type
cond_type Type // type of `x` in `match x {`
@ -913,13 +914,14 @@ pub mut:
pub struct SelectBranch {
stmt Stmt // `a := <-ch` or `ch <- a`
stmts []Stmt // right side
pos token.Position
comment Comment // comment above `select {`
is_else bool
is_timeout bool
post_comments []Comment
pub mut:
stmt Stmt // `a := <-ch` or `ch <- a`
stmts []Stmt // right side
pub enum ComptimeForKind {
@ -942,11 +944,11 @@ pub mut:
pub struct ForStmt {
cond Expr
stmts []Stmt
is_inf bool // `for {}`
pos token.Position
pub mut:
cond Expr
stmts []Stmt
label string // `label: for {`
scope &Scope
@ -974,16 +976,16 @@ pub mut:
pub struct ForCStmt {
init Stmt // i := 0;
has_init bool
cond Expr // i < 10;
has_cond bool
inc Stmt // i++; i += 2
has_inc bool
is_multi bool // for a,b := 0,1; a < 10; a,b = a+b, a {...}
stmts []Stmt
pos token.Position
pub mut:
init Stmt // i := 0;
cond Expr // i < 10;
inc Stmt // i++; i += 2
stmts []Stmt
label string // `label: for {`
scope &Scope
@ -1031,10 +1033,10 @@ pub mut:
// `expr as Ident`
pub struct AsCast {
expr Expr // from expr: `expr` in `expr as Ident`
typ Type // to type
pos token.Position
typ Type // to type
pos token.Position
pub mut:
expr Expr // from expr: `expr` in `expr as Ident`
expr_type Type // from type
@ -1124,8 +1126,9 @@ pub mut:
// `(3+4)`
pub struct ParExpr {
pos token.Position
pub mut:
expr Expr
pos token.Position
pub struct GoExpr {
@ -1152,20 +1155,20 @@ pub struct ArrayInit {
pos token.Position // `[]` in []Type{} position
elem_type_pos token.Position // `Type` in []Type{} position
exprs []Expr // `[expr, expr]` or `[expr]Type{}` for fixed array
ecmnts [][]Comment // optional iembed comments after each expr
ecmnts [][]Comment // optional iembed comments after each expr
pre_cmnts []Comment
is_fixed bool
has_val bool // fixed size literal `[expr, expr]!`
mod string
len_expr Expr // len: expr
cap_expr Expr // cap: expr
default_expr Expr // init: expr
has_len bool
has_cap bool
has_default bool
has_it bool // true if temp variable it is used
pub mut:
exprs []Expr // `[expr, expr]` or `[expr]Type{}` for fixed array
len_expr Expr // len: expr
cap_expr Expr // cap: expr
default_expr Expr // init: expr
expr_types []Type // [Dog, Cat] // also used for interface_types
elem_type Type // element type
default_type Type // default value type
@ -1174,19 +1177,19 @@ pub mut:
pub struct ArrayDecompose {
expr Expr
pos token.Position
pos token.Position
pub mut:
expr Expr
expr_type Type
arg_type Type
pub struct ChanInit {
pos token.Position
cap_expr Expr
has_cap bool
pos token.Position
has_cap bool
pub mut:
cap_expr Expr
typ Type
elem_type Type
@ -1194,11 +1197,11 @@ pub mut:
pub struct MapInit {
pos token.Position
keys []Expr
vals []Expr
comments [][]Comment // comments after key-value pairs
pre_cmnts []Comment // comments before the first key-value pair
pub mut:
keys []Expr
vals []Expr
typ Type
key_type Type
value_type Type
@ -1207,18 +1210,18 @@ pub mut:
// s[10..20]
pub struct RangeExpr {
low Expr
high Expr
has_high bool
has_low bool
pos token.Position
is_gated bool // #[] gated array
pub mut:
low Expr
high Expr
pub struct CastExpr {
arg Expr // `n` in `string(buf, n)`
pub mut:
arg Expr // `n` in `string(buf, n)`
typ Type // `string`
expr Expr // `buf` in `string(buf, n)` and `&Type(buf)`
typname string // `&Type` in `&Type(buf)`
@ -1457,9 +1460,9 @@ pub struct Assoc {
var_name string
fields []string
exprs []Expr
pos token.Position
pub mut:
exprs []Expr
typ Type
scope &Scope
@ -1467,19 +1470,19 @@ pub mut:
pub struct SizeOf {
is_type bool
expr Expr // checker uses this to set typ
pos token.Position
pub mut:
typ Type
expr Expr // checker uses this to set typ
typ Type
pub struct IsRefType {
is_type bool
expr Expr // checker uses this to set typ
pos token.Position
pub mut:
typ Type
expr Expr // checker uses this to set typ
typ Type
pub struct OffsetOf {
@ -1491,24 +1494,25 @@ pub:
pub struct Likely {
expr Expr
pos token.Position
is_likely bool // false for _unlikely_
pub mut:
expr Expr
pub struct TypeOf {
expr Expr
pos token.Position
pos token.Position
pub mut:
expr Expr
expr_type Type
pub struct DumpExpr {
expr Expr
pos token.Position
pos token.Position
pub mut:
expr Expr
expr_type Type
cname string // filled in the checker
@ -1542,12 +1546,12 @@ pub mut:
pub struct ComptimeSelector {
has_parens bool // if $() is used, for vfmt
left Expr
field_expr Expr
pos token.Position
pub mut:
left_type Type
typ Type
left Expr
left_type Type
field_expr Expr
typ Type
pub struct ComptimeCall {
@ -1614,21 +1618,21 @@ pub mut:
pub struct SqlExpr {
typ Type
is_count bool
db_expr Expr // `db` in `sql db {`
has_where bool
has_offset bool
offset_expr Expr
has_order bool
order_expr Expr
