cgen: fix autostr of shared fields (#14455)
@ -910,7 +910,16 @@ fn (mut g Gen) gen_str_for_struct(info ast.Struct, styp string, str_fn_name stri
fn_body.writeln('\tstring res = str_intp( ${info.fields.len * 4 + 3}, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){')
fn_body.writeln('\t\t{_SLIT("$clean_struct_v_type_name{\\n"), 0, {.d_c=0}},')
for i, field in info.fields {
mut ptr_amp := if field.typ.is_ptr() { '&' } else { '' }
ftyp_noshared := if field.typ.has_flag(.shared_f) {
} else {
mut ptr_amp := if ftyp_noshared.is_ptr() {
} else {
base_fmt := g.type_to_fmt(g.unwrap_generic(field.typ))
// manage prefix and quote symbol for the filed
@ -933,7 +942,7 @@ fn (mut g Gen) gen_str_for_struct(info ast.Struct, styp string, str_fn_name stri
// custom methods management
sym_has_str_method, str_method_expects_ptr, _ := sym.str_method_info()
sftyp := g.typ(field.typ)
sftyp := g.typ(ftyp_noshared)
mut field_styp := sftyp.replace('*', '')
field_styp_fn_name := if sym_has_str_method {
mut field_fn_name := '${field_styp}_str'
@ -943,7 +952,7 @@ fn (mut g Gen) gen_str_for_struct(info ast.Struct, styp string, str_fn_name stri
} else {
// manage the fact hat with float we use always the g representation
@ -960,7 +969,7 @@ fn (mut g Gen) gen_str_for_struct(info ast.Struct, styp string, str_fn_name stri
if field.typ in ast.cptr_types {
func = '(voidptr) it.$'
caller_should_free = false
} else if field.typ.is_ptr() {
} else if ftyp_noshared.is_ptr() {
// reference types can be "nil"
funcprefix += 'isnil(it.${c_name(})'
funcprefix += ' ? _SLIT("nil") : '
@ -999,34 +1008,35 @@ fn (mut g Gen) gen_str_for_struct(info ast.Struct, styp string, str_fn_name stri
fn struct_auto_str_func(sym &ast.TypeSymbol, field_type ast.Type, fn_name string, field_name string, has_custom_str bool, expects_ptr bool) (string, bool) {
fn struct_auto_str_func(sym &ast.TypeSymbol, _field_type ast.Type, fn_name string, field_name string, has_custom_str bool, expects_ptr bool) (string, bool) {
$if trace_autostr ? {
eprintln('> struct_auto_str_func: $ | field_type.debug() | $fn_name | $field_name | $has_custom_str | $expects_ptr')
field_type := if _field_type.has_flag(.shared_f) { _field_type.deref() } else { _field_type }
sufix := if field_type.has_flag(.shared_f) { '->val' } else { '' }
deref, _ := deref_kind(expects_ptr, field_type.is_ptr(), field_type)
if sym.kind == .enum_ {
return '${fn_name}(${deref}it.${c_name(field_name)})', true
} else if should_use_indent_func(sym.kind) {
obj := 'it.${c_name(field_name)}'
obj := '${deref}it.${c_name(field_name)}$sufix'
if has_custom_str {
return '${fn_name}($deref$obj)', true
return '${fn_name}($obj)', true
return 'indent_${fn_name}($deref$obj, indent_count + 1)', true
return 'indent_${fn_name}($obj, indent_count + 1)', true
} else if sym.kind in [.array, .array_fixed, .map, .sum_type] {
obj := '${deref}it.${c_name(field_name)}$sufix'
if has_custom_str {
return '${fn_name}(${deref}it.${c_name(field_name)})', true
return '${fn_name}($obj)', true
return 'indent_${fn_name}(${deref}it.${c_name(field_name)}, indent_count + 1)', true
return 'indent_${fn_name}($obj, indent_count + 1)', true
} else if sym.kind == .function {
return '${fn_name}()', true
} else if sym.kind == .chan {
return '${fn_name}(${deref}it.${c_name(field_name)}$sufix)', true
} else {
if sym.kind == .chan {
return '${fn_name}(${deref}it.${c_name(field_name)})', true
mut method_str := 'it.${c_name(field_name)}'
mut caller_should_free := false
if sym.kind == .bool {
method_str += ' ? _SLIT("true") : _SLIT("false")'
return '$method_str ? _SLIT("true") : _SLIT("false")', false
} else if (field_type.is_int_valptr() || field_type.is_float_valptr())
&& field_type.is_ptr() && !expects_ptr {
// ptr int can be "nil", so this needs to be casted to a string
@ -1045,6 +1055,6 @@ fn struct_auto_str_func(sym &ast.TypeSymbol, field_type ast.Type, fn_name string
fmt_type := StrIntpType.si_i32
return 'str_intp(1, _MOV((StrIntpData[]){{_SLIT0, ${u32(fmt_type) | 0xfe00}, {.d_i32 = *$method_str }}}))', true
return method_str, caller_should_free
return method_str, false
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
struct AA {
a shared []int
fn test_shared_str() {
a := AA{
a: [1, 2]
assert a.str() == 'AA{\n a: [1, 2]\n}'
Reference in New Issue