@ -28,11 +28,15 @@ fn (mut g Gen) sql_stmt(node ast.SqlStmt) {
g.sql_table_name = g.table.get_type_symbol(node.table_expr.typ).name
typ := g.parse_db_type(node.db_expr)
match typ {
.sqlite3 {
g.sqlite3_stmt(node, typ)
.mysql {
g.mysql_stmt(node, typ)
else {
verror('This database type `$typ` is not implemented yet in orm') // TODO add better error
@ -45,6 +49,9 @@ fn (mut g Gen) sql_create_table(node ast.SqlStmt) {
.sqlite3 {
g.sqlite3_create_table(node, typ)
.mysql {
g.mysql_create_table(node, typ)
else {
verror('This database type `$typ` is not implemented yet in orm') // TODO add better error
@ -52,43 +59,40 @@ fn (mut g Gen) sql_create_table(node ast.SqlStmt) {
fn (mut g Gen) sql_select_expr(node ast.SqlExpr, sub bool, line string) {
g.sql_table_name = g.table.get_type_symbol(node.table_expr.typ).name
typ := g.parse_db_type(node.db_expr)
match typ {
.sqlite3 {
g.sqlite3_select_expr(node, sub, line, typ)
.mysql {
g.mysql_select_expr(node, sub, line, typ)
else {
verror('This database type `$typ` is not implemented yet in orm') // TODO add better error
fn (mut g Gen) sql_bind_int(val string, typ SqlType) {
fn (mut g Gen) sql_bind(val string, len string, real_type ast.Type, typ SqlType) {
match typ {
.sqlite3 {
g.sqlite3_bind(val, len, real_type)
else {
// add error
fn (mut g Gen) sql_bind_string(val string, len string, typ SqlType) {
match typ {
.sqlite3 {
g.sqlite3_bind_string(val, len)
else {
// add error
.mysql {
g.mysql_bind(val, real_type)
else {}
fn (mut g Gen) sql_type_from_v(typ SqlType, v_typ ast.Type) string {
match typ {
.sqlite3 {
return g.sqlite3_type_from_v(typ, v_typ)
return g.sqlite3_type_from_v(v_typ)
.mysql {
return g.mysql_get_table_type(v_typ)
else {
// add error
@ -108,51 +112,8 @@ fn (mut g Gen) sqlite3_stmt(node ast.SqlStmt, typ SqlType) {
g.write('sqlite3_stmt* $g.sql_stmt_name = ${c.dbtype}__DB_init_stmt($db_name, _SLIT("')
table_name := util.strip_mod_name(g.table.get_type_symbol(node.table_expr.typ).name)
if node.kind == .insert {
g.write('INSERT INTO `$table_name` (')
} else if node.kind == .update {
g.write('UPDATE `$table_name` SET ')
} else if node.kind == .delete {
g.write('DELETE FROM `$table_name` ')
if node.kind == .insert {
for i, field in node.fields {
if field.name == 'id' {
if i < node.fields.len - 1 {
g.write(', ')
g.write(') values (')
for i, field in node.fields {
if field.name == 'id' {
g.write('?${i + 0}')
if i < node.fields.len - 1 {
g.write(', ')
} else if node.kind == .update {
for i, col in node.updated_columns {
g.write(' $col = ')
g.expr_to_sql(node.update_exprs[i], typ)
if i < node.updated_columns.len - 1 {
g.write(', ')
g.write(' WHERE ')
} else if node.kind == .delete {
g.write(' WHERE ')
if node.kind == .update || node.kind == .delete {
g.expr_to_sql(node.where_expr, typ)
g.sql_defaults(node, typ)
if node.kind == .insert {
// build the object now (`x.name = ... x.id == ...`)
for i, field in node.fields {
@ -166,8 +127,10 @@ fn (mut g Gen) sqlite3_stmt(node ast.SqlStmt, typ SqlType) {
// insert again
expr := node.sub_structs[int(field.typ)]
tmp_sql_stmt_name := g.sql_stmt_name
tmp_sql_table_name := g.sql_table_name
g.sql_stmt_name = tmp_sql_stmt_name
