term.ui: use the new `[flag]` enums (#8881)

spaceface 2021-02-21 15:07:49 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 0470baafa6
commit 260f677469
No known key found for this signature in database
8 changed files with 92 additions and 81 deletions

View File

@ -12,15 +12,15 @@ fn event(e &tui.Event, x voidptr) {
app.tui.write('V term.input event viewer (press `esc` to exit)\n\n')
app.tui.write('\n\nRaw event bytes: "$e.utf8.bytes().hex()" = $e.utf8.bytes()')
if e.modifiers != 0 {
if !e.modifiers.is_empty() {
app.tui.write('\nModifiers: $e.modifiers = ')
if e.modifiers & tui.ctrl != 0 {
if e.modifiers.has(.ctrl) {
app.tui.write('ctrl. ')
if e.modifiers & tui.shift != 0 {
if e.modifiers.has(.shift) {
app.tui.write('shift ')
if e.modifiers & tui.alt != 0 {
if e.modifiers.has(.alt) {
app.tui.write('alt. ')

View File

@ -174,8 +174,8 @@ fn event(event &ui.Event, x voidptr) {
y: event.y
d := event.direction == .down
if event.modifiers & ui.ctrl != 0 {
p := event.modifiers & ui.shift == 0
if event.modifiers.has(.ctrl) {
p := !event.modifiers.has(.shift)
c := if d {
if p { app.primary_color_idx - 1 } else { app.secondary_color_idx - 1 }
} else {
@ -212,43 +212,53 @@ fn event(event &ui.Event, x voidptr) {
.space {
.space, .enter {
oevent := *event
nevent := ui.Event{
button: ui.MouseButton.middle
button: .left
x: app.mouse_pos.x
y: app.mouse_pos.y
.delete, .backspace {
oevent := *event
nevent := ui.Event{
button: .middle
x: app.mouse_pos.x
y: app.mouse_pos.y
.j, .down {
if event.modifiers & ui.shift != 0 {
if event.modifiers.has(.shift) {
app.set_pixel((1 + app.mouse_pos.x) / 2, app.mouse_pos.y, app.primary_color)
.k, .up {
if event.modifiers & ui.shift != 0 {
if event.modifiers.has(.shift) {
app.set_pixel((1 + app.mouse_pos.x) / 2, app.mouse_pos.y, app.primary_color)
.h, .left {
if event.modifiers & ui.shift != 0 {
if event.modifiers.has(.shift) {
app.set_pixel((1 + app.mouse_pos.x) / 2, app.mouse_pos.y, app.primary_color)
app.mouse_pos.x -= 2
.l, .right {
if event.modifiers & ui.shift != 0 {
if event.modifiers.has(.shift) {
app.set_pixel((1 + app.mouse_pos.x) / 2, app.mouse_pos.y, app.primary_color)
app.mouse_pos.x += 2
.t {
p := event.modifiers & ui.alt == 0
c := if event.modifiers & ui.shift != 0 {
p := !event.modifiers.has(.alt)
c := if event.modifiers.has(.shift) {
if p { app.primary_color_idx - 19 } else { app.secondary_color_idx - 19 }
} else {
if p { app.primary_color_idx + 19 } else { app.secondary_color_idx + 19 }
@ -256,8 +266,8 @@ fn event(event &ui.Event, x voidptr) {
app.select_color(p, c)
.r {
p := event.modifiers & ui.alt == 0
c := if event.modifiers & ui.shift != 0 {
p := !event.modifiers.has(.alt)
c := if event.modifiers.has(.shift) {
if p { app.primary_color_idx - 1 } else { app.secondary_color_idx - 1 }
} else {
if p { app.primary_color_idx + 1 } else { app.secondary_color_idx + 1 }

View File

@ -515,17 +515,17 @@ fn event(e &tui.Event, x voidptr) {
.left {
if e.modifiers == tui.ctrl {
if e.modifiers == .ctrl {
} else if e.modifiers == 0 {
} else if e.modifiers.is_empty() {
buffer.move_cursor(1, .left)
a.magnet_x = buffer.cursor.pos_x
.right {
if e.modifiers == tui.ctrl {
if e.modifiers == .ctrl {
} else if e.modifiers == 0 {
} else if e.modifiers.is_empty() {
buffer.move_cursor(1, .right)
a.magnet_x = buffer.cursor.pos_x
@ -551,16 +551,16 @@ fn event(e &tui.Event, x voidptr) {
buffer.move_cursor(1, .end)
48...57, 97...122 { // 0-9a-zA-Z
if e.modifiers == tui.ctrl {
if e.modifiers == .ctrl {
if e.code == .s {
} else if e.modifiers in [tui.shift, 0] && e.code != .null {
} else if !(e.modifiers.has(.ctrl | .alt) || e.code == .null) {
else {
if e.modifiers == tui.alt {
if e.modifiers == .alt {
if e.code == .comma {

