scanner: prevent infinite looping, when reaching .eof due to parser bugs

Delyan Angelov 2020-05-28 19:22:11 +03:00
parent d70cd81875
commit 75b8822f06
1 changed files with 12 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ pub mut:
is_fmt bool // Used only for skipping ${} in strings, since we need literal
// string values when generating formatted code.
comments_mode CommentsMode
eofs int
pub enum CommentsMode {
@ -521,8 +522,18 @@ fn (mut s Scanner) skip_whitespace() {
fn (mut s Scanner) end_of_file() token.Token {
s.pos = s.text.len
if s.eofs > 50 {
s.error('the end of file `$s.file_path` has been reached 50 times already, the v parser is probably stuck.\n' +
'This should not happen. Please report the bug here, and include the last 2-3 lines of your source code:\n' +
if s.pos != s.text.len && s.eofs == 1 {
s.pos = s.text.len
return s.new_token(.eof, '', 1)