g.sql_table_name = tmp_sql_table_name
// get last inserted id
g.writeln('Array_sqlite__Row rows = sqlite__DB_exec($db_name, _SLIT("SELECT last_insert_rowid()")).arg0;')
id_name := g.new_tmp_var()
@ -204,24 +167,6 @@ fn (mut g Gen) sqlite3_select_expr(node ast.SqlExpr, sub bool, line string, sql_
if !sub {
cur_line = g.go_before_stmt(0)
mut sql_query := 'SELECT '
table_name := util.strip_mod_name(g.table.get_type_symbol(node.table_expr.typ).name)
if node.is_count {
// `select count(*) from User`
sql_query += 'COUNT(*) FROM `$table_name` '
} else {
// `select id, name, country from User`
for i, field in node.fields {
sql_query += '`$field.name`'
if i < node.fields.len - 1 {
sql_query += ', '
sql_query += ' FROM `$table_name`'
if node.has_where {
sql_query += ' WHERE '
// g.write('${dbtype}__DB_q_int(*(${dbtype}__DB*)${node.db_var_name}.data, _SLIT("$sql_query')
g.sql_stmt_name = g.new_tmp_var()
db_name := g.new_tmp_var()
@ -230,33 +175,13 @@ fn (mut g Gen) sqlite3_select_expr(node ast.SqlExpr, sub bool, line string, sql_
g.write('${c.dbtype}__DB $db_name = ') // $node.db_var_name;')
stmt_name := g.new_tmp_var()
g.write('string $stmt_name = _SLIT("')
g.sql_expr_defaults(node, sql_typ)
// g.write('sqlite3_stmt* $g.sql_stmt_name = ${dbtype}__DB_init_stmt(*(${dbtype}__DB*)${node.db_var_name}.data, _SLIT("$sql_query')
g.write('sqlite3_stmt* $g.sql_stmt_name = ${c.dbtype}__DB_init_stmt($db_name, _SLIT("')
if node.has_where && node.where_expr is ast.InfixExpr {
g.expr_to_sql(node.where_expr, sql_typ)
if node.has_order {
g.write(' ORDER BY ')
g.sql_side = .left
g.expr_to_sql(node.order_expr, sql_typ)
if node.has_desc {
g.write(' DESC ')
} else {
g.write(' ORDER BY id ')
if node.has_limit {
g.write(' LIMIT ')
g.sql_side = .right
g.expr_to_sql(node.limit_expr, sql_typ)
if node.has_offset {
g.write(' OFFSET ')
g.sql_side = .right
g.expr_to_sql(node.offset_expr, sql_typ)
g.write('sqlite3_stmt* $g.sql_stmt_name = ${c.dbtype}__DB_init_stmt($db_name, $stmt_name);')
// Dump all sql parameters generated by our custom expr handler
binds := g.sql_buf.str()
g.sql_buf = strings.new_builder(100)
@ -341,6 +266,7 @@ fn (mut g Gen) sqlite3_select_expr(node ast.SqlExpr, sub bool, line string, sql_
tmp_sql_i := g.sql_i
tmp_sql_stmt_name := g.sql_stmt_name
tmp_sql_buf := g.sql_buf
tmp_sql_table_name := g.sql_table_name
g.sql_select_expr(expr, true, '\t${tmp}.$field.name =')
g.writeln('//parse struct end')
@ -348,6 +274,7 @@ fn (mut g Gen) sqlite3_select_expr(node ast.SqlExpr, sub bool, line string, sql_
g.sql_stmt_name = tmp_sql_stmt_name
g.sql_buf = tmp_sql_buf
g.sql_i = tmp_sql_i
g.sql_table_name = tmp_sql_table_name
} else {
g.writeln('${tmp}.$field.name = ${func}($g.sql_stmt_name, $i);')
@ -366,36 +293,525 @@ fn (mut g Gen) sqlite3_select_expr(node ast.SqlExpr, sub bool, line string, sql_
fn (mut g Gen) sqlite3_create_table(node ast.SqlStmt, typ SqlType) {
g.writeln('// sqlite3 table creator')
create_string := g.table_gen(node, typ)
g.writeln(', _SLIT("$create_string"));')
fn (mut g Gen) sqlite3_bind(val string, len string, typ ast.Type) {
match g.sqlite3_type_from_v(typ) {
'TEXT' {
g.sqlite3_bind_string(val, len)
else {
verror('bad sql type=$typ ident_name=$val')
