sdl: fix old vsdl2 references

Nicolas Sauzede 2019-12-05 10:58:48 +01:00 committed by Alexander Medvednikov
parent 90e3ab8c1e
commit 2e30e1453d
2 changed files with 66 additions and 66 deletions

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import os
import math
import sdl
import sdl.image as img
[inline] fn sdl_fill_rect(s &vsdl2.Surface,r &vsdl2.Rect,c &vsdl2.Color){vsdl2.fill_rect(s,r,c)}
[inline] fn sdl_fill_rect(s &sdl.Surface,r &sdl.Rect,c &sdl.Color){sdl.fill_rect(s,r,c)}
const (
Title = 'tVintris'
@ -107,25 +107,25 @@ const (
// Each tetro has its unique color
Colors = [
vsdl2.Color{byte(0), byte(0), byte(0), byte(0)}, // unused ?
vsdl2.Color{byte(0), byte(0x62), byte(0xc0), byte(0)}, // quad : darkblue 0062c0
vsdl2.Color{byte(0xca), byte(0x7d), byte(0x5f), byte(0)}, // tricorn : lightbrown ca7d5f
vsdl2.Color{byte(0), byte(0xc1), byte(0xbf), byte(0)}, // short topright : lightblue 00c1bf
vsdl2.Color{byte(0), byte(0xc1), byte(0), byte(0)}, // short topleft : lightgreen 00c100
vsdl2.Color{byte(0xbf), byte(0xbe), byte(0), byte(0)}, // long topleft : yellowish bfbe00
vsdl2.Color{byte(0xd1), byte(0), byte(0xbf), byte(0)}, // long topright : pink d100bf
vsdl2.Color{byte(0xd1), byte(0), byte(0), byte(0)}, // longest : lightred d10000
vsdl2.Color{byte(0), byte(170), byte(170), byte(0)}, // unused ?
sdl.Color{byte(0), byte(0), byte(0), byte(0)}, // unused ?
sdl.Color{byte(0), byte(0x62), byte(0xc0), byte(0)}, // quad : darkblue 0062c0
sdl.Color{byte(0xca), byte(0x7d), byte(0x5f), byte(0)}, // tricorn : lightbrown ca7d5f
sdl.Color{byte(0), byte(0xc1), byte(0xbf), byte(0)}, // short topright : lightblue 00c1bf
sdl.Color{byte(0), byte(0xc1), byte(0), byte(0)}, // short topleft : lightgreen 00c100
sdl.Color{byte(0xbf), byte(0xbe), byte(0), byte(0)}, // long topleft : yellowish bfbe00
sdl.Color{byte(0xd1), byte(0), byte(0xbf), byte(0)}, // long topright : pink d100bf
sdl.Color{byte(0xd1), byte(0), byte(0), byte(0)}, // longest : lightred d10000
sdl.Color{byte(0), byte(170), byte(170), byte(0)}, // unused ?
