orm: integrate psql to orm (#10933)

Louis Schmieder 2021-07-24 19:49:40 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent a0e27d3fd9
commit 1943da54a5
No known key found for this signature in database
9 changed files with 619 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ const (
skip_test_files = [
'vlib/context/deadline_test.v' /* sometimes blocks */,
'vlib/mysql/mysql_orm_test.v' /* mysql not installed */,
'vlib/pg/pg_orm_test.v' /* pg not installed */,
skip_fsanitize_too_slow = [
// These tests are too slow to be run in the CI on each PR/commit

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import sqlite
import mysql
// import pg
import pg
[table: 'modules']
struct Module {
@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ struct Child {
fn main() {
// psql_array()
// psql()
fn sqlite3_array() {
@ -118,7 +118,6 @@ fn mysql_array() {
fn psql_array() {
mut db := pg.connect(host: 'localhost', user: 'test', password: 'abc', dbname: 'test') or {
@ -156,7 +155,7 @@ fn psql_array() {
fn sqlite3() {
mut db := sqlite.connect(':memory:') or { panic(err) }
@ -225,7 +224,6 @@ fn mysql() {
fn psql() {
mut db := pg.connect(host: 'localhost', user: 'test', password: 'abc', dbname: 'test') or {
@ -259,4 +257,4 @@ fn psql() {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
module conv
// host to net 32 (htonl)
pub fn htn32(host &u32) u32 {
return C.htonl(host)
// host to net 16 (htons)
pub fn htn16(host &u16) u16 {
return C.htons(host)
// net to host 32 (ntohl)
pub fn nth32(host &u32) u32 {
return C.ntohl(host)
// net to host 16 (ntohs)
pub fn nth16(host &u16) u16 {
return C.ntohs(host)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
module conv
#include <arpa/inet.h>
fn C.htonl(host u32) u32
fn C.htons(host u16) u16
fn C.ntohl(net u32) u32
fn C.ntohs(net u16) u16
struct Bytes {
first u32
last u32
union LongLong {
ll u64
// host to net 64 (htonll)
pub fn htn64(host &u64) u64 {
mut ll := LongLong{
ll: host
unsafe {
ll.first = htn32(ll.first)
ll.last = htn32(ll.last)
return unsafe { ll.ll }
// net to host 64 (ntohll)
pub fn nth64(net &u64) u64 {
mut ll := LongLong{
ll: net
unsafe {
ll.first = nth32(ll.first)
ll.last = nth32(ll.last)
return unsafe { ll.ll }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
module conv
#include <winsock2.h>
fn C.htonll(host u64) u64
fn C.htonl(host u32) u32
fn C.htons(host u16) u16
fn C.ntohll(net u32) u32
fn C.ntohl(net u32) u32
fn C.ntohs(net u16) u16
// host to net 64 (htonll)
pub fn htn64(host &u64) u64 {
return C.htonll(host)
// net to host 64 (htonll)
pub fn nth64(host &u64) u64 {
return C.ntohll(host)

vlib/pg/oid.v 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
module pg
pub enum Oid {
t_bool = 16
t_bytea = 17
t_char = 18
t_name = 19
t_int8 = 20
t_int2 = 21
t_int2vector = 22
t_int4 = 23
t_regproc = 24
t_text = 25
t_oid = 26
t_tid = 27
t_xid = 28
t_cid = 29
t_vector = 30
t_pg_ddl_command = 32
t_pg_type = 71
t_pg_attribute = 75
t_pg_proc = 81
t_pg_class = 83
t_json = 114
t_xml = 142
t__xml = 143