fn (mut g Gen) sqlite3_bind_int(val string) {
g.sql_buf.writeln('sqlite3_bind_int($g.sql_stmt_name, $g.sql_i, $val);')
fn (mut g Gen) sqlite3_bind_string(val string, len string) {
g.sql_buf.writeln('sqlite3_bind_text($g.sql_stmt_name, $g.sql_i, $val, $len, 0);')
fn (mut g Gen) sqlite3_type_from_v(v_typ ast.Type) string {
if v_typ.is_number() || v_typ == ast.bool_type || v_typ == -1 {
return 'INTEGER'
if v_typ.is_string() {
return 'TEXT'
return ''
// mysql
fn (mut g Gen) mysql_stmt(node ast.SqlStmt, typ SqlType) {
g.sql_i = 0
g.writeln('\n\t//mysql insert')
db_name := g.new_tmp_var()
g.sql_stmt_name = g.new_tmp_var()
g.write('mysql__Connection $db_name = ')
stmt_name := g.new_tmp_var()
g.write('string $stmt_name = _SLIT("')
g.sql_defaults(node, typ)
g.writeln('MYSQL_STMT* $g.sql_stmt_name = mysql_stmt_init(${db_name}.conn);')
g.writeln('mysql_stmt_prepare($g.sql_stmt_name, ${stmt_name}.str, ${stmt_name}.len);')
bind := g.new_tmp_var()
g.writeln('MYSQL_BIND $bind[$g.sql_i];')
g.writeln('memset($bind, 0, sizeof(MYSQL_BIND)*$g.sql_i);')
if node.kind == .insert {
for i, field in node.fields {
if field.name == 'id' {
g.writeln('//$field.name ($field.typ)')
x := '${node.object_var_name}.$field.name'
if g.table.type_symbols[int(field.typ)].kind == .struct_ {
// insert again
expr := node.sub_structs[int(field.typ)]
tmp_sql_stmt_name := g.sql_stmt_name
tmp_sql_table_name := g.sql_table_name
g.sql_stmt_name = tmp_sql_stmt_name
g.sql_table_name = tmp_sql_table_name
res := g.new_tmp_var()
g.writeln('int ${res}_err = mysql_real_query(${db_name}.conn, "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID();", 24);')
g.writeln('if (${res}_err != 0) { puts(mysql_error(${db_name}.conn)); }')
g.writeln('MYSQL_RES* $res = mysql_store_result(${db_name}.conn);')
g.writeln('if (mysql_num_rows($res) != 1) { puts("Something went wrong"); }')
g.writeln('MYSQL_ROW ${res}_row = mysql_fetch_row($res);')
g.writeln('${x}.id = string_int(tos_clone(${res}_row[0]));')
g.writeln('$bind[${i - 1}].buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;')
g.writeln('$bind[${i - 1}].buffer = &${x}.id;')
g.writeln('$bind[${i - 1}].is_null = 0;')
g.writeln('$bind[${i - 1}].length = 0;')
} else {
t, sym := g.mysql_buffer_typ_from_field(field)
g.writeln('$bind[${i - 1}].buffer_type = $t;')
if sym == 'char' {
g.writeln('$bind[${i - 1}].buffer = ($sym*) ${x}.str;')
} else {
g.writeln('$bind[${i - 1}].buffer = ($sym*) &$x;')
if sym == 'char' {
g.writeln('$bind[${i - 1}].buffer_length = ${x}.len;')
g.writeln('$bind[${i - 1}].is_null = 0;')
g.writeln('$bind[${i - 1}].length = 0;')
binds := g.sql_buf.str()
g.sql_buf = strings.new_builder(100)
// g.writeln('mysql_stmt_attr_set($g.sql_stmt_name, STMT_ATTR_ARRAY_SIZE, 1);')
res := g.new_tmp_var()
g.writeln('int $res = mysql_stmt_bind_param($g.sql_stmt_name, $bind);')
g.writeln('if ($res != 0) { puts(mysql_error(${db_name}.conn)); }')
g.writeln('$res = mysql_stmt_execute($g.sql_stmt_name);')
g.writeln('if ($res != 0) { puts(mysql_error(${db_name}.conn)); puts(mysql_stmt_error($g.sql_stmt_name)); }')
fn (mut g Gen) mysql_select_expr(node ast.SqlExpr, sub bool, line string, typ SqlType) {
g.sql_i = 0
