vlib/v/gen/tests: remove obsolete generation tests (used during the AST migration from v1 to v2)

Delyan Angelov 2021-03-07 18:47:58 +02:00
parent ed9ca0b7bd
commit 33bd22eda9
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 66886C0F12D595ED
11 changed files with 0 additions and 1215 deletions

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@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
import os
import v.pref
import v.builder
import term
const (
nr_tests = 4
term_ok = term.ok_message('OK')
term_fail = term.fail_message('FAIL')
fn test_c_files() {
if true {
println('Running V => C tests')
vexe := os.getenv('VEXE')
vroot := os.dir(vexe)
for i in 1 .. (nr_tests + 1) {
path := '$vroot/vlib/v/gen/tests/${i}.vv'
ctext := os.read_file('$vroot/vlib/v/gen/tests/${i}.c') or { panic(err) }
mut b := builder.new_builder(&pref.Preferences{})
b.module_search_paths = ['$vroot/vlib/v/gen/tests/']
mut res := b.gen_c([path]).after('#endbuiltin')
if res.contains('string _STR') {
pos := res.index('string _STR') or { -1 }
end := res.index_after('endof _STR_TMP', pos)
res = res[..pos] + res[end + 15..]
if compare_texts(res, ctext, path) {
println('$term_ok $i')
} else {
assert false
fn compare_texts(a string, b string, path string) bool {
lines_a_ := a.trim_space().split_into_lines()
lines_b_ := b.trim_space().split_into_lines()
lines_a := lines_a_.filter(it != '')
mut lines_b := lines_b_.filter(it != '')
lines_b << ''
lines_b << ''
if lines_a.len != lines_b.len {
println(term.red('different len'))
println('${path}: got\n$a')
return false
for i, line_a in lines_a {
if i >= lines_b.len {
return false
line_b := lines_b[i]
if line_a.trim_space() != line_b.trim_space() {
println('$path: Got\n$a')
println('$path:$i: $term_fail')
println(term.bold(term.bright_yellow('actual : ')) + line_a)
println(term.green('expected: ') + line_b)
println(lines_b[i + 1])
println(lines_b[i + 2])
// exit(1)
return false
return true

