js,gg: more work on porting gg to JS backend (#12903)

playX 2021-12-20 16:18:21 +03:00 committed by GitHub
parent f81654e3a7
commit 5f0160bf11
No known key found for this signature in database
14 changed files with 392 additions and 219 deletions

View File

@ -34,6 +34,63 @@ pub mut:
framebuffer_height int
pub struct Config {
width int
height int
use_ortho bool // unused, still here just for backwards compatibility
retina bool
resizable bool
user_data voidptr
font_size int
create_window bool
// window_user_ptr voidptr
window_title string
borderless_window bool
always_on_top bool
bg_color gx.Color
init_fn FNCb = voidptr(0)
frame_fn FNCb = voidptr(0)
native_frame_fn FNCb = voidptr(0)
cleanup_fn FNCb = voidptr(0)
fail_fn FNFail = voidptr(0)
event_fn FNEvent = voidptr(0)
quit_fn FNEvent = voidptr(0)
keydown_fn FNKeyDown = voidptr(0)
keyup_fn FNKeyUp = voidptr(0)
char_fn FNChar = voidptr(0)
move_fn FNMove = voidptr(0)
click_fn FNClick = voidptr(0)
unclick_fn FNUnClick = voidptr(0)
leave_fn FNEvent = voidptr(0)
enter_fn FNEvent = voidptr(0)
resized_fn FNEvent = voidptr(0)
scroll_fn FNEvent = voidptr(0)
// wait_events bool // set this to true for UIs, to save power
fullscreen bool
scale f32 = 1.0
sample_count int
swap_interval int = 1 // 1 = 60fps, 2 = 30fps etc. The preferred swap interval (ignored on some platforms)
// ved needs this
// init_text bool
font_path string
custom_bold_font_path string
ui_mode bool // refreshes only on events to save CPU usage
// font bytes for embedding
font_bytes_normal []byte
font_bytes_bold []byte
font_bytes_mono []byte
font_bytes_italic []byte
native_rendering bool // Cocoa on macOS/iOS, GDI+ on Windows
// drag&drop
enable_dragndrop bool // enable file dropping (drag'n'drop), default is false
max_dropped_files int = 1 // max number of dropped files to process (default: 1)
max_dropped_file_path_length int = 2048 // max length in bytes of a dropped UTF-8 file path (default: 2048)
pub struct Context {