mut cur_line := line
if !sub {
cur_line = g.go_before_stmt(0)
g.sql_stmt_name = g.new_tmp_var()
g.sql_bind_name = g.new_tmp_var()
db_name := g.new_tmp_var()
g.writeln('\n\t// sql select')
g.write('mysql__Connection $db_name = ')
stmt_name := g.new_tmp_var()
g.sql_idents = []string{}
g.sql_idents_types = []ast.Type{}
g.write('char* ${stmt_name}_raw = "')
g.sql_expr_defaults(node, typ)
g.writeln('string $stmt_name = tos_clone(${stmt_name}_raw);')
if g.sql_idents.len > 0 {
vals := g.new_tmp_var()
g.writeln('Array_string $vals = __new_array_with_default(0, 0, sizeof(string), 0);')
for i, ident in g.sql_idents {
g.writeln('array_push(&$vals, _MOV((string[]){string_clone(_SLIT("%${i + 1}"))}));')
g.write('array_push(&$vals, _MOV((string[]){string_clone(')
if g.sql_idents_types[i] == ast.string_type {
} else {
sym := g.table.get_type_name(g.sql_idents_types[i])
g.writeln('$stmt_name = string_replace_each($stmt_name, $vals);')
g.writeln('MYSQL_STMT* $g.sql_stmt_name = mysql_stmt_init(${db_name}.conn);')
g.writeln('mysql_stmt_prepare($g.sql_stmt_name, ${stmt_name}.str, ${stmt_name}.len);')
g.writeln('MYSQL_BIND $g.sql_bind_name[$g.sql_i];')
g.writeln('memset($g.sql_bind_name, 0, sizeof(MYSQL_BIND)*$g.sql_i);')
binds := g.sql_buf.str()
g.sql_buf = strings.new_builder(100)
res := g.new_tmp_var()
g.writeln('int $res = mysql_stmt_bind_param($g.sql_stmt_name, $g.sql_bind_name);')
g.writeln('if ($res != 0) { puts(mysql_error(${db_name}.conn)); }')
g.writeln('$res = mysql_stmt_execute($g.sql_stmt_name);')
g.writeln('if ($res != 0) { puts(mysql_error(${db_name}.conn)); puts(mysql_stmt_error($g.sql_stmt_name)); }')
query := g.new_tmp_var()
res := g.new_tmp_var()
fields := g.new_tmp_var()
g.writeln('Option_mysql__Result $res = mysql__Connection_real_query(&$db_name, $stmt_name);')
g.writeln('if (${res}.state != 0) { IError err = ${res}.err; _STR("Something went wrong\\000%.*s", 2, IError_str(err)); }')
g.writeln('Array_mysql__Row ${res}_rows = mysql__Result_rows(*(mysql__Result*)${res}.data);')*/
g.writeln('int $query = mysql_real_query(${db_name}.conn, ${stmt_name}.str, ${stmt_name}.len);')
g.writeln('if ($query != 0) { puts(mysql_error(${db_name}.conn)); }')
g.writeln('MYSQL_RES* $res = mysql_store_result(${db_name}.conn);')
g.writeln('MYSQL_ROW $fields = mysql_fetch_row($res);')
if node.is_count {
g.writeln('$cur_line string_int(tos_clone($fields[0]));')
} else {
tmp := g.new_tmp_var()
styp := g.typ(node.typ)
tmp_i := g.new_tmp_var()
mut elem_type_str := ''
g.writeln('int $tmp_i = 0;')
if node.is_array {
array_sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(node.typ)
array_info := array_sym.info as ast.Array
elem_type_str = g.typ(array_info.elem_type)
g.writeln('$styp ${tmp}_array = __new_array(0, 10, sizeof($elem_type_str));')
g.writeln('for ($tmp_i = 0; $tmp_i < mysql_num_rows($res); $tmp_i++) {')
g.writeln('\t$elem_type_str $tmp = ($elem_type_str) {')
sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(array_info.elem_type)
info := sym.info as ast.Struct
for i, field in info.fields {
if i != info.fields.len - 1 {
g.write(', ')
} else {
g.writeln('$styp $tmp = ($styp){')
// Zero fields, (only the [skip] ones?)