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@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
typedef enum {
Color_red, // 0
Color_green, // 1
Color_blue, // 2
} Color;
struct Two {
struct User {
int age;
string name;
struct One {
Two two;
// multi return structs
typedef struct {
int arg0;
string arg1;
} multi_return_int_string;
// end of definitions #endif
#define _const_pi 3
int _const_pi2; // inited later
string int_str(int* x) { return tos3("TODO_str"); }
void foo(int a);
void User_inc_age(User* u, int n);
int get_int(string a);
bool get_bool();
int get_int2();
void myuser();
multi_return_int_string multi_return();
void variadic(varg_int a);
void ensure_cap(int required, int cap);
void println(string s);
void matches();
#define _const_path_sep 10
void end();
int function1();
void foo(int a);
void init_user();
User get_user();
void puts(string s);
void function2();
void init_array();
#define _const_localmod__pub_int_const 20
void localmod__pub_foo();
int localmod__get_int_10();
// variadic structs
struct varg_int {
int len;
int args[0];
// >> typeof() support for sum types
// << typeof() support for sum types
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
int a = 10;
int negative = -a;
2 < 3;
a == 1;
int ak = 10;
int mypi = _const_pi;
Color color = Color_red;
int ten = localmod__get_int_10();
int g = ((int)(3.0));
byte* bytes = ((byte*)(0));
User* user_ptr = (User*)memdup(&(User){ .age = 0,
.name = tos3(""),
}, sizeof(User));
return 0;
void foo(int a) {
while (true) {
for (int i = 0;
i < 10; i++) {
array_int nums = new_array_from_c_array(3, 3, sizeof(int), (int[3]){
1, 2, 3,
array_int nums2 = array_slice(nums, 0, 2);
array_int nums3 = array_slice(nums, 1, 2);
array_int nums4 = array_slice(nums, 1, nums.len);
int number = (*(int*)array_get(nums, 0));
array_set(&nums, 1, &(int[]) { 10 });
array_bool bools = new_array_from_c_array(2, 2, sizeof(bool), (bool[2]){
true, false,
array_User users = new_array_from_c_array(1, 1, sizeof(User), (User[1]){
.age = 0,
.name = tos3(""),
bool b = (*(bool*)array_get(bools, 0));
array_string mystrings = new_array_from_c_array(2, 2, sizeof(string), (string[2]){
tos3("a"), tos3("b"),
string s = (*(string*)array_get(mystrings, 0));
int x = 0;
x = get_int2();
int n = get_int2();
bool q = true || false;
bool b2 = (*(bool*)array_get(bools, 0)) || true;
bool b3 = get_bool() || true;
int f = *(int*)array_first(nums);
array_int c = array_clone(&nums);
string d = tos3("d");
println(string_add(s, d));
void User_inc_age(User* u, int n) {
printf("%d", u->age);
u->age += n;
int get_int(string a) {
return 10;
bool get_bool() {
return true;
int get_int2() {
string a = tos3("hello");
return get_int(a);
void myuser() {
int x = 1;
int q = x | 0x1004;
User user = (User){
.age = 30,
.name = tos3(""),
int age = user.age + 1;
int boo = 2;
int boo2 = boo + 1;
bool b = age > 0;
bool b2 = user.age > 0;
User user2 = (User){
.age = 20,
.name = tos3(""),
user2.age = 20 + boo;
multi_return_int_string multi_return() {
return (multi_return_int_string){.arg0=4,.arg1=tos3("four")};
void variadic(varg_int a) {
int x = _const_path_sep;
int y = (true ? 1 : 0);
void ensure_cap(int required, int cap) {
if (required < cap) {
void println(string s) {
void matches() {
int a = 100;
if (a == 10) {
else if (a == 20) {
int k = a + 1;
else {
string x = (a == 10) ? tos3("ten") : (a == 30) ? tos3("thirty") : tos3("unknown");
int xx = (a == 10) ? 100 : (a == 30) ? 300 : 0;
println((a == 10) ? tos3("ten") : tos3("not ten"));
void end() {
int i = 2;
int key = 10;
bool x = i != -1 && key == 10;
int e = 2 + 3 * 4;
int function1() {
int a = 10 + 1;
int b = a + 1;
return 0;
void foo(int a) {
void init_user() {
User user = (User){
.name = tos3("Bob"),
.age = 0,
User get_user() {
User user = (User){
.age = 0,
.name = tos3(""),
return user;
void puts(string s) {
void function2() {
int x = 0;
f64 f = 10.1;
string s = tos3("hi");
int m = 10;
x += 10;
x += 1;
m += 2;
if (true) {
x += 8;
if (false) {
} else {
while (true) {
bool e = 1 + 2 > 0;
bool e2 = 1 + 2 < 0;
int j = 0;
void init_array() {
array_int nums = new_array_from_c_array(3, 3, sizeof(int), (int[3]){
4, 2, 3,
void localmod__pub_foo() {
int a = 10;
int localmod__get_int_10() {
return 10;
void _vinit() {
_const_pi2 = _const_pi;