// Background color
BackgroundColor = vsdl2.Color{byte(0), byte(0), byte(0), byte(0)}
// BackgroundColor = vsdl2.Color{byte(255), byte(255), byte(255), byte(0)}
BackgroundColor = sdl.Color{byte(0), byte(0), byte(0), byte(0)}
// BackgroundColor = sdl.Color{byte(255), byte(255), byte(255), byte(0)}
// Foreground color
ForegroundColor = vsdl2.Color{byte(0), byte(170), byte(170), byte(0)}
// ForegroundColor = vsdl2.Color{byte(0), byte(0), byte(0), byte(0)}
ForegroundColor = sdl.Color{byte(0), byte(170), byte(170), byte(0)}
// ForegroundColor = sdl.Color{byte(0), byte(0), byte(0), byte(0)}
// Text color
TextColor = vsdl2.Color{byte(0xca), byte(0x7d), byte(0x5f), byte(0)}
// TextColor = vsdl2.Color{byte(0), byte(0), byte(0), byte(0)}
TextColor = sdl.Color{byte(0xca), byte(0x7d), byte(0x5f), byte(0)}
// TextColor = sdl.Color{byte(0), byte(0), byte(0), byte(0)}
// TODO: type Tetro [TetroSize]struct{ x, y int }
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ mut:
h int
window voidptr
renderer voidptr
screen &vsdl2.Surface
screen &sdl.Surface
texture voidptr
actx AudioContext
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ mut:
jnames [2]string
jids [2]int
// V logo
v_logo &vsdl2.Surface
v_logo &sdl.Surface
tv_logo voidptr
@ -224,19 +224,19 @@ mut:
font voidptr
fn (sdl mut SdlContext) set_sdl_context(w int, h int, title string) {
fn (sdlc mut SdlContext) set_sdl_context(w int, h int, title string) {
bpp := 32
vsdl2.create_window_and_renderer(w, h, 0, &sdl.window, &sdl.renderer)
// C.SDL_CreateWindowAndRenderer(w, h, 0, voidptr(&sdl.window), voidptr(&sdl.renderer))
C.SDL_SetWindowTitle(sdl.window, title.str)
sdl.w = w
sdl.h = h
sdl.screen = vsdl2.create_rgb_surface(0, w, h, bpp, 0x00FF0000, 0x0000FF00, 0x000000FF, 0xFF000000)
sdl.texture = C.SDL_CreateTexture(sdl.renderer, C.SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888, C.SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, w, h)
sdl.create_window_and_renderer(w, h, 0, &sdlc.window, &sdlc.renderer)
// C.SDL_CreateWindowAndRenderer(w, h, 0, voidptr(&sdlc.window), voidptr(&sdlc.renderer))
C.SDL_SetWindowTitle(sdlc.window, title.str)
sdlc.w = w
sdlc.h = h
sdlc.screen = sdl.create_rgb_surface(0, w, h, bpp, 0x00FF0000, 0x0000FF00, 0x000000FF, 0xFF000000)
sdlc.texture = C.SDL_CreateTexture(sdlc.renderer, C.SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888, C.SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, w, h)
@ -244,23 +244,23 @@ fn (sdl mut SdlContext) set_sdl_context(w int, h int, title string) {
println('couldn\'t open audio')
println('opening music $MusicName') = C.Mix_LoadMUS(MusicName.str)
sdl.actx.waves[0] = C.Mix_LoadWAV(SndBlockName.str)
sdl.actx.waves[1] = C.Mix_LoadWAV(SndLineName.str)
sdl.actx.waves[2] = C.Mix_LoadWAV(SndDoubleName.str)
sdl.actx.volume = C.SDL_MIX_MAXVOLUME
if C.Mix_PlayMusic(, 1) != -1 {
C.Mix_VolumeMusic(sdl.actx.volume) = C.Mix_LoadMUS(MusicName.str)
sdlc.actx.waves[0] = C.Mix_LoadWAV(SndBlockName.str)
sdlc.actx.waves[1] = C.Mix_LoadWAV(SndLineName.str)
sdlc.actx.waves[2] = C.Mix_LoadWAV(SndDoubleName.str)
sdlc.actx.volume = C.SDL_MIX_MAXVOLUME
if C.Mix_PlayMusic(, 1) != -1 {
njoy := C.SDL_NumJoysticks()
for i := 0; i < njoy; i++ {
jn := tos_clone(vsdl2.joystick_name_for_index(i))
jn := tos_clone(sdl.joystick_name_for_index(i))
println('JOY NAME $jn')
for j := 0; j < NJOYMAX; j++ {
if sdl.jnames[j] == jn {
if sdlc.jnames[j] == jn {
println('FOUND JOYSTICK $j $jn ID=$i')
sdl.jids[j] = i
sdlc.jids[j] = i
@ -270,11 +270,11 @@ fn (sdl mut SdlContext) set_sdl_context(w int, h int, title string) {
println('error initializing image library.')
