ci: fix vlib/dl/example/use_test.v in windows-tcc
@ -1,71 +1,80 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module builtin
// dbghelp.h is already included in cheaders.v
#flag windows -l dbghelp
// SymbolInfo is used by print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames_msvc
pub struct SymbolInfo {
pub mut:
f_size_of_struct u32 // must be 88 to be recognised by SymFromAddr
f_type_index u32 // Type Index of symbol
f_reserved [2]u64
f_index u32
f_size u32
f_mod_base u64 // Base Address of module comtaining this symbol
f_flags u32
f_value u64 // Value of symbol, ValuePresent should be 1
f_address u64 // Address of symbol including base address of module
f_register u32 // register holding value or pointer to value
f_scope u32 // scope of the symbol
f_tag u32 // pdb classification
f_name_len u32 // Actual length of name
f_max_name_len u32 // must be manually set
f_name byte // must be calloc(f_max_name_len)
f_type_index u32 // Type Index of symbol
f_reserved [2]u64
f_index u32
f_size u32
f_mod_base u64 // Base Address of module comtaining this symbol
f_flags u32
f_value u64 // Value of symbol, ValuePresent should be 1
f_address u64 // Address of symbol including base address of module
f_register u32 // register holding value or pointer to value
f_scope u32 // scope of the symbol
f_tag u32 // pdb classification
f_name_len u32 // Actual length of name
f_max_name_len u32 // must be manually set
f_name byte // must be calloc(f_max_name_len)
pub struct SymbolInfoContainer {
pub mut:
syminfo SymbolInfo
syminfo SymbolInfo
f_name_rest [254]char
pub struct Line64 {
pub mut:
f_size_of_struct u32
f_key voidptr
f_line_number u32
f_file_name byteptr
f_address u64
f_key voidptr
f_line_number u32
f_file_name byteptr
f_address u64
fn C.SymSetOptions(symoptions u32) u32 // returns the current options mask
fn C.GetCurrentProcess() voidptr // returns handle
// returns the current options mask
fn C.SymSetOptions(symoptions u32) u32
// returns handle
fn C.GetCurrentProcess() voidptr
fn C.SymInitialize(h_process voidptr, p_user_search_path byteptr, b_invade_process int) int
fn C.CaptureStackBackTrace(frames_to_skip u32, frames_to_capture u32, p_backtrace voidptr, p_backtrace_hash voidptr) u16
fn C.SymFromAddr(h_process voidptr, address u64, p_displacement voidptr, p_symbol voidptr) int
fn C.SymGetLineFromAddr64(h_process voidptr, address u64, p_displacement voidptr, p_line &Line64) int
// Ref -
const (
symopt_undname = 0x00000002
symopt_deferred_loads = 0x00000004
symopt_no_cpp = 0x00000008
symopt_load_lines = 0x00000010
symopt_undname = 0x00000002
symopt_deferred_loads = 0x00000004
symopt_no_cpp = 0x00000008
symopt_load_lines = 0x00000010
symopt_include_32bit_modules = 0x00002000
symopt_allow_zero_address = 0x01000000
symopt_debug = 0x80000000
symopt_allow_zero_address = 0x01000000
symopt_debug = 0x80000000
// g_original_codepage - used to restore the original windows console code page when exiting
__global ( g_original_codepage = u32(0) )
__global ( g_original_codepage = u32(0))
// utf8 to stdout needs C.SetConsoleOutputCP(C.CP_UTF8)
fn C.GetConsoleOutputCP() u32
fn C.SetConsoleOutputCP(wCodePageID u32) bool
fn restore_codepage() {
C.SetConsoleOutputCP( g_original_codepage )
fn builtin_init() {
@ -98,65 +107,68 @@ fn print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames(skipframes int) bool {
fn print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames_msvc(skipframes int) bool {
$if msvc {
mut offset := u64(0)
backtraces := [100]voidptr{}
sic := SymbolInfoContainer{}
mut si := &sic.syminfo
si.f_size_of_struct = sizeof(SymbolInfo) // Note: C.SYMBOL_INFO is 88
si.f_max_name_len = sizeof(SymbolInfoContainer) - sizeof(SymbolInfo) - 1
fname := charptr( &si.f_name )
mut sline64 := Line64{}
sline64.f_size_of_struct = sizeof(Line64)
$if msvc {
mut offset := u64(0)
backtraces := [100]voidptr{}
sic := SymbolInfoContainer{}
mut si := &sic.syminfo
si.f_size_of_struct = sizeof(SymbolInfo) // Note: C.SYMBOL_INFO is 88
si.f_max_name_len = sizeof(SymbolInfoContainer) - sizeof(SymbolInfo) - 1
fname := charptr(&si.f_name)
mut sline64 := Line64{}
sline64.f_size_of_struct = sizeof(Line64)
handle := C.GetCurrentProcess()
defer { C.SymCleanup(handle) }
handle := C.GetCurrentProcess()
defer {