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
module gg
import gx
import js.dom
pub enum DOMEventType {
@ -55,37 +56,6 @@ pub mut:
framebuffer_height int
pub struct Context {
render_text bool = true
image_cache []Image
needs_refresh bool = true
ticks int
pub mut:
scale f32 = 1.0
width int
height int
window JS.Window
config Config
user_data voidptr
ui_mode bool
frame u64
mbtn_mask byte
mouse_buttons MouseButtons
mouse_pos_x int
mouse_pos_y int
mouse_dx int
mouse_dy int
scroll_x int
scroll_y int
key_modifiers Modifier // the current key modifiers
key_repeat bool // whether the pressed key was an autorepeated one
pressed_keys [key_code_max]bool // an array representing all currently pressed keys
pressed_keys_edge [key_code_max]bool // true when the previous state of pressed_keys,
// *before* the current event was different
pub enum DOMMouseButton {
invalid = -1
left = 0
@ -226,3 +196,152 @@ pub enum DOMKeyCode {
right_super = 347
menu = 348
pub struct Config {
width int
height int
use_ortho bool // unused, still here just for backwards compatibility
retina bool
resizable bool
user_data voidptr
font_size int
create_window bool
// window_user_ptr voidptr
window_title string
borderless_window bool
always_on_top bool
bg_color gx.Color
init_fn FNCb = voidptr(0)
frame_fn FNCb = voidptr(0)
native_frame_fn FNCb = voidptr(0)
cleanup_fn FNCb = voidptr(0)
fail_fn FNFail = voidptr(0)
event_fn FNEvent = voidptr(0)
quit_fn FNEvent = voidptr(0)
keydown_fn FNKeyDown = voidptr(0)
keyup_fn FNKeyUp = voidptr(0)
char_fn FNChar = voidptr(0)
move_fn FNMove = voidptr(0)
click_fn FNClick = voidptr(0)
unclick_fn FNUnClick = voidptr(0)
leave_fn FNEvent = voidptr(0)
enter_fn FNEvent = voidptr(0)
resized_fn FNEvent = voidptr(0)
scroll_fn FNEvent = voidptr(0)
// wait_events bool // set this to true for UIs, to save power
fullscreen bool
scale f32 = 1.0
sample_count int
swap_interval int = 1 // 1 = 60fps, 2 = 30fps etc. The preferred swap interval (ignored on some platforms)
// ved needs this
// init_text bool
font_path string
custom_bold_font_path string
ui_mode bool // refreshes only on events to save CPU usage
// font bytes for embedding
font_bytes_normal []byte
font_bytes_bold []byte
font_bytes_mono []byte
font_bytes_italic []byte
native_rendering bool // Cocoa on macOS/iOS, GDI+ on Windows
// drag&drop
enable_dragndrop bool // enable file dropping (drag'n'drop), default is false
max_dropped_files int = 1 // max number of dropped files to process (default: 1)
max_dropped_file_path_length int = 2048 // max length in bytes of a dropped UTF-8 file path (default: 2048)
context JS.CanvasRenderingContext2D
pub struct Context {
render_text bool = true
image_cache []Image
needs_refresh bool = true
ticks int
pub mut:
scale f32 = 1.0
width int
height int
window JS.Window [noinit]
config Config
user_data voidptr
ui_mode bool
frame u64
mbtn_mask byte
mouse_buttons MouseButtons
mouse_pos_x int
mouse_pos_y int
mouse_dx int
mouse_dy int
scroll_x int
scroll_y int
key_modifiers Modifier // the current key modifiers
key_repeat bool // whether the pressed key was an autorepeated one
pressed_keys [key_code_max]bool // an array representing all currently pressed keys
pressed_keys_edge [key_code_max]bool // true when the previous state of pressed_keys,
canvas JS.CanvasRenderingContext2D [noinit]
// *before* the current event was different
pub fn new_context(cfg Config) &Context {
mut g := &Context{}
g.user_data = cfg.user_data
g.width = cfg.width
g.height = cfg.height
g.ui_mode = cfg.ui_mode
g.config = cfg
if isnil(cfg.user_data) {
g.user_data = g
g.window = dom.window()
g.canvas = cfg.context
return g
pub fn (mut ctx Context) run() {
gg_animation_frame_fn(mut ctx)
pub fn (mut ctx Context) begin() {
// ctx.canvas.beginPath()
pub fn (mut ctx Context) end() {
// ctx.canvas.closePath()
pub fn (mut ctx Context) draw_line(x1 f32, y1 f32, x2 f32, y2 f32, c gx.Color) {
ctx.canvas.strokeStyle = c.to_css_string().str
ctx.canvas.moveTo(x1, y1)
ctx.canvas.lineTo(x2, y2)
pub fn (mut ctx Context) draw_rect(x f32, y f32, w f32, h f32, c gx.Color) {
ctx.canvas.fillStyle = c.to_css_string().str
ctx.canvas.fillRect(x, y, w, h)
fn gg_animation_frame_fn(mut g Context) {
g.canvas.clearRect(0, 0, g.config.width, g.config.height)
// todo(playXE): handle events
if !isnil(g.config.frame_fn) {
f := g.config.frame_fn
g.needs_refresh = false
g.window.requestAnimationFrame(fn [mut g] (time JS.Number) {
gg_animation_frame_fn(mut g)

