tooling: add tools/oldv , for use with 'git bisect', or for testing with older V

Delyan Angelov 2019-12-08 19:21:17 +02:00 committed by Alexander Medvednikov
parent 4d1f721558
commit 1bb38a38bb
4 changed files with 265 additions and 1 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ fns.txt

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@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
module scripting
import os
pub fn verbose_trace(label string, message string){
if os.getenv('VERBOSE').len > 0 {
slabel := 'scripting.${label}'
println('# ${slabel:30s} : $message')
pub fn verbose_trace_exec_result(x os.Result) {
if os.getenv('VERBOSE').len > 0 {
println('# cmd.exit_code : ${x.exit_code.str()}')
println('# cmd.output :')
println('# ----------------------------------- #')
mut lnum := 1
lines := x.output.split_into_lines()
for line in lines {
println('# ${lnum:3d}: $line')
println('# ----------------------------------- #')
pub fn chdir(path string) {
verbose_trace(@FN, 'cd $path')
os.chdir( path )
pub fn run(cmd string) string {
verbose_trace(@FN, cmd)
x := os.exec(cmd) or { return '' }
verbose_trace_exec_result( x )
if x.exit_code == 0 { return x.output }
return ''
pub fn command_exits_with_zero_status(cmd string) bool {
verbose_trace(@FN, cmd)
x := os.exec(cmd) or { return false }
verbose_trace_exec_result( x )
if x.exit_code == 0 { return true }
return false
pub fn tool_must_exist(toolcmd string) {
verbose_trace(@FN, toolcmd)
if command_exits_with_zero_status( 'type $toolcmd' ) { return }
eprintln('Missing tool: $toolcmd')
eprintln('Please try again after you install it.')
pub fn used_tools_must_exist(tools []string) {
for t in tools {
pub fn check_v_commit_timestamp_before_self_rebuilding(v_timestamp int) {
if v_timestamp >= 1561805697 { return }
eprintln('# WARNING: v self rebuilding, before 5b7a1e8 (2019-06-29 12:21) #')
eprintln('# required the v executable to be built *inside* #')
eprintln('# the toplevel compiler/ folder. #')
eprintln('# #')
eprintln('# That is not supported by this tool. #')
eprintln('# You will have to build it manually there. #')