C.SymSetOptions(symopt_debug | symopt_load_lines | symopt_undname)
C.SymSetOptions(symopt_debug | symopt_load_lines | symopt_undname)
syminitok := C.SymInitialize( handle, 0, 1)
if syminitok != 1 {
eprintln('Failed getting process: Aborting backtrace.\n')
return false
syminitok := C.SymInitialize(handle, 0, 1)
if syminitok != 1 {
eprintln('Failed getting process: Aborting backtrace.\n')
return false
frames := int(C.CaptureStackBackTrace(skipframes + 1, 100, backtraces, 0))
if frames < 2 {
eprintln('C.CaptureStackBackTrace returned less than 2 frames')
return false
for i in 0..frames {
frame_addr := backtraces[i]
if C.SymFromAddr(handle, frame_addr, &offset, si) == 1 {
nframe := frames - i - 1
mut lineinfo := ''
if C.SymGetLineFromAddr64(handle, frame_addr, &offset, &sline64) == 1 {
file_name := tos3(sline64.f_file_name)
lineinfo = '${file_name}:${sline64.f_line_number}'
frames := int(C.CaptureStackBackTrace(skipframes + 1, 100, backtraces, 0))
if frames < 2 {
eprintln('C.CaptureStackBackTrace returned less than 2 frames')
return false
for i in 0 .. frames {
frame_addr := backtraces[i]
if C.SymFromAddr(handle, frame_addr, &offset, si) == 1 {
nframe := frames - i - 1
mut lineinfo := ''
if C.SymGetLineFromAddr64(handle, frame_addr, &offset, &sline64) == 1 {
file_name := tos3(sline64.f_file_name)
lnumber := sline64.f_line_number
lineinfo = '$file_name:$lnumber'
} else {
lineinfo = '?? : address = 0x${(&frame_addr):x}'
sfunc := tos3(fname)
eprintln('${nframe:-2d}: ${sfunc:-25s} $lineinfo')
} else {
addr :
lineinfo = '?? : address = 0x${(&frame_addr):x}'
sfunc := tos3(fname)
eprintln('${nframe:-2d}: ${sfunc:-25s} $lineinfo')
} else {
cerr := int(C.GetLastError())
if cerr == 87 {
eprintln('SymFromAddr failure: $cerr = The parameter is incorrect)')
} else if cerr == 487 {
// probably caused because the .pdb isn't in the executable folder
eprintln('SymFromAddr failure: $cerr = Attempt to access invalid address (Verify that you have the .pdb file in the right folder.)')
} else {
eprintln('SymFromAddr failure: $cerr (see')
cerr := int(C.GetLastError())
if cerr == 87 {
eprintln('SymFromAddr failure: $cerr = The parameter is incorrect)')
} else if cerr == 487 {
// probably caused because the .pdb isn't in the executable folder
eprintln('SymFromAddr failure: $cerr = Attempt to access invalid address (Verify that you have the .pdb file in the right folder.)')
} else {
eprintln('SymFromAddr failure: $cerr (see')
return true
} $else {
eprintln('print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames_msvc must be called only when the compiler is msvc')
return false
return true
} $else {
eprintln('print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames_msvc must be called only when the compiler is msvc')
return false
fn print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames_mingw(skipframes int) bool {
@ -165,43 +177,48 @@ fn print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames_mingw(skipframes int) bool {
fn C.tcc_backtrace(fmt charptr, other ...charptr) int
fn print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames_tcc(skipframes int) bool {
$if tinyc {
return false
$if no_backtrace ? {
eprintln('backtraces are disabled')
} $else {
return false
} $else {
eprintln('print_backtrace_skipping_top_frames_tcc must be called only when the compiler is tcc')
return false
//TODO copypaste from os
// TODO copypaste from os
// we want to be able to use this here without having to `import os`
struct ExceptionRecord {
// status_ constants
code u32
flags u32
record &ExceptionRecord
address voidptr
code u32
flags u32
record &ExceptionRecord
address voidptr
param_count u32
// params []voidptr
struct ContextRecord {
struct ContextRecord {
struct ExceptionPointers {
exception_record &ExceptionRecord
context_record &ContextRecord
context_record &ContextRecord
type VectoredExceptionHandler = fn(&ExceptionPointers)int
type VectoredExceptionHandler = fn (&ExceptionPointers) int
fn C.AddVectoredExceptionHandler(int, C.PVECTORED_EXCEPTION_HANDLER)
fn add_vectored_exception_handler(handler VectoredExceptionHandler) {
C.AddVectoredExceptionHandler(1, C.PVECTORED_EXCEPTION_HANDLER(handler))
@ -228,6 +245,7 @@ fn add_unhandled_exception_handler() {
fn C.IsDebuggerPresent() bool
fn C.__debugbreak()
fn break_if_debugger_attached() {
Reference in New Issue