View File

@ -23,63 +23,6 @@ pub type FNUnClick = fn (x f32, y f32, button MouseButton, data voidptr)
pub type FNChar = fn (c u32, data voidptr)
pub struct Config {
width int
height int
use_ortho bool // unused, still here just for backwards compatibility
retina bool
resizable bool
user_data voidptr
font_size int
create_window bool
// window_user_ptr voidptr
window_title string
borderless_window bool
always_on_top bool
bg_color gx.Color
init_fn FNCb = voidptr(0)
frame_fn FNCb = voidptr(0)
native_frame_fn FNCb = voidptr(0)
cleanup_fn FNCb = voidptr(0)
fail_fn FNFail = voidptr(0)
event_fn FNEvent = voidptr(0)
quit_fn FNEvent = voidptr(0)
keydown_fn FNKeyDown = voidptr(0)
keyup_fn FNKeyUp = voidptr(0)
char_fn FNChar = voidptr(0)
move_fn FNMove = voidptr(0)
click_fn FNClick = voidptr(0)
unclick_fn FNUnClick = voidptr(0)
leave_fn FNEvent = voidptr(0)
enter_fn FNEvent = voidptr(0)
resized_fn FNEvent = voidptr(0)
scroll_fn FNEvent = voidptr(0)
// wait_events bool // set this to true for UIs, to save power
fullscreen bool
scale f32 = 1.0
sample_count int
swap_interval int = 1 // 1 = 60fps, 2 = 30fps etc. The preferred swap interval (ignored on some platforms)
// ved needs this
// init_text bool
font_path string
custom_bold_font_path string
ui_mode bool // refreshes only on events to save CPU usage
// font bytes for embedding
font_bytes_normal []byte
font_bytes_bold []byte
font_bytes_mono []byte
font_bytes_italic []byte
native_rendering bool // Cocoa on macOS/iOS, GDI+ on Windows
// drag&drop
enable_dragndrop bool // enable file dropping (drag'n'drop), default is false
max_dropped_files int = 1 // max number of dropped files to process (default: 1)
max_dropped_file_path_length int = 2048 // max length in bytes of a dropped UTF-8 file path (default: 2048)
pub struct PenConfig {
color gx.Color
line_type PenLineType = .solid

View File

@ -228,3 +228,113 @@ pub fn (ctx &Context) text_size(s string) (int, int) {
ctx.ft.fons.text_bounds(0, 0, s, &buf[0])
return int((buf[2] - buf[0]) / ctx.scale), int((buf[3] - buf[1]) / ctx.scale)
pub fn system_font_path() string {
env_font := os.getenv('VUI_FONT')
if env_font != '' && os.exists(env_font) {
return env_font
$if windows {
debug_font_println('Using font "C:\\Windows\\Fonts\\arial.ttf"')
return 'C:\\Windows\\Fonts\\arial.ttf'
$if macos {
fonts := ['/System/Library/Fonts/SFNS.ttf', '/System/Library/Fonts/SFNSText.ttf',
for font in fonts {
if os.is_file(font) {
debug_font_println('Using font "$font"')
return font
$if android {
xml_files := ['/system/etc/system_fonts.xml', '/system/etc/fonts.xml',
'/etc/system_fonts.xml', '/etc/fonts.xml', '/data/fonts/fonts.xml',
font_locations := ['/system/fonts', '/data/fonts']
for xml_file in xml_files {
if os.is_file(xml_file) && os.is_readable(xml_file) {
xml := os.read_file(xml_file) or { continue }
lines := xml.split('\n')
mut candidate_font := ''
for line in lines {
if line.contains('<font') {
candidate_font = line.all_after('>').all_before('<').trim(' \n\t\r')
if candidate_font.contains('.ttf') {
for location in font_locations {
candidate_path := os.join_path(location, candidate_font)
if os.is_file(candidate_path) && os.is_readable(candidate_path) {
debug_font_println('Using font "$candidate_path"')
return candidate_path
mut fm := os.execute("fc-match --format='%{file}\n' -s")
if fm.exit_code == 0 {
lines := fm.output.split('\n')
for l in lines {
if !l.contains('.ttc') {
debug_font_println('Using font "$l"')
return l
} else {
panic('fc-match failed to fetch system font')
panic('failed to init the font')
fn get_font_path_variant(font_path string, variant FontVariant) string {
// TODO: find some way to make this shorter and more eye-pleasant
// NotoSans, LiberationSans, DejaVuSans, Arial and SFNS should work
mut file := os.file_name(font_path)
mut fpath := font_path.replace(file, '')
file = file.replace('.ttf', '')
match variant {
.normal {}
.bold {
if fpath.ends_with('-Regular') {
file = file.replace('-Regular', '-Bold')
} else if file.starts_with('DejaVuSans') {
file += '-Bold'
} else if file.to_lower().starts_with('arial') {
file += 'bd'
} else {
file += '-bold'
$if macos {
if os.exists('SFNS-bold') {
file = 'SFNS-bold'
.italic {
if file.ends_with('-Regular') {
file = file.replace('-Regular', '-Italic')
} else if file.starts_with('DejaVuSans') {
file += '-Oblique'
} else if file.to_lower().starts_with('arial') {
file += 'i'
} else {
file += 'Italic'
.mono {
if !file.ends_with('Mono-Regular') && file.ends_with('-Regular') {
file = file.replace('-Regular', 'Mono-Regular')
} else if file.to_lower().starts_with('arial') {
// Arial has no mono variant
} else {
file += 'Mono'
return fpath + file + '.ttf'

