os: format os.v (#7334)

yuyi 2020-12-15 15:33:31 +08:00 committed by GitHub
parent 3064fff95b
commit 947ceb1595
No known key found for this signature in database
1 changed files with 214 additions and 284 deletions

View File

@ -29,12 +29,13 @@ pub fn read_bytes(path string) ?[]byte {
return res[0..nr_read_elements * fsize]
// read_file reads the file in `path` and returns the contents.
pub fn read_file(path string) ?string {
mode := 'rb'
mut fp := vfopen(path, mode) ?
defer { C.fclose(fp) }
defer {
cseek := C.fseek(fp, 0, C.SEEK_END)
if cseek != 0 {
return error('fseek failed')
@ -107,7 +108,8 @@ pub fn cp(src string, dst string) ? {
fp_to := C.open(charptr(dst.str), C.O_WRONLY | C.O_CREAT | C.O_TRUNC, C.S_IWUSR | C.S_IRUSR)
if fp_to < 0 { // Check if file opened (permissions problems ...)
return error_with_code('cp (permission): failed to write to $dst (fp_to: $fp_to)', int(fp_to))
return error_with_code('cp (permission): failed to write to $dst (fp_to: $fp_to)',
mut buf := [1024]byte{}
mut count := 0
@ -123,9 +125,7 @@ pub fn cp(src string, dst string) ? {
from_attr := C.stat{}
unsafe {
C.stat(charptr(src.str), &from_attr)
unsafe {C.stat(charptr(src.str), &from_attr)}
if C.chmod(charptr(dst.str), from_attr.st_mode) < 0 {
return error_with_code('failed to set permissions for $dst', int(-1))
@ -143,38 +143,36 @@ pub fn cp_r(osource_path string, odest_path string, overwrite bool) ? {
// cp_all will recursively copy `src` to `dst`,
// optionally overwriting files or dirs in `dst`.
pub fn cp_all(src string, dst string, overwrite bool) ? {
source_path := os.real_path(src)
dest_path := os.real_path(dst)
if !os.exists(source_path) {
source_path := real_path(src)
dest_path := real_path(dst)
if !exists(source_path) {
return error("Source path doesn\'t exist")
// single file copy
if !os.is_dir(source_path) {
adjusted_path := if os.is_dir(dest_path) {
os.join_path(dest_path,os.file_name(source_path)) } else { dest_path }
if os.exists(adjusted_path) {
if !is_dir(source_path) {
adjusted_path := if is_dir(dest_path) { join_path(dest_path, file_name(source_path)) } else { dest_path }
if exists(adjusted_path) {
if overwrite {
else {
} else {
return error('Destination file path already exist')
os.cp(source_path, adjusted_path)?
cp(source_path, adjusted_path) ?
if !os.is_dir(dest_path) {
if !is_dir(dest_path) {
return error('Destination path is not a valid directory')
files := os.ls(source_path)?
files := ls(source_path) ?
for file in files {
sp := os.join_path(source_path, file)
dp := os.join_path(dest_path, file)
if os.is_dir(sp) {
sp := join_path(source_path, file)
dp := join_path(dest_path, file)
if is_dir(sp) {
mkdir(dp) ?
cp_all(sp, dp, overwrite) or {
return error(err)
@ -183,8 +181,8 @@ os.join_path(dest_path,os.file_name(source_path)) } else { dest_path }
// mv_by_cp first copies the source file, and if it is copied successfully, deletes the source file.
// may be used when you are not sure that the source and target are on the same mount/partition.
pub fn mv_by_cp(source string, target string) ? {
os.cp(source, target)?
cp(source, target) ?
rm(source) ?
// vfopen returns an opened C file, given its path and open mode.
