@ -2334,11 +2334,7 @@ fn (g mut Gen) string_inter_literal(node ast.StringInterLiteral) {
if is_var {
styp := g.typ(node.expr_types[i])
if !sym.has_method('str') && !(styp in g.str_types) {
// Generate an automatic str() method if this type doesn't have it already
g.str_types << styp
g.gen_str_for_type(sym, styp)
g.gen_str_for_type(sym, styp)
@ -2510,14 +2506,10 @@ fn (g mut Gen) fn_call(node ast.CallExpr) {
typ := node.args[0].typ
mut styp := g.typ(typ)
sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(typ)
if !sym.has_method('str') && !(styp in g.str_types) {
// Generate an automatic str() method if this type doesn't have it already
if table.type_is_ptr(typ) {
styp = styp.replace('*', '')
g.str_types << styp
g.gen_str_for_type(sym, styp)
if table.type_is_ptr(typ) {
styp = styp.replace('*', '')
g.gen_str_for_type(sym, styp)
if g.autofree && !table.type_is(typ, .optional) {
// Create a temporary variable so that the value can be freed
tmp := g.new_tmp_var()
@ -2562,6 +2554,9 @@ fn (g mut Gen) fn_call(node ast.CallExpr) {
// g.write('*')
if sym.kind ==.struct_ && styp != 'ptr' && !sym.has_method('str') {
g.write(', 0') // trailing 0 is initial struct indent count
} else {
@ -3042,6 +3037,10 @@ fn (g mut Gen) go_stmt(node ast.GoStmt) {
// already generated styp, reuse it
fn (g mut Gen) gen_str_for_type(sym table.TypeSymbol, styp string) {
if sym.has_method('str') || styp in g.str_types {
g.str_types << styp
match sym.info {
table.Struct {
g.gen_str_for_struct(it, styp)
@ -3057,7 +3056,7 @@ fn (g mut Gen) gen_str_for_type(sym table.TypeSymbol, styp string) {
fn (g mut Gen) gen_str_for_enum(info table.Enum, styp string) {
s := styp.replace('.', '__')
g.definitions.write('string ${s}_str($styp a) {\n\tswitch(a) {\n')
g.definitions.write('string ${s}_str($styp it) {\n\tswitch(it) {\n')
for i, val in info.vals {
g.definitions.write('\t\tcase ${s}_$val: return tos3("$val");\n')
@ -3065,36 +3064,59 @@ fn (g mut Gen) gen_str_for_enum(info table.Enum, styp string) {
fn (g mut Gen) gen_str_for_struct(info table.Struct, styp string) {
s := styp.replace('.', '__')
g.definitions.write('string ${s}_str($styp a) { return _STR("$styp {\\n')
for field in info.fields {
fmt := type_to_fmt(field.typ)
g.definitions.write('\t$field.name: $fmt\\n')
// TODO: short it if possible
// generates all definitions of substructs
for i, field in info.fields {
sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(field.typ)
if sym.kind == .struct_ {
field_styp := g.typ(field.typ)
g.gen_str_for_type(sym, field_styp)
s := styp.replace('.', '__')
g.definitions.write('string ${s}_str($styp it, int indent_count) {\n')
// generate ident / indent length = 4 spaces
g.definitions.write('\tstring indents = tos3("");\n\tfor (int i = 0; i < indent_count; i++) { indents = string_add(indents, tos3(" ")); }\n')
g.definitions.write('\treturn _STR("$styp {\\n')
for field in info.fields {
fmt := g.type_to_fmt(field.typ)
g.definitions.write('%.*s ' + '$field.name: $fmt\\n')
if info.fields.len > 0 {
g.definitions.write(', ')
for i, field in info.fields {
g.definitions.write('a.' + field.name)
if field.typ == table.string_type {
g.definitions.write('.len, a.${field.name}.str')
} else if field.typ == table.bool_type {
g.definitions.write(' ? 4 : 5, a.${field.name} ? "true" : "false"')
if i < info.fields.len - 1 {
g.definitions.write(', ')
for i, field in info.fields {
sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(field.typ)
if sym.kind == .struct_ {
field_styp := g.typ(field.typ)
g.definitions.write('indents.len, indents.str, ${field_styp}_str(it.$field.name, indent_count + 1).len, ${field_styp}_str(it.$field.name, indent_count + 1).str')
} else {
g.definitions.write('indents.len, indents.str, it.$field.name')
if field.typ == table.string_type {
g.definitions.write('.len, it.${field.name}.str')
} else if field.typ == table.bool_type {
g.definitions.write(' ? 4 : 5, it.${field.name} ? "true" : "false"')
if i < info.fields.len - 1 {
g.definitions.write(', ')
g.definitions.writeln('); }')
g.definitions.writeln(', indents.len, indents.str);\n}')
fn type_to_fmt(typ table.Type) string {
n := int(typ)
if n == table.string_type {
fn (g Gen) type_to_fmt(typ table.Type) string {
sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(typ)
if sym.kind == .struct_ {
return "%.*s"
} else if typ == table.string_type {
return "\'%.*s\'"
} else if n == table.bool_type {
} else if typ == table.bool_type {
return '%.*s'
} else if typ in [table.f32_type, table.f64_type] {
return '%g' // g removes trailing zeros unlike %f
return '%d'