has_desc bool
is_array bool
pos token.Position
has_limit bool
limit_expr Expr
typ Type
is_count bool
has_where bool
has_order bool
has_limit bool
has_offset bool
has_desc bool
is_array bool
pos token.Position
pub mut:
db_expr Expr // `db` in `sql db {`
where_expr Expr
order_expr Expr
limit_expr Expr
offset_expr Expr
table_expr TypeNode
fields []StructField
sub_structs map[int]SqlExpr
@ -1780,9 +1784,10 @@ pub fn (stmt Stmt) check_c_expr() ? {
pub struct CTempVar {
name string // the name of the C temporary variable; used by g.expr(x)
orig Expr // the original expression, which produced the C temp variable; used by x.str()
typ Type // the type of the original expression
is_ptr bool // whether the type is a pointer
pub mut:
orig Expr // the original expression, which produced the C temp variable; used by x.str()
pub fn (node Node) position() token.Position {
@ -1821,7 +1821,7 @@ fn (mut c Checker) stmt(node ast.Stmt) {
node.typ = c.expr(node.expr)
c.expected_type = ast.void_type
mut or_typ := ast.void_type
match node.expr {
match mut node.expr {
ast.IndexExpr {
if node.expr.or_expr.kind != .absent {
node.is_expr = true
@ -1837,7 +1837,7 @@ fn (mut c Checker) stmt(node ast.Stmt) {
else {}
if !c.pref.is_repl && (c.stmt_level == 1 || (c.stmt_level > 1 && !c.is_last_stmt)) {
if node.expr is ast.InfixExpr {
if mut node.expr is ast.InfixExpr {
if node.expr.op == .left_shift {
left_sym := c.table.final_sym(node.expr.left_type)
if left_sym.kind != .array {
@ -2422,7 +2422,7 @@ pub fn (mut c Checker) expr(node ast.Expr) ast.Type {
c.error('expected `string` instead of `$` (e.g. ``)',
if node.field_expr is ast.SelectorExpr {
if mut node.field_expr is ast.SelectorExpr {
left_pos := node.field_expr.expr.position()
if c.comptime_fields_type.len == 0 {
c.error('compile time field access can only be used when iterating over `T.fields`',
@ -3025,7 +3025,7 @@ pub fn (mut c Checker) ident(mut node ast.Ident) ast.Type {
c.inside_const = false
c.mod = old_c_mod
if obj.expr is ast.CallExpr {
if mut obj.expr is ast.CallExpr {
if obj.expr.or_block.kind != .absent {
typ = typ.clear_flag(.optional)
@ -147,10 +147,10 @@ fn (mut c Checker) for_stmt(mut node ast.ForStmt) {
if !node.is_inf && typ.idx() != ast.bool_type_idx && !c.pref.translated {
c.error('non-bool used as for condition', node.pos)
if node.cond is ast.InfixExpr {
if mut node.cond is ast.InfixExpr {
infix := node.cond
if infix.op == .key_is {
if infix.left in [ast.Ident, ast.SelectorExpr] && infix.right is ast.TypeNode {
if infix.right is ast.TypeNode && infix.left in [ast.Ident, ast.SelectorExpr] {
is_variable := if mut infix.left is ast.Ident {
infix.left.kind == .variable
} else {
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ pub fn (mut c Checker) if_expr(mut node ast.IfExpr) ast.Type {
if node.is_comptime { // Skip checking if needed
// smartcast field type on comptime if
mut comptime_field_name := ''
if branch.cond is ast.InfixExpr {
if mut branch.cond is ast.InfixExpr {
if branch.cond.op == .key_is {
if branch.cond.right !is ast.TypeNode {
c.error('invalid `\$if` condition: expected a type', branch.cond.right.position())
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ pub fn (mut c Checker) if_expr(mut node ast.IfExpr) ast.Type {
} else if c.pref.output_cross_c {
mut is_freestanding_block := false
if branch.cond is ast.Ident {
if mut branch.cond is ast.Ident {
if == 'freestanding' {
is_freestanding_block = true
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import strings
pub fn (mut c Checker) match_expr(mut node ast.MatchExpr) ast.Type {
node.is_expr = c.expected_type != ast.void_type
node.expected_type = c.expected_type
if node.cond is ast.ParExpr && !c.pref.translated {
if mut node.cond is ast.ParExpr && !c.pref.translated {
c.error('unnecessary `()` in `match` condition, use `match expr {` instead of `match (expr) {`.',
@ -27,13 +27,13 @@ pub fn (mut p Parser) parse_array_type(expecting token.Kind) ast.Type {
ast.Ident {
mut show_non_const_error := false
if const_field := p.table.global_scope.find_const('${p.mod}.$') {
if const_field.expr is ast.IntegerLiteral {
if mut const_field := p.table.global_scope.find_const('${p.mod}.$') {
if mut const_field.expr is ast.IntegerLiteral {
fixed_size =
} else {
if const_field.expr is ast.InfixExpr {
if mut const_field.expr is ast.InfixExpr {
mut t := transformer.new_transformer(p.pref)
folded_expr := t.infix_expr(const_field.expr)
folded_expr := t.infix_expr(mut const_field.expr)
if folded_expr is ast.IntegerLiteral {
fixed_size =
@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
module transformer
struct KeyVal {
key string
value int
[if debug_bounds_checking ?]