@ -276,36 +274,29 @@ pub fn open_file(path string, mode string, options ...int) ?File {
else {}
mut permission := 0o666
if options.len > 0 {
permission = options[0]
$if windows {
if permission < 0o600 {
permission = 0x0100
else {
} else {
permission = 0x0100 | 0x0080
mut p := path
$if windows {
p = path.replace('/', '\\')
fd := C.open(charptr(p.str), flags, permission)
if fd == -1 {
return error(posix_get_error_msg(C.errno))
cfile := C.fdopen(fd, charptr(mode.str))
if isnil(cfile) {
return error('Failed to open or create file "$path"')
return File{
cfile: cfile
fd: fd
@ -336,8 +327,7 @@ fn posix_wait4_to_exit_status(waitret int) (int,bool) {
if C.WIFEXITED(waitret) {
ret = C.WEXITSTATUS(waitret)
is_signaled = false
else if C.WIFSIGNALED(waitret) {
} else if C.WIFSIGNALED(waitret) {
ret = C.WTERMSIG(waitret)
is_signaled = true
@ -419,39 +409,17 @@ pub fn system(cmd string) int {
pub fn sigint_to_signal_name(si int) string {
// POSIX signals:
match si {
1 {
return 'SIGHUP'
2 {
return 'SIGINT'
3 {
return 'SIGQUIT'
4 {
return 'SIGILL'
6 {
return 'SIGABRT'
8 {
return 'SIGFPE'
9 {
return 'SIGKILL'
11 {
return 'SIGSEGV'
13 {
return 'SIGPIPE'
14 {
return 'SIGALRM'
15 {
return 'SIGTERM'
1 { return 'SIGHUP' }
2 { return 'SIGINT' }
3 { return 'SIGQUIT' }
4 { return 'SIGILL' }
6 { return 'SIGABRT' }
8 { return 'SIGFPE' }
9 { return 'SIGKILL' }
11 { return 'SIGSEGV' }
13 { return 'SIGPIPE' }
14 { return 'SIGALRM' }
15 { return 'SIGTERM' }
else {}
$if linux {
@ -459,37 +427,17 @@ pub fn sigint_to_signal_name(si int) string {
match si {
// TODO dependent on platform
// works only on x86/ARM/most others
10 /*, 30, 16 */ {
return 'SIGUSR1'
12 /*, 31, 17 */ {
return 'SIGUSR2'
17 /*, 20, 18 */ {
return 'SIGCHLD'
18 /*, 19, 25 */ {
return 'SIGCONT'
19 /*, 17, 23 */ {
return 'SIGSTOP'
20 /*, 18, 24 */ {
return 'SIGTSTP'
21 /*, 26 */ {
return 'SIGTTIN'
22 /*, 27 */ {
return 'SIGTTOU'
10 /* , 30, 16 */ { return 'SIGUSR1' }
12 /* , 31, 17 */ { return 'SIGUSR2' }
17 /* , 20, 18 */ { return 'SIGCHLD' }
18 /* , 19, 25 */ { return 'SIGCONT' }
19 /* , 17, 23 */ { return 'SIGSTOP' }
20 /* , 18, 24 */ { return 'SIGTSTP' }
21 /* , 26 */ { return 'SIGTTIN' }
22 /* , 27 */ { return 'SIGTTOU' }
// /////////////////////////////
5 {
return 'SIGTRAP'
7 {
return 'SIGBUS'
5 { return 'SIGTRAP' }
7 { return 'SIGBUS' }
else {}
@ -522,8 +470,8 @@ pub fn is_executable(path string) bool {
// 02 Write-only
// 04 Read-only
// 06 Read and write
p := os.real_path( path )
return ( os.exists( p ) && p.ends_with('.exe') )
p := real_path(path)
return (exists(p) && p.ends_with('.exe'))
$if solaris {
statbuf := C.stat{}
@ -605,14 +553,14 @@ pub fn rmdir_recursive(path string) {
// rmdir_all recursively removes the specified directory.
pub fn rmdir_all(path string) ? {
mut ret_err := ''
items := os.ls(path)?
items := ls(path) ?
for item in items {
if os.is_dir(os.join_path(path, item)) {
rmdir_all(os.join_path(path, item))
if is_dir(join_path(path, item)) {
rmdir_all(join_path(path, item))
os.rm(os.join_path(path, item)) or { ret_err = err }
rm(join_path(path, item)) or { ret_err = err }
os.rmdir(path) or { ret_err = err }
rmdir(path) or { ret_err = err }
if ret_err.len > 0 {
return error(ret_err)
@ -620,9 +568,7 @@ pub fn rmdir_all(path string) ? {
// is_dir_empty will return a `bool` whether or not `path` is empty.
pub fn is_dir_empty(path string) bool {
items := os.ls(path) or {
return true
items := ls(path) or { return true }
return items.len == 0
@ -636,9 +582,7 @@ fn print_c_errno() {
// file_ext will return the part after the last occurence of `.` in `path`.
// The `.` is included.
pub fn file_ext(path string) string {
pos := path.last_index('.') or {
return ''
pos := path.last_index('.') or { return '' }
return path[pos..]