View File

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module gg
import os
import gx
enum FontVariant {
@ -30,116 +29,6 @@ struct StringToRender {
cfg gx.TextCfg
pub fn system_font_path() string {
env_font := os.getenv('VUI_FONT')
if env_font != '' && os.exists(env_font) {
return env_font
$if windows {
debug_font_println('Using font "C:\\Windows\\Fonts\\arial.ttf"')
return 'C:\\Windows\\Fonts\\arial.ttf'
$if macos {
fonts := ['/System/Library/Fonts/SFNS.ttf', '/System/Library/Fonts/SFNSText.ttf',
for font in fonts {
if os.is_file(font) {
debug_font_println('Using font "$font"')
return font
$if android {
xml_files := ['/system/etc/system_fonts.xml', '/system/etc/fonts.xml',
'/etc/system_fonts.xml', '/etc/fonts.xml', '/data/fonts/fonts.xml',
font_locations := ['/system/fonts', '/data/fonts']
for xml_file in xml_files {
if os.is_file(xml_file) && os.is_readable(xml_file) {
xml := os.read_file(xml_file) or { continue }
lines := xml.split('\n')
mut candidate_font := ''
for line in lines {
if line.contains('<font') {
candidate_font = line.all_after('>').all_before('<').trim(' \n\t\r')
if candidate_font.contains('.ttf') {
for location in font_locations {
candidate_path := os.join_path(location, candidate_font)
if os.is_file(candidate_path) && os.is_readable(candidate_path) {
debug_font_println('Using font "$candidate_path"')
return candidate_path
mut fm := os.execute("fc-match --format='%{file}\n' -s")
if fm.exit_code == 0 {
lines := fm.output.split('\n')
for l in lines {
if !l.contains('.ttc') {
debug_font_println('Using font "$l"')
return l
} else {
panic('fc-match failed to fetch system font')
panic('failed to init the font')
fn get_font_path_variant(font_path string, variant FontVariant) string {
// TODO: find some way to make this shorter and more eye-pleasant
// NotoSans, LiberationSans, DejaVuSans, Arial and SFNS should work
mut file := os.file_name(font_path)
mut fpath := font_path.replace(file, '')
file = file.replace('.ttf', '')
match variant {
.normal {}
.bold {
if fpath.ends_with('-Regular') {
file = file.replace('-Regular', '-Bold')
} else if file.starts_with('DejaVuSans') {
file += '-Bold'
} else if file.to_lower().starts_with('arial') {
file += 'bd'
} else {
file += '-bold'
$if macos {
if os.exists('SFNS-bold') {
file = 'SFNS-bold'
.italic {
if file.ends_with('-Regular') {
file = file.replace('-Regular', '-Italic')
} else if file.starts_with('DejaVuSans') {
file += '-Oblique'
} else if file.to_lower().starts_with('arial') {
file += 'i'
} else {
file += 'Italic'
.mono {
if !file.ends_with('Mono-Regular') && file.ends_with('-Regular') {
file = file.replace('-Regular', 'Mono-Regular')
} else if file.to_lower().starts_with('arial') {
// Arial has no mono variant
} else {
file += 'Mono'
return fpath + file + '.ttf'
[if debug_font ?]
fn debug_font_println(s string) {