t_pg_node_tree = 194
t__json = 199
t_smgr = 210
t_index_am_handler = 325
t_point = 600
t_lseg = 601
t_path = 602
t_box = 603
t_polygon = 604
t_line = 628
t__line = 629
t_cidr = 650
t__cidr = 651
t_float4 = 700
t_float8 = 701
t_abstime = 702
t_reltime = 703
t_tinterval = 704
t_unknown = 705
t_circle = 718
t__circle = 719
t_money = 790
t__money = 791
t_macaddr = 829
t_inet = 869
t__bool = 1000
t__bytea = 1001
t__char = 1002
t__name = 1003
t__int2 = 1005
t__int2vector = 1006
t__int4 = 1007
t__regproc = 1008
t__text = 1009
t__tid = 1010
t__xid = 1011
t__cid = 1012
t__vector = 1013
t__bpchar = 1014
t__varchar = 1015
t__int8 = 1016
t__point = 1017
t__lseg = 1018
t__path = 1019
t__box = 1020
t__float4 = 1021
t__float8 = 1022
t__abstime = 1023
t__reltime = 1024
t__tinterval = 1025
t__polygon = 1027
t__ = 1028
t_aclitem = 1033
t__aclitem = 1034
t__macaddr = 1040
t__inet = 1041
t_bpchar = 1042
t_varchar = 1043
t_date = 1082
t_time = 1083
t_timestamp = 1114
t__timestamp = 1115
t__date = 1182
t__time = 1183
t_timestamptz = 1184
t__timestamptz = 1185
t_interval = 1186
t__interval = 1187
t__numeric = 1231
t_pg_database = 1248
t__cstring = 1263
t_timetz = 1266
t__timetz = 1270
t_bit = 1560
t__bit = 1561
t_varbit = 1562
t__varbit = 1563
t_numeric = 1700
t_refcursor = 1790
t__refcursor = 2201
t_regprocedure = 2202
t_regoper = 2203
t_regoperator = 2204
t_regclass = 2205
t_regtype = 2206
t__regprocedure = 2207
t__regoper = 2208
t__regoperator = 2209
t__regclass = 2210
t__regtype = 2211
t_record = 2249
t_cstring = 2275
t_any = 2276
t_anyarray = 2277
t_v = 2278
t_trigger = 2279
t_language_handler = 2280
t_internal = 2281
t_opaque = 2282
t_anyelement = 2283
t__record = 2287
t_anynonarray = 2776
t_pg_authid = 2842
t_pg_auth_members = 2843
t__txid_snapshot = 2949
t_uuid = 2950
t__uuid = 2951
t_txid_snapshot = 2970
t_fdw_handler = 3115
t_pg_lsn = 3220
t__pg_lsn = 3221
t_tsm_handler = 3310
t_anyenum = 3500
t_tsvector = 3614
t_tsquery = 3615
t_gtsvector = 3642
t__tsvector = 3643
t__gtsvector = 3644
t__tsquery = 3645
t_regconfig = 3734
t__regconfig = 3735
t_regdictionary = 3769
t__regdictionary = 3770
t_jsonb = 3802
t__jsonb = 3807
t_anyrange = 3831
t_event_trigger = 3838
t_int4range = 3904
t__int4range = 3905
t_numrange = 3906
t__numrange = 3907
t_tsrange = 3908
t__tsrange = 3909
t_tstzrange = 3910
t__tstzrange = 3911
t_daterange = 3912
t__daterange = 3913
t_int8range = 3926
t__int8range = 3927
t_pg_shseclabel = 4066
t_regnamespace = 4089
t__regnamespace = 4090
t_regrole = 4096
t__regrole = 4097

vlib/pg/orm.v 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
module pg
import orm
import time
import net.conv
// sql expr
pub fn (db DB) @select(config orm.SelectConfig, data orm.QueryData, where orm.QueryData) ?[][]orm.Primitive {
query := orm.orm_select_gen(config, '"', true, '$', 1, where)
mut ret := [][]orm.Primitive{}
res := pg_stmt_worker(db, query, orm.QueryData{}, where) ?
for row in res {
mut row_data := []orm.Primitive{}
for i, val in row.vals {
field := str_to_primitive(val, config.types[i]) ?