@ -651,9 +595,7 @@ pub fn dir(path string) string {
if path == '' {
return '.'
pos := path.last_index(path_separator) or {
return '.'
pos := path.last_index(path_separator) or { return '.' }
return path[..pos]
@ -670,14 +612,10 @@ pub fn base(path string) string {
if path.ends_with(path_separator) {
path2 := path[..path.len - 1]
pos := path2.last_index(path_separator) or {
return path2.clone()
pos := path2.last_index(path_separator) or { return path2.clone() }
return path2[pos + 1..]
pos := path.last_index(path_separator) or {
return path.clone()
pos := path.last_index(path_separator) or { return path.clone() }
return path[pos + 1..]
@ -713,7 +651,8 @@ pub fn get_raw_line() string {
h_input := C.GetStdHandle(std_input_handle)
mut bytes_read := 0
if is_atty(0) > 0 {
C.ReadConsole(h_input, buf, max_line_chars * 2, C.LPDWORD(&bytes_read), 0)
C.ReadConsole(h_input, buf, max_line_chars * 2, C.LPDWORD(&bytes_read),
return string_from_wide2(&u16(buf), bytes_read)
mut offset := 0
@ -758,17 +697,18 @@ pub fn get_raw_stdin() []byte {
pos := buf + offset
res := C.ReadFile(h_input, pos, block_bytes, C.LPDWORD(&bytes_read), 0)
offset += bytes_read
if !res {
buf = v_realloc(buf, offset + block_bytes + (block_bytes - bytes_read))
return array{element_size: 1 data: voidptr(buf) len: offset cap: offset }
return array{
element_size: 1
data: voidptr(buf)
len: offset
cap: offset
} $else {
panic('get_raw_stdin not implemented on this platform...')
@ -845,25 +785,25 @@ pub fn user_os() string {
// home_dir returns path to user's home directory.
pub fn home_dir() string {
$if windows {
return os.getenv('USERPROFILE')
return getenv('USERPROFILE')
} $else {
// println('home_dir() call')
// res:= os.getenv('HOME')
// println('res="$res"')
return os.getenv('HOME')
return getenv('HOME')
// write_file writes `text` data to a file in `path`.
pub fn write_file(path string, text string) ? {
mut f := os.create(path)?
mut f := create(path) ?
// write_file_array writes the data in `buffer` to a file in `path`.
pub fn write_file_array(path string, buffer array) ? {
mut f := os.create(path)?
mut f := create(path) ?
f.write_bytes_at(buffer.data, (buffer.len * buffer.element_size), 0)
@ -882,7 +822,12 @@ pub fn read_file_array<T>(path string) []T {
buf := malloc(fsize)
C.fread(buf, fsize, 1, fp)
return array{element_size: tsize data: buf len: len cap: len }
return array{
element_size: tsize
data: buf
len: len
cap: len
pub fn on_segfault(f voidptr) {
@ -890,7 +835,7 @@ pub fn on_segfault(f voidptr) {
$if macos {
mut sa := C.sigaction{}
C.memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(C.sigaction_size))
@ -933,8 +878,7 @@ pub fn executable() string {
ret := string_from_wide2(final_path, final_len)
// remove '\\?\' from beginning (see link above)
return ret[4..]
else {
} else {
eprintln('os.executable() saw that the executable file path was too long')
@ -956,15 +900,16 @@ pub fn executable() string {
mut result := vcalloc(max_path_len)
mib := [1 /* CTL_KERN */, 14 /* KERN_PROC */, 12 /* KERN_PROC_PATHNAME */, -1]
size := max_path_len
unsafe {
C.sysctl(mib.data, 4, result, &size, 0, 0)
unsafe {C.sysctl(mib.data, 4, result, &size, 0, 0)}
return unsafe {result.vstring()}
// "Sadly there is no way to get the full path of the executed file in OpenBSD."
$if openbsd {}
$if solaris {}
$if haiku {}
$if openbsd {
$if solaris {
$if haiku {
$if netbsd {
mut result := vcalloc(max_path_len)
count := C.readlink('/proc/curproc/exe', charptr(result), max_path_len)
@ -990,57 +935,55 @@ pub fn executable() string {
// It relies on path manipulation of os.args[0] and os.wd_at_startup, so it may not work properly in
// all cases, but it should be better, than just using os.args[0] directly.