View File

@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
//import moda
//import modb as mb
import localmod
const (
pi = 3
pi2 = pi
//s = 'hi'
struct User {
age int
name string
enum Color {
red green blue
fn main() {
a := 10
//bb := 2 + 'hi'
negative := -a
2 < 3
a == 1
ak := 10
mypi := pi
color := Color.red
ten := localmod.get_int_10()
g := int(3.0)
bytes := &byte(0)
user_ptr := &User{}
user := User{}
user.age = 10
mut x := if user.age == 10 { 20 } else { user.age * 2 }
for x > 3 {
struct One {
two Two
struct Two {
fn foo(a int) {
for true {
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
mut nums := [1,2,3]
nums2 := nums[..2]
nums3 := nums[1..2]
nums4 := nums[1..]
number := nums[0]
nums[1] = 10
bools := [true, false]
users := [User{}]
//ptr := &User{}
b := bools[0]
mystrings := ['a', 'b']
s := mystrings[0]
mut x := 0
n := get_int2()
q := true || false
b2 := bools[0] || true
b3 := get_bool() || true
f := nums.first()
c := nums.clone()
d := 'd'
println(s + d)
//cloned = nums.clone()
//cloned1 := cloned[0]
//println(cloned1 == 1)
mut strings := ['hi', 'hello']
strings << 'a' + b
fn C.printf()
fn (u mut User) inc_age(n int) {
C.printf("%d", u.age)
u.age += n
fn get_int(a string) int {
return 10
fn get_bool() bool {
return true
fn get_int2() int {
a := 'hello'
//return get_int('sdf')
return get_int(a)
fn myuser() {
x := 1
q := x | 0x1004
user := User{age:30}
age := user.age + 1 // crash here
boo := 2
boo2 := boo+1
b := age > 0
b2 := user.age > 0
mut user2 := User{age:20}
user2.age = 20 + boo
fn multi_return() (int,string) {
return 4, 'four'
fn variadic(a ...int) {
x := path_sep
y := if true { 1 } else { 0 } // TODO cgen
fn ensure_cap(required int, cap int) {
if required < cap {
fn println(s string){}
fn matches() {
a := 100
match a {
10 {
20 {
k := a + 1
x := match a {
10 { 'ten' }
30 { 'thirty' }
else { 'unknown' }
xx := match a {
10 { 100 }
30 { 300 }
else { 0 }
println(match a { 10 { 'ten' } else { 'not ten' } })
n := match a {
1 { 10 }
2 { 20 }
else { 30 }
const (
path_sep = 10
fn end() {
i := 2
key := 10
x := i != -1 && key == 10 // key == keys[i]
e := 2 + 3 * 4
//mut a := [1,2,3]
//(a << 4) + 2
fn function1() int {
a := 10 + 1
b := a + 1
//return a
return 0
fn foo(a int) {
struct User {
name string
fn init_user() {
user := User{
name: 'Bob'
fn get_user() User {
user := User{}
return user
fn puts(s string) {}
// comment
fn function2() {
mut x := 0
//mut negative := -1
f := 10.1
s := 'hi'
mut m := 10
x += 10
x += 1
m += 2
// a += 1
// c := 0
if true {
x += 8
if false {
else {
for true {
e := 1 + 2 > 0
e2 := 1 + 2 < 0
// x += 1
j := 0
fn init_array() {
nums := [4,2,3]
fn bool_array() {
a := [true, false]
b := a[0]
if b {

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@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
struct User {
string name;
// multi return structs
// end of definitions #endif
int function1();
void foo(int a);
void init_user();
User get_user();
void puts(string s);
void function2();
void init_array();
void end();
// >> typeof() support for sum types
// << typeof() support for sum types
int function1() {
int a = 10 + 1;
int b = a + 1;
return 0;
void foo(int a) {
void init_user() {
User user = (User){
.name = tos3("Bob"),
User get_user() {
User user = (User){
.name = tos3(""),
return user;
void puts(string s) {
void function2() {
int x = 0;
f64 f = 10.1;
string s = tos3("hi");
int m = 10;
x += 10;
x += 1;
m += 2;
if (true) {
x += 8;
if (false) {
} else {
while (true) {
bool e = 1 + 2 > 0;
bool e2 = 1 + 2 < 0;
int j = 0;
void init_array() {
array_int nums = new_array_from_c_array(3, 3, sizeof(int), (int[3]){
4, 2, 3,
void end() {
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
return 0;
void _vinit() {

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@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
fn function1() int {
a := 10 + 1
b := a + 1
//return a
return 0
fn foo(a int) {
struct User {
name string
fn init_user() {
user := User{
name: 'Bob'
fn get_user() User {
user := User{}
return user
fn puts(s string) {}
// comment
fn function2() {
mut x := 0
//mut negative := -1
f := 10.1
s := 'hi'
mut m := 10
x += 10
x += 1
m += 2
// a += 1
// c := 0
if true {
x += 8
if false {
else {
for true {
e := 1 + 2 > 0
e2 := 1 + 2 < 0
// x += 1
j := 0
fn init_array() {
nums := [4,2,3]
fn end() {
fn bool_array() {
a := [true, false]
b := a[0]
if b {
fn main() {