View File

@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ mut:
fn event(e &tui.Event, x voidptr) {
mut app := &App(x)
if e.typ == .key_down && e.code == .escape {
fn frame(x voidptr) {
@ -77,11 +80,6 @@ In the case of the various callbacks, they will not be fired if a handler has no
#### FAQ
Q: Why does this module not work on Windows?
A: As with many other things, Windows has a completely different and incompatible way of handling
input parsing and drawing primitives, and support has not been implemented yet.
Contributions are definitely welcome though.
Q: My terminal (doesn't receive events / doesn't print anything / prints gibberish characters),
what's up with that?
A: Please check if your terminal. The module has been tested with `xterm`-based terminals on Linux

View File

@ -122,12 +122,6 @@ pub enum KeyCode {
f24 = 313
pub const (
shift = u32(1 << 0)
ctrl = u32(1 << 1)
alt = u32(1 << 2)
pub enum Direction {
@ -154,6 +148,15 @@ pub enum EventType {
pub enum Modifiers {
[inline] pub fn (m &Modifiers) is_empty() bool { return int(m) == 0 }
pub struct Event {
typ EventType
@ -166,7 +169,7 @@ pub:
// Keyboard event info
code KeyCode
modifiers u32
modifiers Modifiers
ascii byte
utf8 string

View File

@ -164,10 +164,10 @@ fn (mut ctx Context) parse_events() {
else { KeyCode(ascii) }
mut modifiers := u32(0)
if e.dwControlKeyState & (0x1 | 0x2) != 0 { modifiers |= alt }
if e.dwControlKeyState & (0x4 | 0x8) != 0 { modifiers |= ctrl }
if e.dwControlKeyState & 0x10 != 0 { modifiers |= shift }
mut modifiers := Modifiers{}
if e.dwControlKeyState & (0x1 | 0x2) != 0 { modifiers.set(.alt) }
if e.dwControlKeyState & (0x4 | 0x8) != 0 { modifiers.set(.ctrl) }
if e.dwControlKeyState & 0x10 != 0 { modifiers.set(.shift) }
mut event := &Event{
typ: .key_down
@ -188,10 +188,10 @@ fn (mut ctx Context) parse_events() {
x := e.dwMousePosition.X + 1
y := int(e.dwMousePosition.Y) - sb_info.srWindow.Top + 1
mut modifiers := u32(0)
if e.dwControlKeyState & (0x1 | 0x2) != 0 { modifiers |= alt }
if e.dwControlKeyState & (0x4 | 0x8) != 0 { modifiers |= ctrl }
if e.dwControlKeyState & 0x10 != 0 { modifiers |= shift }
mut modifiers := Modifiers{}
if e.dwControlKeyState & (0x1 | 0x2) != 0 { modifiers.set(.alt) }
if e.dwControlKeyState & (0x4 | 0x8) != 0 { modifiers.set(.ctrl) }
if e.dwControlKeyState & 0x10 != 0 { modifiers.set(.shift) }
// TODO: handle capslock/numlock/etc?? events exist for those keys
match int(e.dwEventFlags) {