// If we don't, string values are going to be nil etc for fields that are not returned
// by the db engine.
sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(node.typ)
info := sym.info as ast.Struct
for i, field in info.fields {
if i != info.fields.len - 1 {
g.write(', ')
char_ptr := g.new_tmp_var()
g.writeln('char* $char_ptr = "";')
for i, field in node.fields {
g.writeln('$char_ptr = $fields[$i];')
g.writeln('if ($char_ptr == NULL) { $char_ptr = ""; }')
name := g.table.get_type_symbol(field.typ).cname
if g.table.get_type_symbol(field.typ).kind == .struct_ {
id_name := g.new_tmp_var()
g.writeln('//parse struct start') //
//g.writeln('int $id_name = string_int(tos_clone($fields[$i]));')
mut expr := node.sub_structs[int(field.typ)]
mut where_expr := expr.where_expr as ast.InfixExpr
mut ident := where_expr.right as ast.Ident
ident.name = '$char_ptr[$i]'
where_expr.right = ident
expr.where_expr = where_expr
tmp_sql_i := g.sql_i
tmp_sql_stmt_name := g.sql_stmt_name
tmp_sql_buf := g.sql_buf
tmp_sql_table_name := g.sql_table_name
g.sql_select_expr(expr, true, '\t${tmp}.$field.name =')
g.writeln('//parse struct end')
g.sql_stmt_name = tmp_sql_stmt_name
g.sql_buf = tmp_sql_buf
g.sql_i = tmp_sql_i
g.sql_table_name := tmp_sql_table_name
} else if field.typ == ast.string_type {
g.writeln('${tmp}.$field.name = tos_clone($char_ptr);')
} else if field.typ == ast.byte_type {
g.writeln('${tmp}.$field.name = (byte) string_${name}(tos_clone($char_ptr));')
} else if field.typ == ast.i8_type {
g.writeln('${tmp}.$field.name = (i8) string_${name}(tos_clone($char_ptr));')
} else {
g.writeln('${tmp}.$field.name = string_${name}(tos_clone($char_ptr));')
if node.is_array {
g.writeln('\t array_push(&${tmp}_array, _MOV(($elem_type_str[]) { $tmp }));')
if node.is_array {
g.writeln('$cur_line ${tmp}_array; ')
} else {
g.writeln('$cur_line $tmp; ')
fn (mut g Gen) mysql_create_table(node ast.SqlStmt, typ SqlType) {
g.writeln('// mysql table creator')
create_string := g.table_gen(node, typ)
tmp := g.new_tmp_var()
g.write('Option_mysql__Result $tmp = mysql__Connection_query(&')
g.writeln(', _SLIT("$create_string"));')
g.writeln('if (${tmp}.state != 0) { IError err = ${tmp}.err; _STR("Something went wrong\\000%.*s", 2, IError_str(err)); }')
fn (mut g Gen) mysql_bind(val string, _ ast.Type) {
t := g.mysql_buffer_typ_from_typ(typ)
mut sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(typ).cname
if typ == ast.string_type {
sym = 'char *'
tmp := g.new_tmp_var()
g.sql_buf.writeln('$sym $tmp = $val;')
g.sql_buf.writeln('$g.sql_bind_name[${g.sql_i - 1}].buffer_type = $t;')
g.sql_buf.writeln('$g.sql_bind_name[${g.sql_i - 1}].buffer = ($sym*) &$tmp;')
if sym == 'char *' {
g.sql_buf.writeln('$g.sql_bind_name[${g.sql_i - 1}].buffer_length = ${val}.len;')
g.sql_buf.writeln('$g.sql_bind_name[${g.sql_i - 1}].is_null = 0;')
g.sql_buf.writeln('$g.sql_bind_name[${g.sql_i - 1}].length = 0;')*/
fn (mut g Gen) mysql_get_table_type(typ ast.Type) string {
