http: follow redirects (openssl & schannel) + fix url params

joe-conigliaro 2019-08-17 22:50:47 +10:00 committed by Alexander Medvednikov
parent a4e648627e
commit 56566ba3d0
3 changed files with 31 additions and 26 deletions

View File

@ -14,10 +14,6 @@ import net.urllib
#include "vschannel.c"
const (
max_redirects = 4
fn init_module() {}
fn ssl_do(method, host_name, path string) Response {
@ -26,22 +22,9 @@ fn ssl_do(method, host_name, path string) Response {
// dynamically increase in vschannel.c if needed
mut buff := malloc(44000)
mut p := if path == '' { '/' } else { path }
mut req := build_request_headers('', method, host_name, p)
mut length := int(C.request(host_name.str, req.str, buff))
mut resp := parse_response(string(buff, length))
p := if path == '' { '/' } else { path }
req := build_request_headers('', method, host_name, p)
length := int(C.request(host_name.str, req.str, buff))
mut no_redirects := 0
for resp.status_code == 301 && no_redirects <= max_redirects {
u := urllib.parse(resp.headers['Location']) or { break }
p = if u.path == '' { '/' } else { u.path }
req = build_request_headers('', method, u.hostname(), p)
length = int(C.request(u.hostname().str, req.str, buff))
resp = parse_response(string(buff, length))
return resp
return parse_response(string(buff, length))

View File

@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ module http
import net.urllib
import http.chunked
const (
max_redirects = 4
struct Request {
headers2 []string
@ -100,15 +104,33 @@ pub fn (req &Request) do() Response {
//h := '$key: $val'
url := urllib.parse(req.url) or {
// panic(' invalid URL $req.url'
return Response{} //error('ff')}
panic(' invalid URL $req.url')
// return Response{} //error('ff')}
is_ssl := url.scheme == 'https'
if !is_ssl {
panic('non https requests are not supported right now')
return ssl_do(req.typ, url.hostname(), url.path)
// first request
mut u := if url.query().size > 0 { '$url.path?${url.query().encode()}' } else { url.path }
mut resp := ssl_do(req.typ, url.hostname(), u)
// follow any redirects
mut no_redirects := 0
for resp.status_code in [301, 302, 303, 307 ,308] {
if no_redirects == max_redirects {
panic(' maximum number of redirects reached ($max_redirects)')
h_loc := resp.headers['Location']
r_url := urllib.parse(h_loc) or {
panic(' cannot follow redirect, location header has invalid url $h_loc')
u = if r_url.query().size > 0 { '$r_url.path?${r_url.query().encode()}' } else { r_url.path }
resp = ssl_do(req.typ, r_url.hostname(), u)
return resp
fn parse_response(resp string) Response {