tools/oldv.v 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
import (
const (
tool_version = '0.0.2'
tool_description = 'Checkout an old V and compile it. Useful when you want to discover when something broke.'
remote_repo_url_v = ''
remote_repo_url_vc = ''
struct Context {
repo_url_v string // the url of the V repository. It can be a local folder path, if you want to eliminate network operations...
repo_url_vc string // the url of the vc repository. It can be a local folder path, if you want to eliminate network operations...
workdir string // the working folder (typically /tmp), where the tool will write
commit_v string = 'master' // the commit from which you want to produce a working v compiler (this may be a commit-ish too)
commit_vc string = 'master' // this will be derived from commit_v
commit_v_hash string // this will be filled from the commit-ish commit_v using rev-list. It IS a commit hash.
path_v string // the full path to the v folder inside workdir.
path_vc string // the full path to the vc folder inside workdir.
cmd_to_run string // the command that you want to run *in* the oldv repo
cc string = 'cc' // the C compiler to use for bootstrapping.
cleanup bool // should the tool run a cleanup first
verbose bool // should the tool be much more verbose
fn (c mut Context) compile_oldv_if_needed() {
vexename := if os.user_os() == 'windows' { 'v.exe' } else { 'v' }
vexepath := filepath.join( c.path_v, vexename )
mut command_for_building_v_from_c_source := ''
mut commands_for_selfbuilding := []string
if 'windows' == os.user_os() {
command_for_building_v_from_c_source = '$ -w -o cv.exe "$c.path_vc/v_win.c" '
commands_for_selfbuilding << './cv.exe -o v2.exe {SOURCE}'
commands_for_selfbuilding << './v2.exe -o $vexename {SOURCE}'
command_for_building_v_from_c_source = '$ -w -o cv "$c.path_vc/v.c" -lm'
commands_for_selfbuilding << './cv -o $vexename {SOURCE}'
scripting.chdir( c.workdir )'git clone --quiet "$c.repo_url_v" "$c.path_v" ')'git clone --quiet "$c.repo_url_vc" "$c.path_vc" ')
scripting.chdir( c.path_v )'git checkout $c.commit_v')
c.prepare_vc_source( c.commit_v )
if os.is_dir( c.path_v ) && os.exists( vexepath ) { return }'git clean -f')
source_location := if os.exists('v.v') { 'v.v' } else { 'compiler' } command_for_building_v_from_c_source )
for cmd in commands_for_selfbuilding {
build_cmd := cmd.replace('{SOURCE}', source_location) build_cmd )
if !os.exists( vexepath ) && c.cmd_to_run.len > 0 {
// NB: 125 is a special code, that git bisect understands as 'skip this commit'.
// it is used to inform git bisect that the current commit leads to a build failure.
exit( 125 )
fn line_to_timestamp_and_commit(line string) (int, string) {
parts := line.split(' ')
return parts[0].int(), parts[1]
fn (c mut Context) prepare_vc_source( commit string ) {
scripting.chdir( c.path_v )
// Building a historic v with the latest vc is not always possible ...
// It is more likely, that the vc *at the time of the v commit*,
// or slightly before that time will be able to build the historic v:
vline :='git rev-list -n1 --timestamp "$commit" ')
v_timestamp, v_commithash := line_to_timestamp_and_commit( vline )
c.commit_v_hash = v_commithash
scripting.chdir( c.path_vc )'git checkout master')
vcbefore :='git rev-list HEAD -n1 --timestamp --before=$v_timestamp ')
_, vccommit_before := line_to_timestamp_and_commit( vcbefore )
c.commit_vc = vccommit_before'git checkout "$vccommit_before" ')
scripting.chdir( c.path_v )
fn (c Context) normalized_workpath_for_commit( commit string ) string {
nc := 'v_at_' + commit.replace('^','_').replace('-','_').replace('/','_')
return os.realpath( c.workdir + os.path_separator + nc )
fn validate_commit_exists( commit string ){
cmd := 'git cat-file -t ' + "'" + commit + "'"
if !scripting.command_exits_with_zero_status(cmd) {
eprintln("Commit: '" + commit + "' does not exist in the current repository.")
fn main(){
mut context := Context{}
mut fp := flag.new_flag_parser(os.args)
fp.version( tool_version )
fp.description( tool_description )
show_help:=fp.bool('help', false, 'Show this help screen\n')
context.cmd_to_run = fp.string('command', '', 'Command to run in the old V repo.\n')
context.cleanup = fp.bool('clean', true, 'Clean before running (slower).\n')
context.verbose = fp.bool('verbose', false, 'Be more verbose.\n')
context.workdir = os.realpath( fp.string('work-dir', os.tmpdir(), 'A writable folder, where the comparison will be done.\n') )
context.repo_url_v = fp.string('v-repo', remote_repo_url_v, 'The url of the V repository. You can clone it locally too.\n')
context.repo_url_vc = fp.string('vc-repo', remote_repo_url_vc, '' +
'The url of the vc repository. You can clone it \n'+
flag.SPACE+'beforehand, and then just give the local folder \n'+
flag.SPACE+'path here. That will eliminate the network ops \n'+
flag.SPACE+'done by this tool, which is useful, if you want \n'+
flag.SPACE+'to script it/run it in a restrictive vps/docker.\n')
if( show_help ){
println( fp.usage() )
if context.verbose {
commits := fp.finalize() or {
eprintln('Error: ' + err)
if commits.len > 0 {
context.commit_v = commits[0]
validate_commit_exists( context.commit_v )
context.commit_v ='git rev-list -n1 HEAD')
println('################# context.commit_v: $context.commit_v #####################')
context.path_v = context.normalized_workpath_for_commit( context.commit_v )
context.path_vc = context.normalized_workpath_for_commit( 'vc' )
if !os.is_dir( context.workdir ) {
msg := 'Work folder: ' + context.workdir + ' , does not exist.'
ecc := os.getenv('CC')
if ecc!='' { = ecc }
if context.cleanup {'rm -rf $context.path_v')'rm -rf $context.path_vc')
scripting.chdir( context.path_v )
println('# v commit hash: $context.commit_v_hash')
println('# checkout folder: $context.path_v')
if context.cmd_to_run.len > 0 {
cmdres := os.exec( context.cmd_to_run ) or { panic(err) }
println('# command: $context.cmd_to_run')
println('# command exit code: $cmdres.exit_code')
println('# command result :')
exit( cmdres.exit_code )

View File

@ -1069,3 +1069,7 @@ pub fn tmpdir() string {
pub fn chmod(path string, mode int) {
C.chmod(path.str, mode)
pub const (
wd_at_startup = getwd()