mut table_typ := ''
match typ {
ast.i8_type, ast.byte_type, ast.bool_type {
table_typ = 'TINYINT'
ast.i16_type, ast.u16_type {
table_typ = 'SMALLINT'
ast.int_type, ast.u32_type {
table_typ = 'INT'
ast.i64_type, ast.u64_type {
table_typ = 'BIGINT'
ast.f32_type {
table_typ = 'BIGINT'
ast.f64_type {
table_typ = 'BIGINT'
ast.string_type {
table_typ = 'TEXT'
-1 {
table_typ = 'SERIAL'
else {}
return table_typ
fn (mut g Gen) mysql_buffer_typ_from_typ(typ ast.Type) string {
mut buf_typ := ''
match typ {
ast.i8_type, ast.byte_type, ast.bool_type {
buf_typ = 'MYSQL_TYPE_TINY'
ast.i16_type, ast.u16_type {
buf_typ = 'MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT'
ast.int_type, ast.u32_type {
buf_typ = 'MYSQL_TYPE_LONG'
ast.i64_type, ast.u64_type {
ast.f32_type {
buf_typ = 'MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT'
ast.f64_type {
ast.string_type {
else {
buf_typ = 'MYSQL_TYPE_NULL'
return buf_typ
fn (mut g Gen) mysql_buffer_typ_from_field(field ast.StructField) (string, string) {
mut typ := g.get_sql_field_type(field)
mut sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(typ).cname
buf_typ := g.mysql_buffer_typ_from_typ(typ)
if typ == ast.string_type {
sym = 'char'
return buf_typ, sym
// utils
fn (mut g Gen) sql_expr_defaults(node ast.SqlExpr, sql_typ SqlType) {
if node.has_where && node.where_expr is ast.InfixExpr {
g.expr_to_sql(node.where_expr, sql_typ)
if node.has_order {
g.write(' ORDER BY ')
g.sql_side = .left
g.expr_to_sql(node.order_expr, sql_typ)
if node.has_desc {
g.write(' DESC ')
} else {
g.write(' ORDER BY id ')
if node.has_limit {
g.write(' LIMIT ')
g.sql_side = .right
g.expr_to_sql(node.limit_expr, sql_typ)
if node.has_offset {
g.write(' OFFSET ')
g.sql_side = .right
g.expr_to_sql(node.offset_expr, sql_typ)
fn (mut g Gen) get_base_sql_select_query(node ast.SqlExpr) string {
mut sql_query := 'SELECT '
table_name := util.strip_mod_name(g.table.get_type_symbol(node.table_expr.typ).name)
if node.is_count {
// `select count(*) from User`
sql_query += 'COUNT(*) FROM `$table_name` '
} else {
// `select id, name, country from User`
for i, field in node.fields {
sql_query += '`$field.name`'
if i < node.fields.len - 1 {
sql_query += ', '
sql_query += ' FROM `$table_name`'
if node.has_where {
sql_query += ' WHERE '
return sql_query
fn (mut g Gen) sql_defaults(node ast.SqlStmt, typ SqlType) {
table_name := util.strip_mod_name(g.table.get_type_symbol(node.table_expr.typ).name)
if node.kind == .insert {
g.write('INSERT INTO `$table_name` (')
} else if node.kind == .update {
g.write('UPDATE `$table_name` SET ')
} else if node.kind == .delete {
g.write('DELETE FROM `$table_name` ')
if node.kind == .insert {
for i, field in node.fields {
if field.name == 'id' {
if i < node.fields.len - 1 {
g.write(', ')
g.write(') values (')
for i, field in node.fields {
if field.name == 'id' {
if typ == .sqlite3 {
g.write('?${i + 0}')
} else if typ == .mysql {
if i < node.fields.len - 1 {
g.write(', ')