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@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
struct IfExpr {
struct IntegerLiteral {
// Sum type
typedef struct {
void* obj;
int typ;
} Expr;
struct User {
int age;
string name;
// multi return structs
// end of definitions #endif
typedef Option Option_int;
Option_int get_opt();
void User_foo(User* u);
void println(string s);
void handle_expr(Expr e);
// >> typeof() support for sum types
char * v_typeof_sumtype_28(int sidx) { /* Expr */
switch(sidx) {
case 28: return "Expr";
case 26: return "IfExpr";
case 27: return "IntegerLiteral";
default: return "unknown Expr";
// << typeof() support for sum types
// TypeDecl
Option_int get_opt() {
return opt_ok(& (int []) { 0 }, sizeof(int));
void User_foo(User* u) {
int age = u->age;
array_string zzz = array_repeat(new_array_from_c_array(1, 1, sizeof(string), (string[1]){
}), u->age);
int a = 10;
if ((a == 10 || a == 20 || a == 30)) {
int b = 10;
string name = tos3("Bob");
println(_STR("Hello, %.*s", name.len, name.str));
println(_STR("age = %d", age));
println(_STR("name=%.*s age=%d", name.len, name.str, age));
void println(string s) {
void handle_expr(Expr e) {
if (e.typ == 26 /* IfExpr */) {
IfExpr* it = (IfExpr*)e.obj; // ST it
else if (e.typ == 27 /* IntegerLiteral */) {
IntegerLiteral* it = (IntegerLiteral*)e.obj; // ST it
else {
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
User user = (User){
.age = 0,
.name = tos3(""),
user.age = 10;
user.name = tos3("bob");
Option_int n = get_opt();
if (!n.ok) {
string err = n.v_error;
int errcode = n.ecode;
return 0;
int a = /*opt*/(*(int*)n.data) + 3;
handle_expr(/* sum type cast */ (Expr) {.obj = memdup(&(IfExpr[]) {(IfExpr){
0}}, sizeof(IfExpr)), .typ = 26 /* IfExpr */});
return 0;
void _vinit() {

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@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
type Expr = IfExpr | IntegerLiteral
struct IfExpr{}
struct IntegerLiteral{}
struct User {
age int
name string
fn get_opt() ?int {
return 0
fn new_user() User {
return User{}
fn get_user_opt() ?User {
return new_user()
//return User{age:20, name:'Peter'}
fn (u &User) foo() {
age := u.age
zzz := []string{len:(u.age)}
a := 10
if a in [10, 20, 30] {
b := 10
name := 'Bob'
println('Hello, $name')
println('age = $age')
println('name=$name age=$age')
fn println(s string) {}
fn handle_expr(e Expr) {
match e {
IfExpr {
IntegerLiteral {
else {
fn main() {
user := User{}
user.age = 10
user.name = 'bob'
n := get_opt() or {
a := n + 3