println('opening logo $VLogo')
sdl.v_logo = img.load(VLogo)
if !isnil(sdl.v_logo) {
// println('got v_logo=$sdl.v_logo')
sdl.tv_logo = vsdl2.create_texture_from_surface(sdl.renderer, sdl.v_logo)
// println('got tv_logo=$sdl.tv_logo')
sdlc.v_logo = img.load(VLogo)
if !isnil(sdlc.v_logo) {
// println('got v_logo=$sdlc.v_logo')
sdlc.tv_logo = sdl.create_texture_from_surface(sdlc.renderer, sdlc.v_logo)
// println('got tv_logo=$sdlc.tv_logo')
@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ fn main() {
for {
total_frames += 1
start_ticks := vsdl2.get_perf_counter()
start_ticks := sdl.get_perf_counter()
g1 := game
g2 := game2
@ -370,8 +370,8 @@ fn main() {
// game.handle_events() // CRASHES if done in function ???
ev := vsdl2.Event{}
for 0 < vsdl2.poll_event(&ev) {
ev := sdl.Event{}
for 0 < sdl.poll_event(&ev) {
match int(ev._type) {
C.SDL_QUIT { should_close = true }
@ -403,14 +403,14 @@ fn main() {
if should_close {
end_ticks := vsdl2.get_perf_counter()
end_ticks := sdl.get_perf_counter()
total_frame_ticks += end_ticks-start_ticks
elapsed_time := f64(end_ticks - start_ticks) / f64(vsdl2.get_perf_frequency())
elapsed_time := f64(end_ticks - start_ticks) / f64(sdl.get_perf_frequency())
// current_fps := 1.0 / elapsed_time
// should limit system to (1 / time_per_frame) fps
vsdl2.delay(u32(math.floor(time_per_frame - elapsed_time)))
sdl.delay(u32(math.floor(time_per_frame - elapsed_time)))
if game.font != voidptr(0) {
@ -429,10 +429,10 @@ fn main() {
if !isnil(game.sdl.tv_logo) {
if !isnil(game.sdl.v_logo) {
@ -700,7 +700,7 @@ fn (g &Game) draw_tetro() {
fn (g &Game) draw_block(i, j, color_idx int) {
rect := vsdl2.Rect {g.ofs_x + (j - 1) * BlockSize, (i - 1) * BlockSize,
rect := sdl.Rect {g.ofs_x + (j - 1) * BlockSize, (i - 1) * BlockSize,
BlockSize - 1, BlockSize - 1}
col := Colors[color_idx]
sdl_fill_rect(g.sdl.screen, &rect, &col)
@ -724,27 +724,27 @@ fn (g &Game) draw_v_logo() {
texw := 0
texh := 0
C.SDL_QueryTexture(g.sdl.tv_logo, 0, 0, &texw, &texh)
dstrect := vsdl2.Rect { (WinWidth / 2) - (texw / 2), 20, texw, texh }
// Currently we can't seem to use vsdl2.render_copy when we need to pass a nil pointer (eg: srcrect to be NULL)
// vsdl2.render_copy(g.sdl.renderer, tv_logo, 0, &dstrect)
dstrect := sdl.Rect { (WinWidth / 2) - (texw / 2), 20, texw, texh }
// Currently we can't seem to use sdl.render_copy when we need to pass a nil pointer (eg: srcrect to be NULL)
// sdl.render_copy(g.sdl.renderer, tv_logo, 0, &dstrect)
C.SDL_RenderCopy(g.sdl.renderer, g.sdl.tv_logo, voidptr(0), voidptr(&dstrect))
fn (g &Game) draw_text(x int, y int, text string, tcol vsdl2.Color) {
fn (g &Game) draw_text(x int, y int, text string, tcol sdl.Color) {
