compiler: handle a panic when an error is produced, but source == ''

Delyan Angelov 2020-04-28 16:12:57 +03:00
parent 8ea087f957
commit 7924b4d77c
1 changed files with 92 additions and 72 deletions

View File

@ -13,24 +13,24 @@ import v.token
// NB: using only the filename may lead to inability of IDE/editors
// to find the source file, when the IDE has a different working folder than
// v itself.
// error_context_before - how many lines of source context to print before the pointer line
// error_context_after - ^^^ same, but after
const (
error_context_before = 2 // how many lines of source context to print before the pointer line
error_context_after = 2 // ^^^ same, but after
error_context_before = 2
error_context_after = 2
// emanager.support_color - should the error and other messages
// have ANSI terminal escape color codes in them.
// By default, v tries to autodetect, if the terminal supports colors.
// Use -color and -nocolor options to override the detection decision.
pub const (
emanager = new_error_manager()
pub struct EManager {
pub mut:
support_color bool // should the error and other messages
// have ANSI terminal escape color codes in them.
// By default, v tries to autodetect, if the terminal supports colors.
// Use -color and -nocolor options to override the detection decision.
support_color bool
pub fn (e &EManager) set_support_color(b bool) {
@ -38,15 +38,18 @@ pub fn (e &EManager) set_support_color(b bool) {
pub fn new_error_manager() &EManager {
return &EManager{ support_color: term.can_show_color_on_stderr() }
return &EManager{
support_color: term.can_show_color_on_stderr()
pub fn formatted_error(kind string /*error or warn*/, emsg string, filepath string, pos token.Position) string {
// formatted_error - `kind` may be 'error' or 'warn'
pub fn formatted_error(kind, emsg, filepath string, pos token.Position) string {
mut path := filepath
verror_paths_override := os.getenv('VERROR_PATHS')
if verror_paths_override == 'absolute' {
path = os.real_path( path )
path = os.real_path(path)
} else {
// Get relative path
workdir := os.getwd() + os.path_separator
if path.starts_with(workdir) {
@ -55,71 +58,26 @@ pub fn formatted_error(kind string /*error or warn*/, emsg string, filepath stri
mut source_context := ''
source := util.read_file(filepath) or { '' }
source_lines := source.split_into_lines()
mut p := util.imax(0, util.imin(source.len -1, pos.pos))
for ; p>=0; p-- {
source := read_file(filepath) or {
mut p := imax(0, imin(source.len - 1, pos.pos))
if source.len > 0 {
for ; p >= 0; p-- {
if source[p] == `\r` || source[p] == `\n` {
column := util.imax(0, pos.pos - p - 1)
column := imax(0, pos.pos - p - 1)
position := '${path}:${pos.line_nr+1}:${util.imax(1,column+1)}:'
bline := util.imax(0, pos.line_nr - error_context_before)
aline := util.imin(source_lines.len-1, pos.line_nr + error_context_after)
mut clines := []string{}
tab_spaces := ' '
for iline := bline; iline <= aline; iline++ {
sline := source_lines[iline]
mut cline := '${iline+1:5d}| ' + sline.replace('\t', tab_spaces)
if iline == pos.line_nr && emanager.support_color {
cline = cline )
clines << cline
if iline == pos.line_nr {
// The pointerline should have the same spaces/tabs as the offending
// line, so that it prints the ^ character exactly on the *same spot*
// where it is needed. That is the reason we can not just
// use strings.repeat(` `, col) to form it.
mut pointerline := []string{}
for i, c in sline {
if i < column {
mut x := c
if x == `\t` {
pointerline << tab_spaces
x = if x.is_space() { c } else { ` ` }
pointerline << x.str()
if pos.len > 1 {
max_len := sline.len - pointerline.len // rest of the line
len := if pos.len > max_len { max_len } else { pos.len }
underline := '~'.repeat(len)
pointerline << if emanager.support_color { term.bold( } else { underline }
pointerline << if emanager.support_color { term.bold('^')) } else { '^' }
clines << ' ' + pointerline.join('')
source_context += clines.join('\n')
final_position := if emanager.support_color {
} else {
source_context += source_context(source, column, pos).join('\n')
final_position := if emanager.support_color { term.bold(position) } else { position }
mut final_kind := kind
if emanager.support_color {
final_kind = if kind.contains('error') {
} else {
@ -129,10 +87,72 @@ pub fn formatted_error(kind string /*error or warn*/, emsg string, filepath stri
return '$final_position $final_kind $final_msg $final_context'.trim_space()
pub fn verror(kind string, s string) {
pub fn source_context(source string, column int, pos token.Position) []string {
mut clines := []string{}
if source.len == 0 {
return clines
source_lines := source.split_into_lines()
bline := imax(0, pos.line_nr - error_context_before)
aline := imax(0, imin(source_lines.len - 1, pos.line_nr + error_context_after))
tab_spaces := ' '
for iline := bline; iline <= aline; iline++ {
sline := source_lines[iline]
mut cline := '${iline+1:5d}| ' + sline.replace('\t', tab_spaces)
if iline == pos.line_nr && emanager.support_color {
cline =
clines << cline
if iline == pos.line_nr {
// The pointerline should have the same spaces/tabs as the offending
// line, so that it prints the ^ character exactly on the *same spot*
// where it is needed. That is the reason we can not just
// use strings.repeat(` `, col) to form it.
mut pointerline := []string{}
for i, bchar in sline {
if i < column {
mut x := bchar
if x == `\t` {
pointerline << tab_spaces
} else {
x = if x.is_space() {
} else {
` `
pointerline << x.str()
if pos.len > 1 {
max_len := sline.len - pointerline.len // rest of the line
len := if pos.len > max_len { max_len } else { pos.len }
underline := '~'.repeat(len)
pointerline << if emanager.support_color {
} else {
} else {
pointerline << if emanager.support_color {
} else {
clines << ' ' + pointerline.join('')
return clines
pub fn verror(kind, s string) {
if emanager.support_color {
eprintln( term.bold( + ': $s' )
eprintln(term.bold( + ': $s')
} else {
eprintln('${kind}: $s')