compiler: respect -showcc, -prod, -cg, when cross compiling for windows

Delyan Angelov 2020-05-18 12:11:26 +03:00
parent 59c080be97
commit 53ffee1e02
1 changed files with 10 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -487,6 +487,14 @@ fn (mut c Builder) cc_windows_cross() {
cflags := c.get_os_cflags()
// -I flags
args += if c.pref.ccompiler == 'msvc' { cflags.c_options_before_target_msvc() } else { cflags.c_options_before_target() }
mut optimization_options := ''
mut debug_options := ''
if c.pref.is_prod {
optimization_options = if c.pref.ccompiler == 'msvc' { '' } else { ' -O3 -fno-strict-aliasing -flto ' }
if c.pref.is_debug {
debug_options = if c.pref.ccompiler == 'msvc' { '' } else { ' -g3 -no-pie ' }
mut libs := ''
if false && c.pref.build_mode == .default_mode {
libs = '"${pref.default_module_path}/vlib/builtin.o"'
@ -522,9 +530,9 @@ fn (mut c Builder) cc_windows_cross() {
panic('your platform is not supported yet')
mut cmd := 'x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc'
cmd += ' -std=gnu11 $args -municode'
cmd += ' $optimization_options $debug_options -std=gnu11 $args -municode'
//cmd := 'clang -o $obj_name -w $include -m32 -c -target x86_64-win32 ${pref.default_module_path}/$c.out_name_c'
if c.pref.is_verbose {
if c.pref.is_verbose || c.pref.show_cc {
if os.system(cmd) != 0 {