row_data << field
ret << row_data
return ret
// sql stmt
pub fn (db DB) insert(table string, data orm.QueryData) ? {
query := orm.orm_stmt_gen(table, '"', .insert, true, '$', 1, data, orm.QueryData{})
pg_stmt_worker(db, query, data, orm.QueryData{}) ?
pub fn (db DB) update(table string, data orm.QueryData, where orm.QueryData) ? {
query := orm.orm_stmt_gen(table, '"', .update, true, '$', 1, data, where)
pg_stmt_worker(db, query, data, where) ?
pub fn (db DB) delete(table string, where orm.QueryData) ? {
query := orm.orm_stmt_gen(table, '"', .delete, true, '$', 1, orm.QueryData{}, where)
pg_stmt_worker(db, query, orm.QueryData{}, where) ?
pub fn (db DB) last_id() orm.Primitive {
query := 'SELECT LASTVAL();'
id := db.q_int(query) or { 0 }
return orm.Primitive(id)
// table
pub fn (db DB) create(table string, fields []orm.TableField) ? {
query := orm.orm_table_gen(table, '"', true, 0, fields, pg_type_from_v, false) or { return err }
pg_stmt_worker(db, query, orm.QueryData{}, orm.QueryData{}) ?
pub fn (db DB) drop(table string) ? {
query := 'DROP TABLE "$table";'
pg_stmt_worker(db, query, orm.QueryData{}, orm.QueryData{}) ?
// utils
fn pg_stmt_worker(db DB, query string, data orm.QueryData, where orm.QueryData) ?[]Row {
mut param_types := []u32{}
mut param_vals := []&char{}
mut param_lens := []int{}
mut param_formats := []int{}
pg_stmt_binder(mut param_types, mut param_vals, mut param_lens, mut param_formats,
pg_stmt_binder(mut param_types, mut param_vals, mut param_lens, mut param_formats,
res := C.PQexecParams(db.conn, query.str, param_vals.len, param_types.data, param_vals.data,
param_lens.data, param_formats.data, 0)
return db.handle_error_or_result(res, 'orm_stmt_worker')
fn pg_stmt_binder(mut types []u32, mut vals []&char, mut lens []int, mut formats []int, d orm.QueryData) {
for data in d.data {
pg_stmt_match(mut types, mut vals, mut lens, mut formats, data)
fn pg_stmt_match(mut types []u32, mut vals []&char, mut lens []int, mut formats []int, data orm.Primitive) {
d := data
match data {
bool {
types << u32(Oid.t_bool)
vals << &char(&(d as bool))
lens << int(sizeof(bool))
formats << 1
byte {
types << u32(Oid.t_char)
vals << &char(&(d as byte))
lens << int(sizeof(byte))
formats << 1
u16 {
types << u32(Oid.t_int2)
num := conv.htn16(&data)
vals << &char(&num)
lens << int(sizeof(u16))
formats << 1
u32 {
types << u32(Oid.t_int4)
num := conv.htn32(&data)
vals << &char(&num)
lens << int(sizeof(u32))
formats << 1
u64 {
types << u32(Oid.t_int8)
num := conv.htn64(&data)
vals << &char(&num)
lens << int(sizeof(u64))
formats << 1
i8 {
types << u32(Oid.t_char)
vals << &char(&(d as i8))
lens << int(sizeof(i8))
formats << 1
i16 {
types << u32(Oid.t_int2)
num := conv.htn16(unsafe { &u16(&data) })
vals << &char(&num)
lens << int(sizeof(i16))
formats << 1
int {
types << u32(Oid.t_int4)
num := conv.htn32(unsafe { &u32(&data) })
vals << &char(&num)
lens << int(sizeof(int))
formats << 1
i64 {
types << u32(Oid.t_int8)
num := conv.htn64(unsafe { &u64(&data) })
vals << &char(&num)
lens << int(sizeof(i64))
formats << 1
f32 {
types << u32(Oid.t_float4)
