Rewrite time module
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ fn main() {
field = new_field
@ -53,6 +53,6 @@ fn main() {
go fetcher.fetch()
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ const (
TetroSize = 4
WinWidth = BlockSize * FieldWidth
WinHeight = BlockSize * FieldHeight
TimerPeriod = 250 // ms
TimerPeriod = time.milliseconds(250) // 250ms
const (
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ fn (g mut Game) run() {
glfw.post_empty_event() // force window redraw
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module time
struct Info {
year int
month int
day int
hour int
minute int
second int
yday int
wday int
@ -4,337 +4,104 @@
module time
import rand
#include <time.h>
struct Time {
year int
month int
day int
hour int
minute int
second int
uni int // TODO it's safe to use "unix" now
sec i64
nsec i32
mono i64
fn remove_me_when_c_bug_is_fixed() { // TODO
struct {
tm_year int
tm_mon int
tm_mday int
tm_hour int
tm_min int
tm_sec int
pub fn now() Time {
# time_t t = time(0);
// t := C.time(0)
# struct tm * now = localtime(&t);
res := Time{}
# res.year = now->tm_year + 1900;
# res.month = now->tm_mon + 1;
# = now->tm_mday;
# res.hour = now->tm_hour;
# res.minute = now->tm_min;
# res.second = now->tm_sec;
# res.uni = (int)t;
// # = now->tm_msec;
return res
// fn now() Time {
// t := C.time(0)
// now := localtime(&t)
// return Time{
// year: now.tm_year + 1900
// month : now.tm_mon + 1
// day : now.tm_mday
// hour : now.tm_hour
// minute : now.tm_min
// second : now.tm_sec
// uni : int(t)
// }
// }
pub fn random() Time {
return Time {
year: + 201
month: + 1
day: + 1
fn (a Time) + (b Time) Time {
sec := a.sec + b.sec
nsec := a.nsec + b.nsec
return Time{
sec: sec + i64(nsec)/i64(1000000000)
nsec: nsec % i32(1000000000)
pub fn unix(u string) Time {
// println('unix time($u)')
// # int aa = atoi(u.str);
// #printf("!!!! %d\n", aa);
# int uni = atoi(u.str);
# time_t t = (time_t)uni;
# struct tm * now = localtime(&t);
// println('got tm')
res := Time{}
# res.year = now->tm_year + 1900;
# res.month = now->tm_mon + 1;
# = now->tm_mday;
# res.hour = now->tm_hour;
# res.minute = now->tm_min;
# res.second = now->tm_sec;
# res.uni = uni;
// println('end unix')
return res
pub fn convert_ctime(t tm) Time {
return Time {
year: t.tm_year + 1900
month: t.tm_mon + 1
day: t.tm_mday
hour: t.tm_hour
minute: t.tm_min
second: t.tm_sec
fn (a Time) - (b Time) Time {
sec := a.sec - b.sec - i64(1)
nsec := a.nsec - b.nsec + i32(1000000000)
t := Time{
sec: sec + i64(nsec)/i64(1000000000)
nsec: nsec % i32(1000000000)
// uni = uni;
pub fn unixn(uni int) Time {
// println('unix time($u)')
// # int aa = atoi(u.str);
// #printf("!!!! %d\n", aa);
# time_t t = (time_t)uni;
# struct tm * now = localtime(&t);
// println('got tm')
res := Time{}
# res.year = now->tm_year + 1900;
# res.month = now->tm_mon + 1;
# = now->tm_mday;
# res.hour = now->tm_hour;
# res.minute = now->tm_min;
# res.second = now->tm_sec;
# res.uni = uni;
// println('end unix')
return res
fn (t Time) format_ss() string {
return '${t.year}-${t.month:02d}-${} ${t.hour:02d}:${t.minute:02d}:${t.second:02d}'
pub fn (t Time) format() string {
return '${t.year}-${t.month:02d}-${} ${t.hour:02d}:${t.minute:02d}'
const (
Months = 'JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec'
Days = 'MonTueWedThuFriSatSun'
pub fn (t Time) smonth() string {
i := t.month - 1
return Months.substr(i * 3, (i + 1) * 3)
// 21:04
pub fn (t Time) hhmm() string {
return '${t.hour:02d}:${t.minute:02d}'
fn (t Time) hhmm_tmp() string {