fn debug_bounds_checking(str string) {
// IndexState is used to track the index analysis performed when parsing the code
// `IndexExpr` nodes are annotated with `is_direct`, indicating that the array index can be safely directly accessed.
// The c_gen code check will handle this annotation and perform this direct memory access. The following cases are considered valid for this optimisation:
// 1. the array size is known and has a `len` larger than the index requested
// 2. the array was previously accessed with a higher value which would have reported the issue already
// 3. the array was created from a range expression a := range[10..13] and the offset'ed indexes are safe
// Current limitations:
// * any function using break/continue or goto/label stopped from being optimised as soon as the relevant AST nodes are found as the code can not be ensured to be sequential
// * `enum` and `const` indexes are not optimised (they could probably be looked up)
// * for loops with multiple var in their init and/or inc are not analysed
// * mut array are not analysed as their size can be reduced, but self-assignment in a single line
pub struct IndexState {
// max_index has the biggest array index accessed for then named array
// so if a[2] was set or read, it will be 2
// A new array with no .len will recorded as -1 (accessing a[0] would be invalid)
// the value -2 is used to indicate that the array should not be analysed
// this is used for a mut array
max_index map[string]int
// We need to snapshot when entering `if` and `for` blocks and restore on exit
// as the statements may not be run. This is managed by indent() & unindent().
saved_disabled []bool
saved_key_vals [][]KeyVal
pub mut:
// on encountering goto/break/continue statements we stop any analysis
// for the current function (as the code is not linear anymore)
disabled bool
level int
// we are remembering the last array accessed and checking if the value is safe
// the node is updated with this information which can then be used by the code generators
fn (mut i IndexState) safe_access(key string, new int) bool {
$if no_bounds_checking {
return false
if i.disabled {
return false
old := i.max_index[key] or {
debug_bounds_checking('$i.level ${key}.len = $new')
i.max_index[key] = new
return false
if new > old {
if old < -1 {
debug_bounds_checking('$i.level $key[$new] unsafe (mut array)')
return false
debug_bounds_checking('$i.level $key[$new] unsafe (index was $old)')
i.max_index[key] = new
return false
debug_bounds_checking('$i.level $key[$new] safe (index is $old)')
return true
// safe_offset returns for a previvous array what was the highest
// offset we ever accessed for that identifier
fn (mut i IndexState) safe_offset(key string) int {
$if no_bounds_checking {
return -2
if i.disabled {
return -2
return i.max_index[key] or { -1 }
// indent is used for when encountering new code blocks (if, for and functions)
// The code analysis needs to take into consideration blocks of code which
// may not run at runtime (if/for) and therefore even if a new maximum for an
// index access is found on an if branch it can not be used within the parent
// code. The same is true with for blocks. indent() snapshot the current state,
// to allow restoration with unindent()
// Also within a function, analysis must be `disabled` when goto or break are
// encountered as the code flow is then not lineear, and only restart when a
// new function analysis is started.
[if !no_bounds_checking]
fn (mut i IndexState) indent(is_function bool) {
mut kvs := []KeyVal{cap: i.max_index.len}
for k, v in i.max_index {
kvs << KeyVal{k, v}
i.saved_disabled << i.disabled
i.saved_key_vals << kvs
if is_function {
i.disabled = false
i.level += 1
// restoring the data as it was before the if/for/unsafe block
[if !no_bounds_checking]
fn (mut i IndexState) unindent() {
i.level -= 1
mut keys := []string{cap: i.max_index.len}
for k, _ in i.max_index {
keys << k
for k in keys {
for saved in i.saved_key_vals.pop() {
i.max_index[saved.key] = saved.value
i.disabled = i.saved_disabled.pop()
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Reference in New Issue