vals << &char(unsafe { &f32(&(d as f32)) })
lens << int(sizeof(f32))
formats << 1
f64 {
types << u32(Oid.t_float8)
vals << &char(unsafe { &f64(&(d as f64)) })
lens << int(sizeof(f64))
formats << 1
string {
types << u32(Oid.t_text)
vals << data.str
lens << data.len
formats << 0
time.Time {
types << u32(Oid.t_int4)
vals << &char(&int(data.unix))
lens << int(sizeof(u32))
formats << 1
orm.InfixType {
pg_stmt_match(mut types, mut vals, mut lens, mut formats, data.right)
fn pg_type_from_v(typ int) ?string {
str := match typ {
6, 10 {
7, 11 {
8, 12 {
13 {
14 {
orm.string {
-1 {
else {
if str == '' {
return error('Unknown type $typ')
return str
fn str_to_primitive(str string, typ int) ?orm.Primitive {
match typ {
// bool
16 {
return orm.Primitive(str.i8() == 1)
// i8
5 {
return orm.Primitive(str.i8())
// i16
6 {
return orm.Primitive(str.i16())
// int
7 {
return orm.Primitive(str.int())
// i64
8 {
return orm.Primitive(str.i64())
// byte
9 {
data := str.i8()
return orm.Primitive(*unsafe { &byte(&data) })
// u16
10 {
data := str.i16()
return orm.Primitive(*unsafe { &u16(&data) })
// u32
11 {
data := str.int()
return orm.Primitive(*unsafe { &u32(&data) })
// u64
12 {
data := str.i64()
return orm.Primitive(*unsafe { &u64(&data) })
// f32
13 {
return orm.Primitive(str.f32())
// f64
14 {
return orm.Primitive(str.f64())
orm.string {
return orm.Primitive(str)
orm.time {
timestamp := str.int()
return orm.Primitive(time.unix(timestamp))
else {}
return error('Unknown field type $typ')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
module main
import orm
import pg
fn test_pg_orm() {
mut db := pg.connect(
host: 'localhost'
user: 'postgres'
password: ''
dbname: 'postgres'
) or { panic(err) }
db.create('Test', [
name: 'id'
typ: 7
attrs: [
name: 'primary'
name: 'sql'
has_arg: true
kind: .plain
arg: 'serial'
name: 'name'
typ: 18
attrs: []
name: 'age'
typ: 7
]) or { panic(err) }
db.insert('Test', orm.QueryData{
fields: ['name', 'age']
data: [orm.string_to_primitive('Louis'), orm.int_to_primitive(101)]
}) or { panic(err) }
res := db.@select(orm.SelectConfig{
table: 'Test'
has_where: true
fields: ['id', 'name', 'age']
types: [7, 18, 8]
}, orm.QueryData{}, orm.QueryData{
fields: ['name']
data: [orm.Primitive('Louis'), i64(101)]
types: [18]
is_and: [true]
kinds: [.eq]
}) or { panic(err) }
id := res[0][0]
name := res[0][1]
age := res[0][2]
assert id is int
if id is int {
assert id == 1
assert name is string
if name is string {
assert name == 'Louis'
assert age is i64
if age is i64 {
assert age == 101

View File

@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ fn (mut g Gen) sql_stmt(node ast.SqlStmt) {
.mysql {
fn_prefix = 'mysql__Connection'
.mssql {
// g.mssql_create_table(node, typ, expr)
.psql {
fn_prefix = 'pg__DB'
else {
verror('This database type `$typ` is not implemented yet in orm') // TODO add better error
@ -507,6 +507,9 @@ fn (mut g Gen) sql_select_expr(node ast.SqlExpr) {
.mysql {
fn_prefix = 'mysql__Connection'
.psql {
fn_prefix = 'pg__DB'
else {
verror('This database type `$typ` is not implemented yet in orm') // TODO add better error