} else if node.kind == .update {
for i, col in node.updated_columns {
g.write(' $col = ')
g.expr_to_sql(node.update_exprs[i], typ)
if i < node.updated_columns.len - 1 {
g.write(', ')
g.write(' WHERE ')
} else if node.kind == .delete {
g.write(' WHERE ')
if node.kind == .update || node.kind == .delete {
g.expr_to_sql(node.where_expr, typ)
fn (mut g Gen) table_gen(node ast.SqlStmt, typ SqlType) string {
typ_sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(node.table_expr.typ)
if typ_sym.info !is ast.Struct {
verror('Type `$typ_sym.name` has to be a struct')
g.writeln('// sqlite3 table creator ($typ_sym.name)')
struct_data := typ_sym.info as ast.Struct
table_name := typ_sym.name.split('.').last()
mut create_string := 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `$table_name` ('
mut fields := []string{}
mut primary := '' // for mysql
for field in struct_data.fields {
mut is_primary := false
mut skip := false
mut no_null := false
for attr in field.attrs {
match attr.name {
'skip' {
skip = true
'primary' {
is_primary = true
primary = field.name
'nonull' {
no_null = true
else {}
if skip { // cpp workaround
mut stmt := ''
mut converted_typ := g.sql_type_from_v(typ, field.typ)
mut converted_typ := g.sql_type_from_v(typ, g.get_sql_field_type(field))
mut name := field.name
if converted_typ == '' {
if g.table.get_type_symbol(field.typ).kind == .struct_ {
@ -417,56 +833,26 @@ fn (mut g Gen) sqlite3_create_table(node ast.SqlStmt, typ SqlType) {
stmt = '`$name` $converted_typ'
if field.has_default_expr {
if field.has_default_expr && typ != .mysql {
stmt += ' DEFAULT '
stmt += field.default_expr.str()
if is_primary {
if no_null {
stmt += ' NOT NULL'
if is_primary && typ == .sqlite3 {
stmt += ' PRIMARY KEY'
fields << stmt
if typ == .mysql {
fields << 'PRIMARY KEY(`$primary`)'
create_string += fields.join(', ')
create_string += ');'
g.writeln(', _SLIT("$create_string"));')
return create_string
fn (mut g Gen) sqlite3_bind_int(val string) {
g.sql_buf.writeln('sqlite3_bind_int($g.sql_stmt_name, $g.sql_i, $val);')
fn (mut g Gen) sqlite3_bind_string(val string, len string) {
g.sql_buf.writeln('sqlite3_bind_text($g.sql_stmt_name, $g.sql_i, $val, $len, 0);')
fn (mut g Gen) sqlite3_type_from_v(typ SqlType, v_typ ast.Type) string {
if v_typ.is_number() || v_typ == ast.bool_type {
return 'INTEGER'
if v_typ.is_string() {
return 'TEXT'
return ''
// mysql
fn (mut g Gen) mysql_stmt(node ast.SqlStmt) {
fn (mut g Gen) mysql_select_expr(node ast.SqlExpr, sub bool, line string) {
fn (mut g Gen) mysql_bind_int(val string) {
fn (mut g Gen) mysql_bind_string(val string, len string) {
// utils
fn (mut g Gen) expr_to_sql(expr ast.Expr, typ SqlType) {
// Custom handling for infix exprs (since we need e.g. `and` instead of `&&` in SQL queries),
// strings. Everything else (like numbers, a.b) is handled by g.expr()
@ -497,50 +883,55 @@ fn (mut g Gen) expr_to_sql(expr ast.Expr, typ SqlType) {
ast.StringLiteral {
// g.write("'$it.val'")