View File

@ -232,3 +232,7 @@ const (
pub fn color_from_string(s string) Color {
return gx.string_colors[s]
pub fn (c Color) to_css_string() string {
return 'rgb($c.r,$c.g,$c.b)'

vlib/gx/text.js.v 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
module gx
pub enum HorizontalAlign {
pub enum VerticalAlign {

View File

@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ pub interface JS.CanvasRenderingContext2D {
getLineDash() JS.Array
setLineDash(segments JS.Array)
clearRect(x JS.Number, y JS.Number, w JS.Number, h JS.Number)
fillRect(x JS.Number, y JS.Number, w JS.null, h JS.Number)
fillRect(x JS.Number, y JS.Number, w JS.Number, h JS.Number)
strokeRect(x JS.Number, y JS.Number, w JS.Number, h JS.Number)
getTransformt() JS.DOMMatrix

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module os
$if js_node {
#global.$ENV = $process.env
} $else {
#const global = $global;
#global.$ENV = {}

View File

@ -7,8 +7,9 @@ pub mut:
is_opened bool
#const $buffer = require('buffer');
$if !js_browser {
#const $buffer = require('buffer');
// todo(playX): __as_cast is broken here
pub struct ErrFileNotOpened {

View File

@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
module os
#const $fs = require('fs');
#const $path = require('path');
#const tty = require('tty')
$if js_node {
#const $fs = require('fs');
#const $path = require('path');
#const tty = require('tty')
pub const (
path_delimiter = '/'

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
module os
#const $child_process = require('child_process')
$if js_node {
#const $child_process = require('child_process')
// new_process - create a new process descriptor
// NB: new does NOT start the new process.

View File

@ -827,7 +827,14 @@ pub fn (mut c Checker) struct_init(mut node ast.StructInit) ast.Type {
// Do not allow empty uninitialized interfaces
sym := c.table.sym(field.typ)
if sym.kind == .interface_ {
mut has_noinit := false
for attr in field.attrs {
if attr.name == 'noinit' {
has_noinit = true
if sym.kind == .interface_ && (!has_noinit && sym.language != .js) {
// TODO: should be an error instead, but first `ui` needs updating.
c.note('interface field `${type_sym.name}.$field.name` must be initialized',

View File

@ -461,10 +461,11 @@ pub fn (mut g JsGen) init() {
g.definitions.writeln('const \$process = {')
g.definitions.writeln(' arch: "js",')
if g.pref.backend == .js_freestanding {
g.definitions.writeln(' platform: "freestanding"')
g.definitions.writeln(' platform: "freestanding",')
} else {
g.definitions.writeln(' platform: "browser"')
g.definitions.writeln(' platform: "browser",')
g.definitions.writeln(' cwd: function() { return "" }')
g.definitions.writeln('const \$os = {')
@ -3263,12 +3264,8 @@ fn (mut g JsGen) gen_struct_init(it ast.StructInit) {
g.writeln('return tmp')
} else {
if type_sym.kind == .struct_ && type_sym.language == .js {
} else {
g.writeln('new ${g.js_name(name)}({')
} else if type_sym.kind == .struct_ && type_sym.language == .js {
for i, field in it.fields {
if field.name.len != 0 {
@ -3281,11 +3278,26 @@ fn (mut g JsGen) gen_struct_init(it ast.StructInit) {
if type_sym.kind == .struct_ && type_sym.language == .js {
} else {
} else {
g.writeln('(function() {')
tmp := g.new_tmp_var()
g.writeln('let $tmp = new ${g.js_name(name)}({});')
for field in it.fields {
if field.name.len != 0 {
g.write('${tmp}.$field.name = ')
g.writeln('return $tmp;')
@ -3385,6 +3397,18 @@ fn (mut g JsGen) gen_type_cast_expr(it ast.CastExpr) {
if (from_type_sym.name == 'Any' && from_type_sym.language == .js)
|| from_type_sym.name == 'JS.Any' {
if it.typ.is_ptr() {
g.write('new \$ref(')
if it.typ.is_ptr() {
// Skip cast if type is the same as the parrent caster
tsym := to_type_sym
if tsym.kind == .sum_type {