fn executable_fallback() string {
if os.args.len == 0 {
if args.len == 0 {
// we are early in the bootstrap, os.args has not been initialized yet :-|
return ''
mut exepath := os.args[0]
mut exepath := args[0]
$if windows {
if !exepath.contains('.exe') {
exepath += '.exe'
if !os.is_abs_path(exepath) {
if exepath.contains( os.path_separator ) {
exepath = os.join_path(os.wd_at_startup, exepath)
if !is_abs_path(exepath) {
if exepath.contains(path_separator) {
exepath = join_path(wd_at_startup, exepath)
} else {
// no choice but to try to walk the PATH folders :-| ...
foundpath := os.find_abs_path_of_executable(exepath) or { '' }
foundpath := find_abs_path_of_executable(exepath) or { '' }
if foundpath.len > 0 {
exepath = foundpath
exepath = os.real_path(exepath)
exepath = real_path(exepath)
return exepath
// find_exe_path walks the environment PATH, just like most shell do, it returns
// the absolute path of the executable if found
pub fn find_abs_path_of_executable(exepath string) ?string {
if os.is_abs_path(exepath) {
return os.real_path(exepath)
if is_abs_path(exepath) {
return real_path(exepath)
mut res := ''
paths := os.getenv('PATH').split(path_delimiter)
paths := getenv('PATH').split(path_delimiter)
for p in paths {
found_abs_path := os.join_path( p, exepath )
if os.exists( found_abs_path ) && os.is_executable( found_abs_path ) {
found_abs_path := join_path(p, exepath)
if exists(found_abs_path) && is_executable(found_abs_path) {
res = found_abs_path
if res.len > 0 {
return os.real_path(res)
return real_path(res)
return error('failed to find executable')
// exists_in_system_path returns `true` if `prog` exists in the system's PATH
pub fn exists_in_system_path(prog string) bool {
os.find_abs_path_of_executable(prog) or {
return false
find_abs_path_of_executable(prog) or { return false }
return true
@ -1068,7 +1011,7 @@ pub fn is_dir(path string) bool {
return false
// ref: https://code.woboq.org/gcc/include/sys/stat.h.html
val:= int(statbuf.st_mode) & os.s_ifmt
val := int(statbuf.st_mode) & s_ifmt
return val == s_ifdir
@ -1148,7 +1091,8 @@ fn normalize_drive_letter(path string) string {
$if !windows {
return path
if path.len > 2 && path[0] >= `a` && path[0] <= `z` && path[1] == `:` && path[2] == os.path_separator[0] {
if path.len > 2 &&
path[0] >= `a` && path[0] <= `z` && path[1] == `:` && path[2] == path_separator[0] {
unsafe {
x := &path.str[0]
(*x) = *x - 32
@ -1157,7 +1101,6 @@ fn normalize_drive_letter(path string) string {
return path
// is_abs_path returns `true` if `path` is absolute.
pub fn is_abs_path(path string) bool {
$if windows {
@ -1179,23 +1122,20 @@ pub fn join_path(base string, dirs ...string) string {
// walk_ext returns a recursive list of all files in `path` ending with `ext`.
pub fn walk_ext(path string, ext string) []string {
if !os.is_dir(path) {
return []
mut files := os.ls(path) or {
if !is_dir(path) {
return []
mut files := ls(path) or { return [] }
mut res := []string{}
separator := if path.ends_with(os.path_separator) { '' } else { os.path_separator }
separator := if path.ends_with(path_separator) { '' } else { path_separator }
for file in files {
if file.starts_with('.') {
p := path + separator + file
if os.is_dir(p) && !os.is_link(p) {
if is_dir(p) && !is_link(p) {
res << walk_ext(p, ext)
else if file.ends_with(ext) {
} else if file.ends_with(ext) {
res << p
@ -1204,30 +1144,25 @@ pub fn walk_ext(path string, ext string) []string {
// walk recursively traverses the given directory `path`.
// When a file is encountred it will call the callback function with current file as argument.
pub fn walk(path string, f fn(path string)) {
if !os.is_dir(path) {
mut files := os.ls(path) or {
pub fn walk(path string, f fn (string)) {
if !is_dir(path) {
mut files := ls(path) or { return }
for file in files {
p := path + os.path_separator + file
if os.is_dir(p) && !os.is_link(p) {
p := path + path_separator + file
if is_dir(p) && !is_link(p) {
walk(p, f)
else if os.exists(p) {
} else if exists(p) {
[unsafe] // signal will assign `handler` callback to be called when `signum` signal is recieved.
// signal will assign `handler` callback to be called when `signum` signal is recieved.
pub fn signal(signum int, handler voidptr) {
unsafe {
C.signal(signum, handler)
unsafe {C.signal(signum, handler)}
// fork will fork the current system process and return the pid of the fork.