g.sql_bind_string('"$expr.val"', expr.val.len.str(), typ)
g.sql_bind('"$expr.val"', expr.val.len.str(), g.sql_get_real_type(ast.string_type),
ast.IntegerLiteral {
g.sql_bind_int(expr.val, typ)
g.sql_bind(expr.val, '', g.sql_get_real_type(ast.int_type), typ)
ast.BoolLiteral {
// true/false literals were added to Sqlite 3.23 (2018-04-02)
// but lots of apps/distros use older sqlite (e.g. Ubuntu 18.04 LTS )
eval := if expr.val { '1' } else { '0' }
g.sql_bind_int(eval, typ)
g.sql_bind(eval, '', g.sql_get_real_type(ast.byte_type), typ)
ast.Ident {
// `name == user_name` => `name == ?1`
// for left sides just add a string, for right sides, generate the bindings
if g.sql_side == .left {
// println("sql gen left $expr.name")
g.sql_left_type = g.get_struct_field_typ(expr.name)
} else {
info := expr.info as ast.IdentVar
ityp := info.typ
if ityp == ast.string_type {
g.sql_bind_string('${expr.name}.str', '${expr.name}.len', typ)
} else if ityp == ast.int_type {
g.sql_bind_int(expr.name, typ)
if typ == .sqlite3 {
if ityp == ast.string_type {
g.sql_bind('${expr.name}.str', '${expr.name}.len', g.sql_get_real_type(ityp),
} else {
g.sql_bind(expr.name, '', g.sql_get_real_type(ityp), typ)
} else {
verror('bad sql type=$ityp ident_name=$expr.name')
g.sql_bind('%$g.sql_i.str()', '', g.sql_get_real_type(ityp), typ)
g.sql_idents << expr.name
g.sql_idents_types << g.sql_get_real_type(ityp)
ast.SelectorExpr {
if expr.typ == ast.int_type {
if expr.expr !is ast.Ident {
verror('orm selector not ident')
ident := expr.expr as ast.Ident
g.sql_bind_int(ident.name + '.' + expr.field_name, typ)
} else {
verror('bad sql type=$expr.typ selector expr=$expr.field_name')
if expr.expr !is ast.Ident {
verror('orm selector not ident')
ident := expr.expr as ast.Ident
g.sql_bind(ident.name + '.' + expr.field_name, '', g.sql_get_real_type(expr.typ),
else {
@ -554,9 +945,38 @@ fn (mut g Gen) expr_to_sql(expr ast.Expr, typ SqlType) {
fn (mut g Gen) inc_sql_i() {
fn (mut g Gen) get_struct_field_typ(f string) ast.Type {
sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(g.table.type_idxs[g.sql_table_name])
mut typ := ast.Type(-1)
if sym.kind != .struct_ {
str := sym.info as ast.Struct
for field in str.fields {
if field.name != f {
typ = g.get_sql_field_type(field)
return typ
fn (mut g Gen) sql_get_real_type(typ ast.Type) ast.Type {
if typ != g.sql_left_type && g.sql_left_type >= 0 {
return g.sql_left_type
return typ
fn (mut g Gen) inc_sql_i(typ SqlType) {
if typ == .sqlite3 {
fn (mut g Gen) parse_db_type(expr ast.Expr) SqlType {
@ -581,8 +1001,25 @@ fn (mut g Gen) parse_db_from_type_string(name string) SqlType {
'sqlite.DB' {
return .sqlite3
'mysql.Connection' {
return .mysql
else {
return .unknown
fn (mut g Gen) get_sql_field_type(field ast.StructField) ast.Type {
mut typ := field.typ
for attr in field.attrs {
if attr.name == 'sql' && attr.arg != '' {
if attr.arg.to_lower() == 'serial' {
typ = ast.Type(-1)
typ = g.table.type_idxs[attr.arg]
return typ