return '${t.hour:02d}:${t.minute:02d}'
// 21:04
pub fn (t Time) hhmm12() string {
mut am := 'am'
mut hour = t.hour
if t.hour > 11 {
am = 'pm'
if a.mono <= i64(0) || b.mono <= i64(0) {
return t
if t.hour > 12 {
hour = hour - 12
mono := a.mono - b.mono
if mono > i64(0) && t.sec >= i64(0) && t.nsec >= i32(0) {
return t
if t.hour == 0 {
hour = 12
if mono < i64(0) && t.sec <= i64(0) && t.nsec <= i32(0) {
return t
if mono == i64(0) {
return Time{}
return Time{
sec: mono / i64(1000000000)
nsec: i32(mono%i64(1000000000))
return '$hour:${t.minute:02d} $am'
// 21:04:03
fn (t Time) hhmmss() string {
return '${t.hour:02d}:${t.minute:02d}:${t.second:02d}'
fn (t Time) days() f64 {
return f64(t.sec)/86400.0
// 2012-01-05
fn (t Time) ymmdd() string {
return '${t.year}-${t.month:02d}-${}'
fn (t Time) hours() f64 {
return f64(t.sec)/3600.0
// Jul 3
fn (t Time) md() string {
// jl := t.smonth()
s := '${t.smonth()} $'
return s
fn (t Time) minutes() f64 {
return f64(t.sec)/60.0
fn (t Time) clean() string {
nowe :=
// if amtime {
// hm = t.Format("3:04 pm")
// }
// Today
if t.month == nowe.month && t.year == nowe.year && == {
return t.hhmm()
fn (t Time) seconds() f64 {
return f64(t.sec) + f64(t.nsec)/1000000000.0
fn (t Time) milliseconds() f64 {
return 1000.0*f64(t.sec) + f64(t.nsec)/1000000.0
fn (t Time) microseconds() f64 {
return 1000000.0*f64(t.sec) + f64(t.nsec)/1000.0
fn (t Time) nanoseconds() f64 {
return 1000000000.0*f64(t.sec) + f64(t.nsec)
fn (t Time) str() string {
if t.sec == i64(0) {
if t.nsec == i32(0) {
return '0s'
if t.nsec < i32(1000) && t.nsec > i32(-1000) {
return '${t.nsec}ns'
if t.nsec < i32(1000000) && t.nsec > i32(-1000000) {
return '${f64(t.nsec)/1000.0:.1f}µs'
if t.nsec < i32(1000000000) && t.nsec > i32(-1000000000) {
return '${f64(t.nsec)/1000000.0:.1f}ms'
// This week
// if time.Since(t) < 24*7*time.Hour {
// return t.Weekday().String()[:3] + " " + hm
// }
// This year
if t.year == nowe.year {
return '${t.smonth()} ${} ${t.hhmm()}'
if t.sec < i64(60) && t.sec > i64(-60) {
return '${f64(t.sec)+f64(t.nsec)/1000000000.0:.1f}s'
return t.format()
// return fmt.Sprintf("%4d/%02d/%02d", t.Year(), t.Month(), t.Day()) + " " + hm
fn (t Time) clean12() string {
nowe :=
// if amtime {
// hm = t.Format("3:04 pm")
// }
// Today
if t.month == nowe.month && t.year == nowe.year && == {
return t.hhmm12()
if t.sec < i64(3600) && t.sec > i64(-3600) {
return '${f64(t.sec)/60.0:.1f}m'
// This week
// if time.Since(t) < 24*7*time.Hour {
// return t.Weekday().String()[:3] + " " + hm
// }
// This year
if t.year == nowe.year {
return '${t.smonth()} ${} ${t.hhmm12()}'
if t.sec < i64(86400) && t.sec > i64(-86400) {
return '${f64(t.sec)/3600.0:.1f}h'
return t.format()
// return fmt.Sprintf("%4d/%02d/%02d", t.Year(), t.Month(), t.Day()) + " " + hm
// in ms
fn ticks() double {
# struct timeval tv;
# gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
# double time_in_mill = (tv.tv_sec) * 1000 + (tv.tv_usec) / 1000 ; // convert tv_sec & tv_usec to millisecond
// # printf("!!!%f\n", time_in_mill);
// # return (int)time_in_mill;
// # return (int)(time_in_mill - 1521561736529);
# return (long)(time_in_mill - 1523777913000);
return double(0)
// return int64(0)
// `parse` parses time in the following format: "2018-01-27 12:48:34"
pub fn parse(s string) Time {
// println('parse="$s"')
pos := s.index(' ')
if pos <= 0 {
println('bad time format')
return now()
if t.sec < i64(864000) && t.sec > i64(-864000) {
return '${f64(t.sec)/86400.0:.1f}d'
symd := s.left(pos)
ymd := symd.split('-')