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@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
struct Bar {
int a;
struct Foo {
string a;
Bar b;
// multi return structs
typedef struct {
int arg0;
string arg1;
} multi_return_int_string;
// end of definitions #endif
typedef Option Option_string;
typedef Option Option_multi_return_int_string;
multi_return_int_string mr_test();
int testa();
string testb(int a);
int testc(int a);
int Foo_testa(Foo* f);
int Foo_testb(Foo* f);
int Bar_testa(Bar* b);
Option_string optional_a();
Option_string optional_b();
Option_multi_return_int_string optional_mr();
// >> typeof() support for sum types
// << typeof() support for sum types
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
Bar b = (Bar){
.a = 122,
Foo a = (Foo){
.a = tos3("hello"),
.b = b,
a.a = tos3("da");
a.b.a = 111;
string a1 = a.a;
int a2 = Bar_testa(&b);
int c = testa();
c = 1;
string d = testb(1);
d = tos3("hello");
string e = tos3("hello");
e = testb(111);
e = tos3("world");
array_int f = new_array_from_c_array(4, 4, sizeof(int), (int[4]){
testa(), 2, 3, 4,
array_string g = new_array_from_c_array(2, 2, sizeof(string), (string[2]){
testb(1), tos3("hello"),
array_Foo arr_foo = new_array_from_c_array(1, 1, sizeof(Foo), (Foo[1]){
Foo af_idx_el = (*(Foo*)array_get(arr_foo, 0));
string foo_a = af_idx_el.a;
map_string_string m1 = new_map(sizeof(string));
map_string_int m2 = new_map_init(2, sizeof(int), (string[2]){tos3("v"), tos3("lang"), }, (int[2]){1, 2, });
string ma1 = tos3("hello");
string ma2 = tos3("vlang");
multi_return_int_string mr_566 = mr_test();
int mr1 = mr_566.arg0;
string mr2 = mr_566.arg1;
string opt1 = tos3("opt1");
Option_string opt2 = optional_a();
if (!opt2.ok) {
string err = opt2.v_error;
int errcode = opt2.ecode;
string opt3 = tos3("opt3");
Option_string opt4 = optional_b();
if (!opt4.ok) {
string err = opt4.v_error;
int errcode = opt4.ecode;
Option_multi_return_int_string mr_669 = optional_mr();
if (!mr_669.ok) {
string err = mr_669.v_error;
int errcode = mr_669.ecode;
int opt_mr1 = (*(multi_return_int_string*)mr_669.data).arg0;
string opt_mr12 = (*(multi_return_int_string*)mr_669.data).arg1;
return 0;
multi_return_int_string mr_test() {
return (multi_return_int_string){.arg0=1,.arg1=tos3("v")};
int testa() {
return testc(1);
string testb(int a) {
return tos3("hello");
int testc(int a) {
return a;
int Foo_testa(Foo* f) {
int a = Foo_testb(f);
a = 1;
return 4;
int Foo_testb(Foo* f) {
return 4;
int Bar_testa(Bar* b) {
return 4;
Option_string optional_a() {
return opt_ok(& (string []) { tos3("111") }, sizeof(string));
Option_string optional_b() {
return opt_ok(& (string []) { tos3("222") }, sizeof(string));
Option_multi_return_int_string optional_mr() {
return opt_ok(& (multi_return_int_string []) { (multi_return_int_string){.arg0=1,.arg1=tos3("111")} }, sizeof(multi_return_int_string));
void _vinit() {

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@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
module main
// import moda
// import (
// modb
// modc
// )
fn main() {
b := Bar{a: 122}
mut a := Foo{
a: 'hello'
b: b
a.a = 'da'
a.b.a = 111
a1 := a.a
a2 := b.testa()
mut c := testa()
c = 1
mut d := testb(1)
d = 'hello'
mut e := 'hello'
e = testb(111)
e = 'world'
mut f := [testa(),2,3,4]
mut g := [testb(1),'hello']
//mut arr_foo := []Foo
arr_foo := [a]
//arr_foo << a // TODO
af_idx_el := arr_foo[0]
foo_a := af_idx_el.a
mut m1 := map[string]string
mut m2 := {'v': 1, 'lang': 2}
ma1, ma2 := 'hello', 'vlang'
mr1, mr2 := mr_test()
opt1, opt2, opt3, opt4 := 'opt1', optional_a(), 'opt3', optional_b()
opt_mr1, opt_mr12 := optional_mr() or {
// err
fn mr_test() (int, string) {
return 1,'v'
fn testa() int {
return testc(1)
fn testb(a int) string {
return 'hello'
fn testc(a int) int {
return a
fn (f &Foo) testa() int {
mut a := f.testb()
a = 1
return 4
fn (f &Foo) testb() int {
return 4
fn (b &Bar) testa() int {
return 4
struct Bar {
a int
struct Foo{
a string
b Bar
fn optional_a() ?string {
return '111'
fn optional_b() ?string {
return '222'
fn optional_mr() ?(int, string) {
return 1, '111'

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@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
fn foo() {
a := if true { 1 } else { 2 }

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
module localmod
pub const (
pub_int_const = 20
pub fn pub_foo() {
a := 10
pub fn get_int_10() int {
return 10