@ -1259,9 +1194,7 @@ pub fn wait() int {
pub fn file_last_mod_unix(path string) int {
attr := C.stat{}
// # struct stat attr;
unsafe {
C.stat(charptr(path.str), &attr)
unsafe {C.stat(charptr(path.str), &attr)}
// # stat(path.str, &attr);
return attr.st_mtime
// # return attr.st_mtime ;
@ -1285,16 +1218,14 @@ pub fn flush() {
// mkdir_all will create a valid full path of all directories given in `path`.
pub fn mkdir_all(path string) ? {
mut p := if path.starts_with(os.path_separator) { os.path_separator } else { '' }
path_parts := path.trim_left(os.path_separator).split(os.path_separator)
mut p := if path.starts_with(path_separator) { path_separator } else { '' }
path_parts := path.trim_left(path_separator).split(path_separator)
for subdir in path_parts {
p += subdir + os.path_separator
if os.exists(p) && os.is_dir(p) {
p += subdir + path_separator
if exists(p) && is_dir(p) {
os.mkdir(p) or {
return error('folder: $p, error: $err')
mkdir(p) or { return error('folder: $p, error: $err') }
@ -1308,31 +1239,29 @@ pub fn cache_dir() string {
// non-essential data files should be stored. If $XDG_CACHE_HOME is either not set
// or empty, a default equal to $HOME/.cache should be used.
$if !windows {
xdg_cache_home := os.getenv('XDG_CACHE_HOME')
xdg_cache_home := getenv('XDG_CACHE_HOME')
if xdg_cache_home != '' {
return xdg_cache_home
cdir := os.join_path(os.home_dir(), '.cache')
if !os.is_dir(cdir) && !os.is_link(cdir) {
os.mkdir(cdir) or {
cdir := join_path(home_dir(), '.cache')
if !is_dir(cdir) && !is_link(cdir) {
mkdir(cdir) or { panic(err) }
return cdir
// temp_dir returns the path to a folder, that is suitable for storing temporary files.
pub fn temp_dir() string {
mut path := os.getenv('TMPDIR')
mut path := getenv('TMPDIR')
$if windows {
if path == '' {
// TODO see Qt's implementation?
// https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdir.html#tempPath
// https://github.com/qt/qtbase/blob/e164d61ca8263fc4b46fdd916e1ea77c7dd2b735/src/corelib/io/qfilesystemengine_win.cpp#L1275
path = os.getenv('TEMP')
path = getenv('TEMP')
if path == '' {
path = os.getenv('TMP')
path = getenv('TMP')
if path == '' {
path = 'C:/tmp'
@ -1342,7 +1271,7 @@ pub fn temp_dir() string {
$if android {
// TODO test+use '/data/local/tmp' on Android before using cache_dir()
if path == '' {
path = os.cache_dir()
path = cache_dir()
if path == '' {
@ -1352,25 +1281,26 @@ pub fn temp_dir() string {
fn default_vmodules_path() string {
return os.join_path(os.home_dir(), '.vmodules')
return join_path(home_dir(), '.vmodules')
// vmodules_dir returns the path to a folder, where v stores its global modules.
pub fn vmodules_dir() string {
paths := vmodules_paths()
if paths.len > 0 {
return paths[0]
return os.default_vmodules_path()
return default_vmodules_path()
// vmodules_paths returns a list of paths, where v looks up for modules.
// You can customize it through setting the environment variable VMODULES
pub fn vmodules_paths() []string {
mut path := os.getenv('VMODULES')
mut path := getenv('VMODULES')
if path == '' {
path = os.default_vmodules_path()
path = default_vmodules_path()
list := path.split(os.path_delimiter).map(it.trim_right(os.path_separator))
list := path.split(path_delimiter).map(it.trim_right(path_separator))
return list
@ -1390,12 +1320,12 @@ pub const (
// It gives a convenient way to access program resources like images, fonts, sounds and so on,
// *no matter* how the program was started, and what is the current working directory.
pub fn resource_abs_path(path string) string {
mut base_path := os.real_path(os.dir(os.executable()))
vresource := os.getenv('V_RESOURCE_PATH')
mut base_path := real_path(dir(executable()))
vresource := getenv('V_RESOURCE_PATH')
if vresource.len != 0 {
base_path = vresource
return os.real_path(os.join_path(base_path, path))
return real_path(join_path(base_path, path))
// open tries to open a file for reading and returns back a read-only `File` object.