autofree: free all vars in parent scopes recursively

Alexander Medvednikov 2020-11-09 15:56:20 +01:00
parent c76e486765
commit 2254f41722
1 changed files with 24 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1929,17 +1929,29 @@ fn (mut g Gen) autofree_scope_vars(pos int) {
// In `builtin` everything is freed manually.
g.writeln('// autofree_scope_vars($pos)')
// eprintln('> free_scope_vars($pos)')
scope := g.file.scope.innermost(pos)
g.writeln('// autofree_scope_vars(pos=$pos scope.pos=$scope.start_pos scope.end_pos=$scope.end_pos)')
g.autofree_scope_vars2(scope, scope.end_pos)
fn (mut g Gen) autofree_scope_vars2(scope &ast.Scope, end_pos int) {
if isnil(scope) {
for _, obj in scope.objects {
match obj {
ast.Var {
g.writeln('// var $ pos=$obj.pos.pos')
// if var.typ == 0 {
// // TODO why 0?
// continue
// }
v := *obj
if v.pos.pos > end_pos {
// Do not free vars that were declared after this scope
is_optional := v.typ.has_flag(.optional)
if is_optional {
// TODO: free optionals
@ -1950,6 +1962,17 @@ fn (mut g Gen) autofree_scope_vars(pos int) {
else {}
// Free all vars in parent scopes as well:
// ```
// s := ...
// if ... {
// return
// }
// ```
if !isnil(scope.parent) {
// g.autofree_scope_vars2(scope.parent, end_pos)
fn (mut g Gen) autofree_variable(v ast.Var) {