_tcol := C.SDL_Color{tcol.r, tcol.g, tcol.b, tcol.a}
tsurf := C.TTF_RenderText_Solid(g.font, text.str, _tcol)
ttext := C.SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(g.sdl.renderer, tsurf)
texw := 0
texh := 0
C.SDL_QueryTexture(ttext, 0, 0, &texw, &texh)
dstrect := vsdl2.Rect { x, y, texw, texh }
// vsdl2.render_copy(g.sdl.renderer, ttext, 0, &dstrect)
dstrect := sdl.Rect { x, y, texw, texh }
// sdl.render_copy(g.sdl.renderer, ttext, 0, &dstrect)
C.SDL_RenderCopy(g.sdl.renderer, ttext, voidptr(0), voidptr(&dstrect))
[inline] fn (g &Game) draw_ptext(x int, y int, text string, tcol vsdl2.Color) {
[inline] fn (g &Game) draw_ptext(x int, y int, text string, tcol sdl.Color) {
g.draw_text(g.ofs_x + x, y, text, tcol)
@ -752,14 +752,14 @@ fn (g &Game) draw_text(x int, y int, text string, tcol vsdl2.Color) {
fn (g &Game) draw_begin() {
// println('about to clear')
mut rect := vsdl2.Rect {0,0,g.sdl.w,g.sdl.h}
col := vsdl2.Color{byte(00), byte(00), byte(0), byte(0)}
mut rect := sdl.Rect {0,0,g.sdl.w,g.sdl.h}
col := sdl.Color{byte(00), byte(00), byte(0), byte(0)}
// sdl_fill_rect(g.sdl.screen, &rect, BackgroundColor)
sdl_fill_rect(g.sdl.screen, &rect, col)
rect = vsdl2.Rect {BlockSize * FieldWidth + 2,0,2,g.sdl.h}
rect = sdl.Rect {BlockSize * FieldWidth + 2,0,2,g.sdl.h}
sdl_fill_rect(g.sdl.screen, &rect, ForegroundColor)
rect = vsdl2.Rect {WinWidth - BlockSize * FieldWidth - 4,0,2,g.sdl.h}
rect = sdl.Rect {WinWidth - BlockSize * FieldWidth - 4,0,2,g.sdl.h}
sdl_fill_rect(g.sdl.screen, &rect, ForegroundColor)
mut idx := 0
@ -770,7 +770,7 @@ fn (g &Game) draw_begin() {
w := BlockSize
h := s * 4 * w / 100
rect = vsdl2.Rect {(WinWidth - 7 * (w + 1)) / 2 + idx * (w + 1), WinHeight * 3 / 4 - h, w, h}
rect = sdl.Rect {(WinWidth - 7 * (w + 1)) / 2 + idx * (w + 1), WinHeight * 3 / 4 - h, w, h}
sdl_fill_rect(g.sdl.screen, &rect, Colors[idx + 1])
@ -778,7 +778,7 @@ fn (g &Game) draw_begin() {
fn (g &Game) draw_middle() {
C.SDL_UpdateTexture(g.sdl.texture, 0, g.sdl.screen.pixels, g.sdl.screen.pitch)
// vsdl2.render_copy(g.sdl.renderer, g.sdl.texture, voidptr(0), voidptr(0))
// sdl.render_copy(g.sdl.renderer, g.sdl.texture, voidptr(0), voidptr(0))
C.SDL_RenderCopy(g.sdl.renderer, g.sdl.texture, voidptr(0), voidptr(0))

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ module image
// SDL_Image.h
//fn C.IMG_Load_RW(logo &vsdl2.RwOps, free_src int) &vsdl2.Surface
//fn C.IMG_Load_RW(logo &sdl.RwOps, free_src int) &sdl.Surface
fn C.IMG_Init(flags int) int
fn C.IMG_Quit()
fn C.IMG_Load(file byteptr) voidptr
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ pub fn quit() {
pub fn load(file string) &vsdl2.Surface {
pub fn load(file string) &sdl.Surface {
res := C.IMG_Load(file.str)
return res