if ymd.len != 3 {
println('bad time format')
return now()
shms := s.right(pos)
hms := shms.split(':')
hour := hms[0]
minute := hms[1]
second := hms[2]
// //////////
return new_time(Time {
year: ymd[0].int()
month: ymd[1].int()
day: ymd[2].int()
fn new_time(t Time) Time {
return{t | uni: t.calc_unix()}
fn (t &Time) calc_unix() int {
# struct tm lDate;
# lDate.tm_sec = t->second;
# lDate.tm_min = t->minute;
# lDate.tm_hour = t->hour;
# lDate.tm_mday = t->day;
# lDate.tm_mon = t->month-1;
# lDate.tm_year = t->year - 1900;
# time_t kek = mktime(&lDate);
// # t->uni = (int)kek;
# return (int)kek;
return 0
// TODO add(d time.Duration)
pub fn (t Time) add_seconds(seconds int) Time {
return unixn(t.uni + seconds)
// TODO use time.Duration instead of seconds
fn since(t Time) int {
return 0
pub fn (t Time) relative() string {
now :=
secs := now.uni - t.uni
if secs <= 30 {
// right now or in the future
// TODO handle time in the future
return 'now'
if secs < 60 {
return '1m'
if secs < 3600 {
return '${secs/60}m'
if secs < 3600 * 24 {
return '${secs/3600}h'
if secs < 3600 * 24 * 5 {
return '${secs/3600/24}d'
if secs > 3600 * 24 * 10000 {
return ''
fn day_of_week(y, m, d int) int {
// TODO please no
# return (d += m < 3 ? y-- : y - 2, 23*m/9 + d + 4 + y/4- y/100 + y/400)%7;
return 0
pub fn (t Time) day_of_week() int {
return day_of_week(t.year, t.month,
// weekday_str() returns the current day in string (upto 3 characters)
pub fn (t Time) weekday_str() string {
i := t.day_of_week() - 1
return Days.substr(i * 3, (i + 1) * 3)
return '${f64(t.sec)/86400.0:.0f}d'
@ -4,16 +4,84 @@
module time
// in ms
pub fn ticks() f64 {
return f64(0)
pub fn now() Time {
# struct timespec t = {0, 0};
# struct timespec m = {0, 0};
# clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &t);
# clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &m);
res := Time{}
# res.sec = t.tv_sec;
# res.nsec = t.tv_nsec;
# res.mono = 1000000000*m.tv_sec + m.tv_nsec;
return res
pub fn sleep(seconds int) {
pub fn sleep(t Time) {
if t.sec > i64(0) {
if t.nsec > i32(0) {
pub fn sleep_ms(seconds int) {
C.usleep(seconds * 1000)
fn (t Time) local() Info {
info := Info{}
# struct tm tm;
# localtime_r(&t.sec, &tm);
# info.year = tm.tm_year + 1900;
# info.month = tm.tm_mon + 1;
# = tm.tm_mday;
# info.hour = tm.tm_hour;
# info.minute = tm.tm_min;
# info.second = tm.tm_sec;
# info.yday = tm.tm_yday;
# info.wday = tm.tm_wday;
return info
fn (t Time) utc() Info {
info := Info{}
# struct tm tm;
# gmtime_r(&t.sec, &tm);
# info.year = tm.tm_year + 1900;
# info.month = tm.tm_mon + 1;
# = tm.tm_mday;
# info.hour = tm.tm_hour;
# info.minute = tm.tm_min;
# info.second = tm.tm_sec;
# info.yday = tm.tm_yday;
# info.wday = tm.tm_wday;
return info
fn (t Time) format(fmt string) string {
res := ''
cfmt := fmt.cstr()
# char buf[1024];
# struct tm tm;
# localtime_r(&t.sec, &tm);
# strftime(buf, 1024, cfmt, &tm);
# res = tos2(buf);
return res
pub fn parse(s, fmt string) ?Time {
t := Time{}
cs := s.cstr()
cfmt := fmt.cstr()
ok := 0
# struct tm tm;
# memset(&tm, 0, sizeof(struct tm));
# ok = strptime(cs, cfmt, &tm);
if ok == 0 {
return error('time.parse: invalid time string')
# t.sec = mktime(&tm);
if t.sec < i64(0) {
return error('time.parse: invalid time string')
return t
@ -4,30 +4,66 @@
module time
//#flag -framework CoreServices
//#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
//#include <mach/mach_time.h>
// TODO: nanosecond and monotonic
pub fn now() Time {
# time_t t = time(0);
// in ms
pub fn ticks() f64 {
panic('not implemented')
