parse_middleware with arguments check

Anton Zavodchikov 2021-12-21 08:50:42 +05:00
parent ca377dd6e2
commit 748274b878
1 changed files with 26 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -3,6 +3,32 @@ module vweb
import net.urllib
import net.http
fn parse_middleware(args []MethodArgs, attrs []string) ?string {
if 'use' in attrs {
for arg in args {
// ast.string_type_idx = 20
if arg.typ != 20 {
return error("middleware arguments should be string type, `$` does not meet that rule")
for attr in attrs {
if attr.starts_with('/') {
params_len := attr.split('/').filter(it != '' && it.starts_with(':')).len
if params_len != args.len {
return error('number of middleware arguments does not meet with number of path params')
return attr
return error("please specify path as attribute for middleware, example: ['/admin']")
return none
// Parsing function attributes for methods and path.
fn parse_attrs(name string, attrs []string) ?([]http.Method, string) {
if attrs.len == 0 {