View File

@ -283,8 +283,8 @@ fn single_char(buf string) &Event {
match ch {
// special handling for `ctrl + letter`
// TODO: Fix assoc in V and remove this workaround :/
// 1 ... 26 { event = Event{ ...event, code: KeyCode(96 | ch), modifiers: ctrl } }
// 65 ... 90 { event = Event{ ...event, code: KeyCode(32 | ch), modifiers: shift } }
// 1 ... 26 { event = Event{ ...event, code: KeyCode(96 | ch), modifiers: .ctrl } }
// 65 ... 90 { event = Event{ ...event, code: KeyCode(32 | ch), modifiers: .shift } }
// The bit `or`s here are really just `+`'s, just written in this way for a tiny performance improvement
// don't treat tab, enter as ctrl+i, ctrl+j
1...8, 11...26 { event = &Event{
@ -292,14 +292,14 @@ fn single_char(buf string) &Event {
ascii: event.ascii
utf8: event.utf8
code: KeyCode(96 | ch)
modifiers: ctrl
modifiers: .ctrl
} }
65...90 { event = &Event{
typ: event.typ
ascii: event.ascii
utf8: event.utf8
code: KeyCode(32 | ch)
modifiers: shift
modifiers: .shift
} }
else {}
@ -351,13 +351,14 @@ fn escape_sequence(buf_ string) (&Event, int) {
if buf.len == 1 {
c := single_char(buf)
mut modifiers := c.modifiers
return &Event{
typ: c.typ
ascii: c.ascii
code: c.code
utf8: single
modifiers: c.modifiers | alt
modifiers: modifiers
}, 2
// ----------------
@ -374,15 +375,15 @@ fn escape_sequence(buf_ string) (&Event, int) {
lo := typ & 0b00011
hi := typ & 0b11100
mut modifiers := u32(0)
mut modifiers := Modifiers{}
if hi & 4 != 0 {
modifiers |= shift
if hi & 8 != 0 {
modifiers |= alt
if hi & 16 != 0 {
modifiers |= ctrl
match typ {
@ -444,7 +445,7 @@ fn escape_sequence(buf_ string) (&Event, int) {
// ----------------------------
mut code := KeyCode.null
mut modifiers := u32(0)
mut modifiers := Modifiers{}
match buf {
'[A', 'OA' { code = .up }
'[B', 'OB' { code = .down }
@ -473,35 +474,34 @@ fn escape_sequence(buf_ string) (&Event, int) {
if buf == '[Z' {
code = .tab
modifiers |= shift
if buf.len == 5 && buf[0] == `[` && buf[1].is_digit() && buf[2] == `;` {
// code = KeyCode(buf[4] + 197)
modifiers = match buf[3] {
`2` { shift }
`3` { alt }
`4` { shift | alt }
`5` { ctrl }
`6` { ctrl | shift }
`7` { ctrl | alt }
`8` { ctrl | alt | shift }
else { modifiers } // probably unreachable? idk, terminal events are strange
match buf[3] {
`2` { modifiers = .shift }
`3` { modifiers = .alt }
`4` { modifiers = .shift | .alt }
`5` { modifiers = .ctrl }
`6` { modifiers = .ctrl | .shift }
`7` { modifiers = .ctrl | .alt }
`8` { modifiers = .ctrl | .alt | .shift }
else {}
if buf[1] == `1` {
code = match buf[4] {
`A` { KeyCode.up }
`B` { KeyCode.down }
`C` { KeyCode.right }
`D` { KeyCode.left }
`F` { KeyCode.end }
`H` { KeyCode.home }
`P` { KeyCode.f1 }
`Q` { KeyCode.f2 }
`R` { KeyCode.f3 }
`S` { KeyCode.f4 }
else { code }
match buf[4] {
`A` { code = KeyCode.up }
`B` { code = KeyCode.down }
`C` { code = KeyCode.right }
`D` { code = KeyCode.left }
`F` { code = KeyCode.end }
`H` { code = KeyCode.home }
`P` { code = KeyCode.f1 }
`Q` { code = KeyCode.f2 }
`R` { code = KeyCode.f3 }
`S` { code = KeyCode.f4 }
else {}
} else if buf[1] == `5` {
code = KeyCode.page_up

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@ -2200,10 +2200,10 @@ fn (mut p Parser) enum_decl() ast.EnumDecl {
pubfn := if p.mod == 'main' { 'fn' } else { 'pub fn' }
$pubfn ( e &$enum_name) has(flag $enum_name) bool { return (int(*e) & (int(flag))) != 0 }
$pubfn (mut e $enum_name) set(flag $enum_name) { unsafe{ *e = ${enum_name}(int(*e) | (int(flag))) } }
$pubfn (mut e $enum_name) clear(flag $enum_name) { unsafe{ *e = ${enum_name}(int(*e) & ~(int(flag))) } }
$pubfn (mut e $enum_name) toggle(flag $enum_name) { unsafe{ *e = ${enum_name}(int(*e) ^ (int(flag))) } }
[inline] $pubfn ( e &$enum_name) has(flag $enum_name) bool { return (int(*e) & (int(flag))) != 0 }
[inline] $pubfn (mut e $enum_name) set(flag $enum_name) { unsafe{ *e = ${enum_name}(int(*e) | (int(flag))) } }
[inline] $pubfn (mut e $enum_name) clear(flag $enum_name) { unsafe{ *e = ${enum_name}(int(*e) & ~(int(flag))) } }
[inline] $pubfn (mut e $enum_name) toggle(flag $enum_name) { unsafe{ *e = ${enum_name}(int(*e) ^ (int(flag))) } }