t := i64(C.mach_absolute_time())
# Nanoseconds elapsedNano = AbsoluteToNanoseconds( *(AbsoluteTime *) &t );
# return (double)(* (uint64_t *) &elapsedNano) / 1000000;
return f64(0)
res := Time{}
# res.sec = t;
return res
pub fn sleep(seconds int) {
pub fn sleep(t Time) {
if t.sec > i64(0) {
if t.nsec > i32(0) {
pub fn usleep(seconds int) {
// TODO: Thread safety
fn (t Time) local() Info {
info := Info{}
# struct tm *tm = localtime(&t.sec);
# info.year = tm->tm_year + 1900;
# info.month = tm->tm_mon + 1;
# = tm->tm_mday;
# info.hour = tm->tm_hour;
# info.minute = tm->tm_min;
# info.second = tm->tm_sec;
# info.yday = tm->tm_yday;
# info.wday = tm->tm_wday;
return info
pub fn sleep_ms(seconds int) {
C.usleep(seconds * 1000)
// TODO: Thread safety
fn (t Time) utc() Info {
info := Info{}
# struct tm *tm = gmtime(&t.sec);
# info.year = tm->tm_year + 1900;
# info.month = tm->tm_mon + 1;
# = tm->tm_mday;
# info.hour = tm->tm_hour;
# info.minute = tm->tm_min;
# info.second = tm->tm_sec;
# info.yday = tm->tm_yday;
# info.wday = tm->tm_wday;
return info
// TODO: Thread safety
fn (t Time) format(fmt string) string {
res := ''
cfmt := fmt.cstr()
# char buf[1024];
# struct tm *tm = localtime(&t.sec);
# strftime(buf, 1024, cfmt, tm);
# res = tos2(buf);
return res
// TODO: Not implemented yet
pub fn parse(s string) ?Time {
return Time{}
@ -4,21 +4,63 @@
module time
// in ms
fn ticks() double {
return C.GetTickCount()
// TODO: nanosecond and monotonic
pub fn now() Time {
# time_t t = time(0);
res := Time{}
# res.sec = t;
return res
fn sleep(seconds int) {
C._sleep(seconds * 1000)
pub fn sleep(t Time) {
if t.sec > i64(0) || t.nsec > i32(0) {
fn usleep(seconds int) {
panic('usleep not impl')
// C._usleep(seconds)
// TODO: Thread safety
fn (t Time) local() Info {
info := Info{}
# struct tm *tm = localtime(&t.sec);
# info.year = tm->tm_year + 1900;
# info.month = tm->tm_mon + 1;
# = tm->tm_mday;
# info.hour = tm->tm_hour;
# info.minute = tm->tm_min;
# info.second = tm->tm_sec;
# info.yday = tm->tm_yday;
# info.wday = tm->tm_wday;
return info
fn sleep_ms(n int) {
// TODO: Thread safety
fn (t Time) utc() Info {
info := Info{}
# struct tm *tm = gmtime(&t.sec);
# info.year = tm->tm_year + 1900;
# info.month = tm->tm_mon + 1;
# = tm->tm_mday;
# info.hour = tm->tm_hour;
# info.minute = tm->tm_min;
# info.second = tm->tm_sec;
# info.yday = tm->tm_yday;
# info.wday = tm->tm_wday;
return info
// TODO: Thread safety
fn (t Time) format(fmt string) string {
res := ''
cfmt := fmt.cstr()
# char buf[1024];
# struct tm *tm = localtime(&t.sec);
# strftime(buf, 1024, cfmt, tm);
# res = tos2(buf);
return res
// TODO: Not implemented yet
pub fn parse(s string) ?Time {
return Time{}
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module time
pub fn make(i Info) ?Time {
t := Time{}
# struct tm tm;
# tm.tm_year = i.year - 1900;
# tm.tm_mon = i.month - 1;
# tm.tm_mday =;
# tm.tm_hour = i.hour;
# tm.tm_min = i.minute;
# tm.tm_sec = i.second;
# tm.tm_yday = i.yday;
# tm.tm_wday = i.wday;
# tm.tm_isdst = 0;
# t.sec = mktime(&tm);
if t.sec < i64(0) {
return error('time.make: invalid time infomation')
return t
pub fn days(n int) Time {
return Time{
sec: 86400*n
pub fn hours(n int) Time {
return Time{
sec: 3600*n
pub fn minutes(n int) Time {
return Time{
sec: 60*n
pub fn seconds(n int) Time {
return Time{
sec: n
pub fn milliseconds(n int) Time {
return Time{
nsec: 1000000*n
pub fn microseconds(n int) Time {
return Time{
nsec: 1000*n
pub fn nanoseconds(n int) Time {
return Time{
nsec: n
Reference in New Issue